Epic Seven

Epic Seven Wyvern 11 E7 W11 Guide 2022

I’ve seen a number of guides here for Wyvern hunt and they’re usually either videos or lacking in details, so I thought I’d go ahead and write my own. Wyvern hunt questions are one of the most common to see in the Q&A megathread.

The target audience for this guide is the mid-level player who cleared 10-10 Normal and is looking to progress through mid-game. As such I do not plan to write about fodder or speed runs at this time.

Credits: TehFluffer

Why farm wyvern?

The common consensus is that wyvern 11 is by far the most important hunt and a very important milestone for most players. This is for a number of reasons:

  1. It’s one of the easiest to prepare for
  2. Hunts are one of the few ways to reliably farm items late game with Energy
  3. It drops Speed, Crit, and Hit sets. Speed set is either optimal or close to it for almost every unit in this game. Crit and Hit sets are also very good and common supplements to Speed set.
    1. Speed is a good set in almost any combination of non-flat stats (ATK% + CHD? DPS gear.  HP + SPD? Support gear. HP + CHD? Ken gear). Compare this with B11 where there are 4 sets, two of which are mediocre (LS, resist), the other two which are niche and/or require the right subs to count (eg: Destruction must roll DPS subs).  This is a game about odds, and W11 has by far the best ones.

Why not farm golem? Because the drops are inferior. Attack set is picky (Attack set + tank subs = bad) and actually worse for boss DPS in PvE.  HP and Def set are nice little bonuses, but most supports prefer Immunity set in PvP, and the HP and Def bonuses are not a big enough impact to spend a lot of time farming in PvE.

  1. One possible exception: To match a gear set with a lv 88 hell raid def/hp set drop.  Very niche and still questionable value for energy.

When to start farming wyvern

Most later game players will agree that lower level wyverns are not very efficient to farm, and I agree. However, someone looking to use the fewest number of resources possible to clear as much content as possible should take into account wyvern 11 while building a team. This is one of the (many) reasons why Angelica is top tier, part of why Luna is considered a better unit than Lorina, and why Taranor Guard and Alexa are relevant in the current PvE meta.

Why not farm lower level wyverns? Remember, gacha games gate all of your resources. Low level wyverns have a pretty bad drop rate and most people playing even somewhat efficiently can gear up their party through other means. One could spend all of their daily energy on w11 and not get a single good drop for days. That energy is better spent on guaranteed improvements; 6 star promotions, important specialty changes, and catalysts. It’s okay to run a lower level wyvern a couple of times to burn up energy, just know that it’s not efficient.

Consider this: To get a good piece of gear from low wyvern requires you to: 1) beat the RNG gate to get the good drop 2) spend gold to upgrade the drop and 3) beat the RNG gate to get those upgrades in the right places. It’s better to use energy on things that are guaranteed to make you stronger.

So, long story short, plan for wyvern 11 early on, but don’t start seriously farming wyvern until wyvern 9 at the least.

Gearing up for wyvern 10-11

Mid-game progression is not as intuitive as one might think. Your priority should be to increase the strength of your team in the most efficient way possible. In other words, you want to:

  1. Spend entrance tokens efficiently
  2. Spend gold efficiently

A very common scenario is the player who spent all his resources farming, crafting, and upgrading gear from wyvern 6-8 and is now left with a slightly stronger mediocre team but is now bankrupt with no way to further improve his team. This is very bad and insidious because the tutorial recommends all hunts and workshop as the primary sources of gear. However, even at 3/3/3 the workshop is very expensive. Hunts should be treated more as an ideal way to spend energy only after other, more rewarding and important priorities have been satisfied.

Common sense in gaming tells us that we need a certain degree of gear to earn our way to certain kinds of content. That’s true, and in MMORPG’s a player is free to spend as much time as they want farming lower level dungeons to reach higher end content. But this is a gacha game. Time is one thing, energy and other entrance tokens is another.

