Black Desert

Black Desert Processing Guide – Fastest Processing


Today I will show how to speed up the processing and increase those success rates so you can get back faster. This will ensure you will not waste more days making those boats or wagons. 

Gathering those materials for that other life skill, you will come to a point where processing down materials will start saving you silver and reward you back with more material, but it will take much more time and not go as planned. If you are the one, then you need this guide. 


Mass processing is slow; although it can process down larger amounts, it takes longer. 

Still, there are ways to speed this up without sacrificing manos craftsman clothes for a plus +3 silver embroidered or speed up leveling processing while using the +3 or +4 silver embroidered craftsman clothes. 

Enter the Lightstone combination clang clang Getting this combination will increase your process success rate by 20 percent, plus 10 process experience, plus 20 processing mastery, and give a 30-weight limit 

Increasing Success Rate

Part 1

To start this process, you will need manos or loggia craftsman clothes at tri or tet; the higher the stats, the better it will be. This also can be done using silver embroidered for more experience. 

Finally, they can be crafted or bought from the central market for mass processing; either a tet loggia processing stone or a Manos stone is needed.


This will increase the number of items processed, which can also be crafted or bought from the central market. Clothes wearing the matching logo or Manos accessories will increase the mastery and experience gained. This can be made rewarded during bartering and bought off the central market.

Part 2

Using a blue-grade life spirit stone will increase the processing success rate. These are found with the mobs in polly forest and can be bought off the central market. You can also use a life-skilling stone or Khan’s Heart: Life.

Processing Sethra’s Artifact is the last item. These cannot be bought from the central market and must be found while trading in the imperial cooking and alchemy crates. These give +10 Mastery.

These stones can be purified from imperfect stones and bought from the central market.

The verdure draughts can be used for that less 20 processing success rate, and the marvelous Eilton meal will further increase the success rate plus +25% and last for 600 minutes, easily better than the seafood cron meal.

Increasing Experience

There are many ways to increase experience; some are easier than others. So let us find out what they are

  • The secret book of florin will give 20 life experiences and 100 life skill mastery as a bonus.
  • Doing the weekly quest offered by Lyanna Valentine found in any major city gives you the glamorous petal, which can be combined with the lyanna catalyst or the Ludwig catalyst, but you can only get a 3 book a week.
  • Perfume of swiftness gives plus 20 life experience. This can be made or can be bought off the central market.
  • Verdure draught gives plus 20 life experiences and, if combined with magical elixirs obtained during events, will increase the duration from 15 minutes to 60 minutes.
  • Venison roast will increase the processing success rate and give a bonus of being able to process material from the storage. This also works for mass processing, but this can only be bought from the pearl shop for 2200 pearls.
  • Using a life skill pet will increase a life experience plus one percent for each tier, and you might even get a pet that already has a plus 5 processing experience skills. The higher the tier, the more experience you can get.
  • Lara’s warm black tea will also increase life experience by another +30%. These cannot be made or bought off the central market; instead, they have to be obtained by playing the black spirit adventure.
  • You also can use the life experience scroll. Depending on which scroll you use, it will show how much experience will increase.
  • Plus, 50 percent is also obtainable through the black spirit adventure. 


Processing material can take a very long time, and speed is important in this type of game. This guide and tips will ensure you have a better percentage of speed when doing all the processing stuff.