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Today we will talk about the top 5 classes for PVE grinding in black desert online. This game can be very confusing, with many options, especially when you choose what type to play.
It gets more confusing when choosing certain classes for a certain task. This article is written not to get the perfect class for PVE grinding but to give some idea on which one to choose.
After The Reboot
People might go for a style that is fun to play in but gets frustrated when it is underpowered. Although many choose the best for their main character, it is not always the best option for grinding.
After the reboot, a lot more classes have become viable in PvE. That is why people like to make another separate class just for grinding. People always use the tier list when deciding on this type of thing, and this article will be one extra factor in deciding on it. So let us check out the top 7 PVE grind classes in black desert online.
Since succession was released on black desert online, the succession striker has been a force to be reckoned with. The striker has been a dominant grinder for a long g time. After the reboot, the awakened striker has been much stronger.

Before this awakened striker had serious issues with his DPS skill due to his flows. Now, after the reboot, it has a much higher cooldown on its flow skill than its main skills. Grinding from pack to pack would not have his flows up for almost every other pack.
It also has some strong new skills and an insane power boot. With APM requirements much lesser than the succession, high damage output, and great AOR skills, the awakened striker has been an excellent grinding class.
One of the most stable classes for grinding since its release. Her awakening is one of the most chilling classes to grind on in PVE. It has an insanely high AOE, great damage output, and sustain, making it one of the most comfortable classes to grind on.

When grinding on Elvia, the large AOE of guardian gives her an excellent advantage over other classes. This is due to Elvia’s weapon allowing her to one-shot practically any mob and her big AOE. If you are looking for a relaxed grind, this class suits you well. This class stands above others even after reboot and is recommended for all beginners.
The reboot has the greatest transformation on the berserker succession. He gained a massive power spike, and its damage and mobility have been greatly juiced up to the max, and his grind speed rivals some of the best classes in this game.

When it comes to berserker, its awakening has decent stats, but the succession berserker overshadows it. Succession berserker is the class you will need if you are looking for high impact and a high-speed class of utter destruction.
Succession Lahn is considered the queen of grinding in this game and has been the premier grinder of this game for a long time. When Elvia came out, she was considered one of the most overpowered grind classes.

This is due to the combination of quick skill animation, great AOE skills, decently low APM, excellent mobility, and great personality. Succession Lahn has a reputation for pulling some of the most insane amounts of trash loot, even without a high gear score. Even when people have other main classes, they still choose to make succession Lahn gets many trash loot on grinding in PVE.
Since the money awakened, Nova was released. Her land speed was enough to put her in a league of her own. To add to her speedster nature, she has an insane damage output with super quick skill animation. This class is quite difficult to handle when she is at her full speed, as she can go from zero to unlimited speed in a split second.

But once you master her, she is one of the most cracked classes, Elvia, and she has a nice personality. She has a fairly high DPS rotation making her powerful with its speed. If you can master her and handle her breakneck speed, she has the potential to outshine a majority of classes by a significant margin.
Since the reboot, the archer class has gained a considerable amount of strength in PVE, and a lot of the issue that has plagued him before has been resolved. He is a formidable class to play but is considered a bit on the high APM side. Unlike other classes, archers do not have any awakened weapons.

One of the reasons why this is a good PVE grinder is due to his long-range shots. He uses a crossbow, a lighter and faster weapon, or a great bow, which is slower and has long-range shots. It also has a sniper view to get a better target on its mobs. Although his grinding speed is lower, you can increase its raw damage output so that you can kill faster, although in a slower manner.
Shai has been greatly improved with the reboot. Her skills are much snappier and deal a lot more damage, and her hovering skateboard has greatly increased her mobility.

Shai has a very high curiosity level, making them want to get new things. With their upgraded skills, they are very good at PVE grinding. This is usually used for medicine and herbs. That is why they need to grind a lot; this class will make tons of money with their grinding.
There are over 20 classes in this game, and every class has good skills and stats that make them good in a certain area. But when it comes to PVE grinding, nothing can beat these 7 classes.