Spending entrance tokens efficiently: If you are in the early part of midgame and your goal is to improve the power of your units, then here is how you convert entrance tokens into power:

  1. Abyss Tokens: Abyss should be a high priority of any mid game player as the gear and other rewards will carry you for a long time. Most of the gear is rolled very well and you will most likely use most of the pieces for a few months at the very least.
  2. Labyrinth Tokens: Labs and raid are a very important source of gear for mid level players. Your top priority should be getting the guaranteed gear from gold chests in Great Farche. They are set rolls and have some incredible combinations; my units are still using many of those pieces. Once you’re done getting those gold chests, work on raid asap or continue to progress in labyrinth. You get those entrance tokens for free so you should use them. This guide (in Korean, but easily navigated) should help: Important Gold Chests in Labs.
  3. Energy: For most of these you always want to farm with at least one fodder for the exp. Multitasking is best. No matter what you try to achieve you also want to be working on 6 starring your primary units. Urgent Missions are generally worth doing, besides maybe the penguin ones. In general, always farm with 1 or more fodders whenever possible.
    1. Gold Chests. Fully explore every maze and town map, the gold chest drops from these can be very strong. 8 energy for an item you may use for months is insane value.
    2. Adventure Point items. Episode 2 has introduced grinds for adventure point shops. One of the rewards is the ability to buy an (1 time only) Epic item for 400 AP from the shop. Farm this AP while leveling up fodders to 6 star your units. It’s a lot of energy, but the items are very well rolled and the return for your energy here is most likely better than from wyvern.
    3. Side story. The catalysts, bookmarks, artifact charms, and non-epic runes are generally worth farming. Normal difficulty is best exp per energy, hell is best curreny per energy.
    4. Spirit Altar. If you’re using a specialty change unit, then this is vital. Farm the highest level you can with at least one fodder.
    5. Catalyst farming. Best done either in episode 2 or in the “Unwritten History” side story (previously known as World difficulty).
    6. Special Challenges. The event challenges can be very good for experience if you can farm hell with a fodder. The artifacts tend to be limited and sometimes are very powerful. As for the regular challenges, only complete them once for the reputation bonus but never look at them again as the rewards are very poor after the initial clears.
  4. Adventurer’s Path: New feature and a top priority for newer players. Mostly very easy to complete. The attack and crit sets are rolled very well and will last you a long time.
  5. Automaton Tower: Always clear as far as you can every month, the accessory drops are not guaranteed to be strong but at the very least you will want the molagoras and gold. Note that these battles do not grant exp so you don’t need to bring fodder.

Secret shop: Another very important source of gear is the Secret Shop. This is one of the only decent ways to obtain good accessories and boots early on. Prioritize lv 70/85 rings, amulets, and boots, sometimes even if they are green or gray. My Tamarinne is still using her lv 85 gray HP% ring with garbage subs and I’ve cleared abyss 90 and hell raid already. Early on, the 60% atk main stat is what you’re looking for, not the subs. Prioritize these mains:

  1. Necklace: HP%, Crit damage or crit chance. Atk% is bad because you get several atk% necklaces from abyss and adventurer’s path and CHC/CHD are stronger stats than atk% in general. HP% is preferred over def% in general for supports because it’s a more versatile stat and grants slightly more effective HP overall.
  2. Ring: Atk%, HP%, or def%. In this case atk% is the only DPS stat available as main in slot. Angelic Montmo might appreciate an eff res ring.
  3. Boots: Speed, speed, speed. Every unit besides the tank should be using speed boots, no exception. HP%/def% boots are okay on tanks. A number of people on this sub defend atk% boots but on wyvern there is no excuse, every DPS should be wearing Daydream Joker and atk% boots do not increase the damage from Daydream Joker.

Spending gold efficiently: The largest gold sinks in this game are crafting and upgrading items. Workshop is extremely expensive and should only either be used end game or as a last resort. As a general rule, don’t waste gold on very low level (sub 50) gear, stuff with too many bad initial rolls (eg: flat stats besides speed, flat stat main ring/amulet), or stuff that rolls horribly (eg: +9 item with really low stat upgrades). You can get away with +12 on left side items for most of the game, but good accessories (eg: gold chest drops) should generally be worth +15ing.

