Obsidian Abyssal weapons can be obtained from certain quests as gifts of kindness from friendly NPCs. Once a character has completed the relevant main questsline.
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Obsidian Alloy: Precursor to Black Obsidian Abyssal Weapons
The Resurrection of Darkness questline has seventeen subquests total. The final quest, which is titled Apocalyptic Prophecy, must be completed. After this, you’ll get Obsidian Alloy as a reward from the prince of Mediah who is in Altinova with the quest named “Bareed’s Obisidian Alloy“. The name of this important NPC to watch out for is Bareeds III.

They are essentially upgraded versions of normal Black Abyssal weapons that have been heated and melted with a special material. The prince of Mediah will give instructions on how to melt the Obsidian Alloy he has generously just granted into Abyssal weapons from scratch.

Use the Black Abyssal Weapon together with the Obsidian Alloy obtained from the quest in heating to get craft the Obsidian Abyssal Weapon.

Sandstorm Sub-Weapon Box
Under the main quests tab in-game, Valencia part one: the “Eastern Sands Kingdom Story” can be located and tracked. The seventh item in this main questline is “Taphtar Plain”. Atui Balacs is a Katan Military Trade Manager who serves as the ultimate completion target at which point you can get Abyssal weapons.

As the Katan Military Trade Manager, She can be found standing in the Sand Grain Bazaar, where her job is to inspect all of the trade items that pass through Barhan Gateway. When the 17th quest is completed, she will grant the Sandstorm Sub-weapon Box.
Ultimate Katan Awakening Weapon Box
“The Founding Legend” outlines yet another objective to be fulfilled as the “Eastern Sands Kingdom Story” key point. This obligation exists farther along the main questline but is one of the most important. Once this has been seen through, Atui Balac must be approached yet again. At this point, you can expect the NPC to offer a reward once again.

This is a long-awaited addition to the game, as much as the two prior Abyssal weapons listed in this article. The likelihood of these awakening weapons and the sub-weapons enhanced is greater than usual.
Notable NPCs
It can be incredibly useful to know what to look for when attempting to close out a quest properly. Bareeds III extends an item that initially belonged to him.
As mentioned before, Atui Balac’s occupation with the Katan Military requires thoroughly investigating all of the trade items that pass through Barhan Gateway. It should go without saying that she is easy to identify if, and or when, actively sought out.
- Obsidian Alloy: This is an alloy made of obsidian as the name implies. It allows for the strengthening of Black Abyssal Weapons
- Obsidian Abyssal Longbow: This field item has maximum durability and is bound when obtained.
- The Ultimate Katan Army Sandstorm Sub-weapon Box and the Ultimate Katan Army Awakening Weapon Box: This gift is granted by Atui Balac, who worries about possible danger in the journey ahead.
It is important however to note that these Abyssal weapons may only be granted one time per family. The Obsidian Abyssal main weapons, Sandstorm Sub-weapons, and Ultimate Katan Awakening weapons can be located and obtained as gifts granted for quests respectively. It is strongly encouraged that the last two, in particular, are acquired.