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Estes: Moon Elf King
One of the strongest healers in Mobile Legends is Estes, the king of the woodland elves. Estes roams the lanes and jungle areas of the battlefield to offer consistent support as allies gank enemies and farm creatures. He specializes in regeneration with skills that allow him to heal a singular player or the whole team.
He’s also talented in guarding speed debuffs and area attacks that give allies opportunities to evade and escape enemies. Although Estes is a squishy hero, his attacks are ranged and allow him to keep his distance in battle so he can offer assistance without taking too much damage. With the right team tactics in farming and leveling, Estes can make his teammates effectively immune to enemy attacks.
Passive: Scripture of the Moon Elf
Scripture of the Moon Elf is Estes passive skill. It functions like a permanently equipped item that boosts Estes basic attack based on the energy accumulated up to 100 percent. His basic attack can bounce damage to other enemies within a particular radius. The bounce damage is also enhanced by the collective energy of the passive skill. While this attack is not very powerful, it does deliver a speed debuff to anyone damaged, which helps Estes’ allies to eliminate or evade the opponents.
Skill 1: Moonlight Immersion
Estes’ first skill, Moonlight Immersion, is a healing that can be cast on himself or one ally. When an ally receives this buff, it creates a blue light string between Estes and the ally. This string can be broken if Estes gets too far away, but If the connection remains for the full length of the spell the ally will slowly receive hp from Estes. While connected, Estes’s passive attack collects energy faster, and he deals more damage when attacking.
Skill 2: Domain of Moon Goddess
Estes’ second skill is an area attack called Domain of Moon Goddess. With this, Estes casts a bordered ring on the ground to surround an enemy or a group of enemies. Any enemy within the ring receives damage once. While the imprint remains on the ground, any enemy who touches the border receives a speed debuff. This can create an opportunity for allies to take down opponents or escape the attack.
Skill 3: Blessing of Moon Goddess
Estes’s ultimate skill, Blessing of Moon Goddess, is a healing buff very similar to his first skill. When cast, it also creates light strings that can attach to any ally in the vicinity and increase his hp. Everyone linked to Estes receives a damage boost for the duration of the link and a steady increase in health as long as they are in range. Additionally, this skill enhances Moonlight Immersion, so it is more effective on its next use.
Support Emblem with the following

Battle Spells


The support emblem is most useful for Estes on the battlefield. His builds should make his skills faster to use with lower cool downtimes and more mana regeneration. They should also increase his durability and mobility to keep him on the battlefield longer.
- Courage Mask
- Immortality
- Athenas Shield
- Oracle
- Necklace of Durance
- Demon Shoes
The item Courage Mask lowers cool downtime on Estes skills while boosting his hp and speed, allowing him to avoid damage and cast skills more often.
Immortality is a defense item that offers several different hp advantages and physical defense buff. When used, the player gets more health points and resurrected with 20% health and a temporary shield. This will make Estes more difficult to defeat.
Athena’s shield gives health regeneration and hp to the player. It also increases their magic defense and overall prevents them from being slain.
Oracle also gives health points and magic defense, with an additional cooldown buff that maximizes Estes’s skills and defense needs.
The Necklace of Durance gives hp to the hero while lowering the cooldown time for skills. This helps manage Estes’ low durability and maximize his skills.
The Demon Shoes are a mana regeneration item that also offers a speed buff. For Estes’ this will make his evasion and skill usage better as he battles.
These items will keep Estes where he needs to be to battle, next to his allies. Focusing on equipment that makes the most of his skills and helps his defense will make him a better support hero.
Estes Information
Estes’ statistics rely on the effectiveness of his healing skills and speed debuffs. Compared to other Support heroes, he is slightly weaker offensively and defensively. This is balanced out with his healing abilities, as he can reverse most damage if managed correctly, but this makes him more difficult to play. Estes is not crafted for pushing turrets, farming creatures, or leading attacks.
His attacks do not deal much damage and are more useful when distracting and slowing down opponents. Because of this, he is better suited when traveling with one or more teammates on the battlefield and remaining firmly out of the fight except to aid in his teammates’ survival and success. With this specific role, builds that increase mobility, defenses, and mana regeneration can help him be more effective in fights.
Estes’ gameplay role can be paired with any ally and effectively against most enemies, making him incredibly versatile as a support hero. He is most useful when following one or more teammates and assisting them as they farm and gank to get the necessary bonuses.
As the battle progresses, he will roam the battlefield to aid teammates in their fights, maintaining the team’s hp and casting buffs on enemies to make them easier targets. For this, he will rely heavily on the mini-map to know where teammates are to predict where he is needed.
Towards the round’s final push, Estes can follow his offensive allies to protect them from opponents, creeps, and turrets. Estes may want to invite allies to a farm to gain items and buffs for the trek to the enemy base. If played effectively, the final push can be done without any teammates dying to achieve an easy victory.