That’s not to say to ignore anything that has even a single flat health sub stat, though. If you’re too picky you’ll also never get upgrades. Just watch where the upgraded stats go and abort mission if it goes poorly.

Wyvern 11 is very different from wyvern 1-10.

A lot of people mention that Lorina, Sol, etc. are carrying them through wyvern but wonder why they aren’t used in w11. That’s because the mechanics for w11 are entirely different.

The basic mechanics of wyvern are that it’s fast, can multi-hit and has a shield phase where if you don’t break the shield in time it will do an AOE attack that hits very hard. However, here are the differences between W10 (and below) and W11:

  1. W10 can target anyone in your party, W11 always targets the leader first. This means W10 requires either a certain amount of tankiness/luck for your entire party or a really fast debuffer, whereas w11 only needs a tanky frontline and good sustain.
  2. W10 only multihits if it’s not debuffed (x2), W11 always multi-hits but with less damage if debuffed. One of the goals of w10 is to stack debuffs on him. This is optional (and usually ignored) for W11.
  3. W11 hoses non-water units, w10 doesn’t. W11 gets a CR push every time a non-blue unit has a turn, but more importantly takes 30% more damage from blue units and deals 30% more damage to non-blue units. This is why people build blue DPS for W11. Healers can be other colors (notably Tamarinne and Hazel) and tanks will need to be that much beefier if not blue.
  4. W11 has CR pull and strip on hit. This means heroes overly reliant on def buff or shields will be weaker for W11, eg; Doris and Lots. Effect resistance is sometimes popular for healer tanks on W11 since resisting the CR pull allows them to have more turns.
  5. W11 does not poison on hit. But this doesn’t matter that much.

Tips for Wyvern 10

You only need to clear W10 once.

Despite being a lower rank, W10 is actually known to be harder to consistently auto for w11 because of the tankiness/speed requirements to make it consistent. There’s a big difference between being able to comfortably farm something and being able to clear it once; even if you have a 10% pass rate for W10, that’s enough to unlock W11.

There were two main methods to consistently beating W10: 1) Make every party member tanky enough to eat the double hit 2) Have a debuffer fast enough (210+ speed) to prevent double hits. For most people, option 1 is the easiest. It also means someone is going to eat a double hit at the beginning of the fight. Aureus goes a long way and debuffs help a lot.

The general team for option #1 is:

  1. Tank (optimally healer or debuffer): Angelica, Diene, Tamarinne, Tywin, Crozet, Achates, Doris, Pyllis, Krau, etc.
  2. Support (healer if tank is Knight, Aureus is support is Knight): F. Kluri, Mistychain, any healer, any Knight with Aureus, Dizzy, Aramintha
  3. Def breaker: Any non-green def breaker works, build 55% eff, speed, and damage. Common picks are Taranor Guard, Clarissa (helps with debuffs too w/ bleed), Axe God, Requiemroar, Ken
  4. Boss killer: Always Daydream Joker with high crit/crit damage. Luna, Lorina, Sol, C. Dominiel, Alexa, Aramintha, etc.

Team Compositions for Wyvern 11

W11 has similar team composition to W10: Boss killer / Def breaker / Healer / Tank.

The fight primarily tests your tank’s ability to eat hits, your sustain, and, during shield phase, your DPS. The basic phasing for w11 is:

  1. Triple hits for a few turns. This phase tests your tankiness and sustain.
  2. Shield phase. This phase tests your burst DPS and is one of the reasons why def break is considered vital. It also gives your tank some relief to heal up.
  3. End of shield phase. If the shield was not broken, wyvern nukes your party for 7-9k damage each. For beginners this is almost certainly a wipe especially on auto (can try to save the run with Arky on manual).


The #1 decision to make for W11 is who your tank will be. Angelica is common, knights are common. W11 challenges your tank very rigorously and the CR pull on hit (x3) makes it very difficult for the tank to get more than one or two turns before shield phase. Therefore the tank will, above all, prioritize HP and def. From there, it really doesn’t matter who’s in the position as long as they have good gear. In almost all cases, players will need to 6 star their tank.

