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Your character’s Breath level primarily determines stamina in Black Desert Online; it affects your character’s dodges, blocks, jumps, and kicks. It also affects some of your combat skills and causes a longer or shorter sprint duration.

Thus, in Black Desert, stamina or breath level is essential. This is why we recommend getting every character’s breath to level 30, which is the soft cap. The softcap is the point where it becomes much more difficult to progress further.
How To Increase Stamina/Breath In BDO
When you open your map, you click a location on your map to auto-loop your character in this location. What you should do for this is to open your map, drag it down for an aerial view, and zoom in.

Then you set a straight path nearby. Then set the loop of your location. Drag it over the starting location and right-click while holding the Alt button. Your character will then go on an auto path in a loop when you click the T button.

Your character will then be training his or her breath or stamina. This is great to do when you are doing something else, and you want to level up your character since this is grind intensive.
You can get some additional stamina from some gear/crystals such as Red coral earrings, Zereth armor, Hystria crystals.
Other tips
You may also want to use any of the Silver clothes if you have them as they are useful to increase movement speed. Make sure that your character is sprinting as much as possible. The more speed your character moves with this, the greater the advancement would be in terms of stamina.