Common picks (Note: Listed in no particular order):


Pros:Excellent in almost all modes of PvE and can use the same gear for W11 in other contentCons:Somewhat higher gear requirement than Knights since she needs speed
Notes: While the gear requirement for Angelica is higher than Knights like Krau and Crozet, she can perform in all content in whatever set she wears for W11.  This is helpful since it saves you a set or two of gear that would otherwise be used on a specialist.

Angelic MontmorancyPros:Naturally built with effect resist, which helps deal with CR kickConsistent performance due to short cooldowns.Cons:Significant gear requirement since she generally wants both 100%+ effect resist, speed, and tank statsMediocre base stats
Notes: Slightly less convenient than Angelica due to higher gear requirement and because she favors speed when she’s not tanking in PvE.  However, generally considered to outperform Angelica in almost all game modes once gear requirements are hit.

KrauPros:Top notch base statsCan use W11 gear to perform in PvP decentlyCons:Generally niche or just decent in PvE otherwiseDoesn’t do much in W11 aside from eat fireballs
Notes: Fairly low gear requirement as a knight with good base stats

CrozetPros:Top notch base statsCan be obtained via connection quest (but it is time consuming)Cons:Mostly useless anywhere except W11Connection quest is time/currency consuming and requires attention away from raid.
Notes: Good “free” option for players, but in the overall game he is only good at eating spicy wyvern fireballs to the face.

TywinPros:Strong base statsCan help speed up runs thanks to def break, especially for wave 1.Cons:Beginners will struggle to make use of his utility due to needing a mix of speed + eff + tank statsCannot perform in PvP with full tank build
Notes: Tywin is slightly worse than Krau and Crozet starting out due to mildly weaker base stats, but his utility is useful to speed up runs later on.

RosePros:S3 provides decent utilityCan help def breakCons:Minimal utility in full tank gear
Notes: Similarly to Tywin, Rose is a valid tank for W11, but suffers from not being able to perform her usual task (CR boosting in arena) in W11 gear.

General PurrgisPros:S2 can significantly speed up runs due to triple hitCons:High gear requirement (non-blue unit)
Notes: Used by some players to speed up runs; not for beginners.
LiliasPros:Speeds up runs with S1 procsCons:High gear requirement (non-blue unit), but can equip Sword of Ezera
Notes: Used by some players to speed up runs; not for beginners.  Works best with a full DPS team, especially with Karin and any unit with def break on S1.  
Apocalpyse RaviPros:Can tank W11 in PvP gear in many casesCons:Does not do much in W11 aside from take hits
Notes: Not a pick for beginners, typically used by people that already have her geared for PvP for convenience.
Taranor Royal Guard / BaskPros:Nat 3 starCons:Poor base statsVery niche outside of W11
Notes: For those who don’t want to grind for Crozet, have a long ways to go before preparing SC Montmorancy, or lack the resources to make a second healer for SC Mont, these guys are viable, but kind of desperate options.


  1. Sword of Ezera. An amazing artifact with a lot of straight damage reduction. Sadly was limited and cannot be obtained if you don’t have it.
  2. Proof of Valor: Obtained from the Guild shop, even at +15 (no imprints) it provides better protection than the 3 star artifacts and should definitely be considered.
  3. Water’s Origin. The “beginner’s” artifact for healer tanks, procs help a lot to let the healer get turns and the sustain is significant.  However, you will get fewer and fewer procs as your tank becomes more geared.
  4. Idol’s Cheer. Speeds up runs since it procs 3 times per turn, but you will need to tune the speed on your def breaker/DPS to make it effective.
  5. Prophetic Candlestick. Lets Angelica get an extra heal before barrier phase, and a common starter artifact for Angelica in abyss/raid.


Your healer for W11 does not have to be blue, but it also can’t be one that relies on buffs (eg: Doris, Lots, Jecht). You want to stack speed and whatever the unit’s heal scales with for them.  For specifically W11, this unit doesn’t have to be 6 starred, but in general the better healers here like Angelic Montmorancy and Tamarinne will want a 6 star anyway because they are widely used.

Common picks:

TamarinnePros:Idol Form helps significantly speed up runsGod tier in PvE, used pretty much everywhere.Cons:As a red unit, she will grant W11 10% CR every turn (20% on her S3 turn).  But the transformed S2 boost makes up for this.
Notes: Easily worth the 10% CR she grants to W11, Tama is, as usual, a top tier healer for W11.
AngelicaPros:Great heals per turnHigh tier PvE unitCons:Badly timed cooldowns can lead to heal droughts
Notes: Angelica, as usual for PvE, is a great healer for W11.
Angelic MontmorancyPros:Consistent heals due to short cooldownsGod tier PvE unit outside W11Cons:S2 healing is pretty low without RodRequires heavy skill tree investment
Notes: Every player should eventually have Angelic Montmorancy with heavy skill tree investment, she is amazing in almost all PvE content and also good in arena/GW.
AitherPros:Free unit.Cons:Mediocre in general.
Notes: Used to be a popular budget pick, but Angelic Montmorancy is a nat 3 star that is way better than Aither for pretty much everything.
(Mascot) HazelPros:Atk up buff is niceCons:Grants 10% CR to w11 per turnMediocre in general.Virtually requires Rod to perform
Notes: Lost a lot of popularity for W11 healing for similar reasons to Aither.  SC not required.
DizzyPros:Significantly reduces W11’s DPSGod tier in most other contentCons:Slows down fights due to rapid turn cycling and longish animationsNo sustain
Notes: Obviously, Dizzy is not a healer.  However, she kinda fulfills the same role as she helps your tank survive.  Not the most popular choice for W11 but can be useful for players starting out.


  1. Rod of Amaryllis: Easily the best healer artifact, especially on healers with short cooldowns (Tamarinne, Hazel, Montmorancy)
  2. Magahara’s Tome: Decent on Montmorancy.  Watch the turn cycling on non-blue healers.
  3. Unfading Memories: Event artifact, worse in almost every way than Rod for W11 purposes, but better than nothing.
  4. Celestine: Can work for Angelica or Destina since they will S1 multiple times during W11, but not ideal.
  5. Shimadra Staff: Pretty bad compared to most of the above, a very niche artifact in general.

Def Breakers

Def break is virtually a requirement for W11, as it vastly improves clear time and helps destroy the shield during barrier phase.  Gear priorities for your def breaker are: 1) 10-15+ more speed than your main DPS 2) effectiveness to 55% 3) stack crit chance and crit damage from there. This unit can often remain 5 stars.

Common picks:

FuriousPros:Consistent def break on S3 (100%/2 turns)AoE crit buff has huge potential value (50% CHC)“Free” from connection questsCons:Significant molagora costCooldown on S3 means timing is important; resist before barrier can be problematicMediocre outside of W11
Notes: A top notch def breaker for W11 if you build around the crit buff or struggle to meet stat requirements on your main DPS.  Best to build him 55% eff > speed > crit damage.

Taranor GuardPros:Easy to obtain, costs no molagorasSomewhat consistent def break coverage with 75%/1 turn S1Mild utility with S2Cons:Not ideal in other PvE contentSpeed tuning is required due to 1 turn def break
Notes: THE budget def breaker, an excellent choice since he saves the player on molagoras.

LulucaPros:Top notch def break coverage between S3 and S1AoE S3 speeds up trash mob phase, hits hardAlso strong in mid to mid-late PvE content outside of W11Cons:AI will waste turns on S2
Notes: Mathematically top notch coverage for def break, but will waste a turn on S2.  The barrier and def up are stripped by W11 but will still block/reduce damage for the single hit.  Luluca is a severely underrated character overall that is excellent for newer players progressing through content.
KarinPros:Consistent def break on S2 (100%/1 turn)Good damage thanks to turn cycling Cons:Not exceptional for PvE outside of W11.
Notes: Mathematically has similar def break uptime as Taranor Guard, but has significantly better damage.  Solid choice for W11 def breaker. Due to the 1 turn/cooldown nature of her def break, she performs best with a secondary def breaker on the team, like Luna.

ChloePros:Consistent S3 def break (100%/2 turns)Solid DPS with mild support via Magic Nail debuffCons:Niche outside of W11Requires exclusive equipment to have def break
Notes: Magic Nail deals 2% of max HP per hit, but unlike Daydream Joker or Bellona S1 it is NOT affected by critical hit damage (or armor) so it’s just okay as far as utility goes.

ClarissaPros:Good for newer players since she is a solid farmerCons:2 turn/50% chance def break has good uptime in theory, but in practice is very swingySuffering from power creep.
Notes: Convenient since she can both farm and def break, but has been power crept in both roles by newer units (eg: Furious for def break, Lena for farming).


  1. Daydream Joker: Your only serious choice for any damage dealer on wyvern 11. There’s math threads out there if you need justification, but just take my word for it, this is easily the best artifact in the game for bosses in PvE. This item is the reason why we stack crit chance and crit damage instead of atk%.

Boss killers

Gear for 167+ speed, enough crit to be near 100% crit rate vs wyvern (85% baseline, 65% for Luna, 100% non-blue), and then crit damage > atk% from there. In some cases (Alexa) this unit can remain 5 stars.  167 speed is important because it guarantees 3 turns before barrier phase.  

I am starting to favor units that have def break in this slot, because with resist chance and w11 cleansing itself before shield phase, redundant def break offers you consistency. Still, effectiveness should be considered a secondary stat.

Common picks:

Seaside BellonaPros:AoE helps clear trash phaseCan apply 3 debuffs, which helps reduce W11 dmgCarries the rare Target debuffTop tier unit in virtually all contentExcellent pick for 3 man teamsCons:50%/2 turn def break on S2 can be swingy
Notes: Limited unit. A popular choice thanks to her strength in virtually all content.  Excellent as a damage dealer since S2 procs give her extra attacks before shield phase.  Unreliable as solo def breaker; best paired with another one, like Luna.

LunaPros:Forgiving gear requirement thanks to S2Extremely high damage s1Can help add def break coverage with S3Very useful in Hell raid, abyss, HoT, automaton, etc.Cons:Mildly inconsistent damage with S1
Notes: Limited unit.  Very popular unit for W11, thanks to easy gearing requirements, high damage, and general usefulness in PvE.  Can run skills OFF to save animation time, or skills ON to improve def break up time if needed.

AlexaPros:The highest DPS unit for W11 at most gear levelsBudget; nat 3, can perform at 5 starsCons:Bad outside of W11
Notes: The budget hero DPS of W11 thanks to her double S1 proc which means double DDJ procs.  Not a multi-tasker though, will be too squishy in other content.

KarinPros:High DPS def breakerCons:Not exceptional in PvE besides W11
Notes: Works best with another def breaker.

ChloePros:High damage thanks to 30% multiplier with Magic NailMagic Nail debuffCan def break with exclusive equipCons:Niche outside of W11
Notes: Very high damage potential on MANUAL clears, good damage otherwise.

KisePros:At high tank gear levels, S3 can be used to delay barrier phaseVery high DPS vs W11 barrierCons:Does nothing special before barrier phase without S3Delaying barrier phase can be detrimental depending on player’s tank situation
Notes: Most players will need skills turned off since delaying barrier phase is rough on tanks.

SezPros:Decent farmer outside of W11With extremely high gear levels, can participate in manual speed runsCons:Mediocre in auto-battle
Notes: Anybody that invests in Sez should not be doing so with W11 being their primary goal, but mainly for convenience as a farmer.

SigretPros:With a highly specific team, can clear W11 extremely fastCons:Mediocre otherwise.
Notes: Sigret is usually mediocre for W11, since bleeds do not benefit from DDJ damage.  However, with a highly specific team consisting of units like Haste and Surin, she can clear W11 in record times at high gear levels.


  1. Daydream Joker: Nothing else comes close.