Fate/Grand Order: How to Solo Story with Support Heracles or Cu Chulainn Alter

Hey, are you having trouble finishing FGO’s story when you just want to play the current ongoing event, which has a Singularity completion requirement or just whatever else you want to do instead of doing story? Then this guide is for you, hopefully it’ll give you the way to braindead every story section that lasts even until the last Singularity.
Why do I even need to choose the Solo with Support strategy over my team of “properly raised” Lv30-60 servants? Because, believe it or not, usually the Support Solo Servant strategy works much better than your team of underleveled servants, plus there’s no need for any investment to raise your servants with this strategy. I expect you to try this strategy at least once or twice, then make your decision from there, MAKE SURE TO READ ALL OF IT FIRST BEFORE CONTINUE PLAYING!
- Have Georgios and Leonidas (which from now on we will refer to as Taunters), you can get them from Friend Point Summoning and if you have been playing FGO for a while you probably have them already. Make sure they are level 1. If you don’t have either of them then just use any level 1 Berserkers.
- Equip them in your party. Make sure there’s only the Taunters and the Support Servant on the frontline. DO NOT have anybody on the backline.
- As for the Taunters’ Craft Essences, use Battle of Camlann (which you can only get from rolling SQ) or The Merciless One (Available from the Da Vinci and the 7 Counterfeit Heroic Spirits Event and its upcoming rerun) on them. If you don’t have either of them then it’s fine to not use any at all.
- As for the Mystic Code equipped, you can use the default Chaldea Mystic Code or the Atlas Academy Uniform Mystic Code.
- Borrow a support Cu Chulainn Alter (who we will refer to as Culter) or a support Heracles (who we will refer to as Herc), make sure all of their skills are level 10.
- If you do not have any friends with Herc or Culter, ask around in FGO communities such as the r/grandorder Subreddit’s Discord server which has a dedicated channel to searching for friends ingame.
- As for their Craft Essences:
- For Herc, Castle of Snow is his trademark Craft Essence. It gives him 3 times Guts which lasts for indefinite turns until all of them is consumed.
- For Culter, use either Volumen Hydrargyrum which gives invincibility for which lasts for indefinite turns until 3 hits taken or the big three of the welfare Craft Essence:
- Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament which gives 50% starting NP gauge and a permanent 15% attack buff that lasts indefinitely.
- Aerial Drive which gives 50% starting NP gauge and a permanent 10% Buster performance and 10% NP damage buff.
- Holy Night Supper which gives 50% starting NP gauge and a permanent 15% NP damage buff and 15% critical damage buff.
- Art of Death is also a notable Craft Essence to use, it gives a permanent 25% (30% on Max Limit Break) extra damage (which we call Power Mod or Powermod) against Humanoid enemies, and there are a lot of Humanoid enemies in this game. The reason why this CE is on the list is because of how buffs are calculated.
- Kaleidoscope, it gives instant 80% (100% on Max Limit Break) Noble Phantasm gauge at the start of the battle.
- Why Guts anyways and why is it important?
Guts being consumed by the only servant on the field will make the enemies cease their attacks and end their turn, this doesn’t work when there are more than one servant on the field though.
- Start the battle.
- Use one of the Taunter’s Taunt skill.
- If you are using Support Culter instead of Herc, use his Evade skill too on the same turn, which lasts for indefinite turns until 2 hits are taken (which also stacks with Invincibility, with Invincibility from Volumen Hydrargyrum being consumed first).
- If you are using a Support Herc instead of Culter, DO NOT use his Evade skill as unlike Culter’s, it’s turn-based instead of hit-based.
- How does Taunt works anyways?
A servant that has Taunt will attract all enemies attacks and their targetable skills to them. When they die they USUALLY will cease their attacks and cast their skills instead. Again, usually, so this means that they can continue attacking your remaining servants. Just pray to RNGsus.
- Attack your enemies using your Support Servant’s Command Cards.
- About Brave Chains (not counting Noble Phantasm):
- Buster – Buster – Buster deals the most damage
- Arts – Buster – Quick deals the least damage but gives the most NP Gauge
- Buster – Quick – Arts is the in-between of both above
- About Brave Chains (not counting Noble Phantasm):
If you want the exact numbers, you can calculate it here on this Command Chain Calculator made by Gamepress.
- Do not panic when either Georgios or Leonidas died. Their use here is as Taunters which takes enemy hits and protects others. Use the Taunt skill of the Taunter that hasn’t died yet, then watch them die too after your attack.
- If you are using Culter, this is where you may need to activate his Guts skill which lasts for 5 turns until it’s consumed once.
- Continue attacking with Brave Chains and use the Support Servant’s Noble Phantasm on a strong enemy or for an efficient wave clear (Buster, Buster, Noble Phantasm) if you are certain you can kill the first enemy of the wave with the first two Buster cards.
- When the Support Herc’s Guts from Castle of Snow has ran out, use his Guts skill and Evade skill.
- When the Support Culter’s Evade (and Invincibility from Volumen Hydragyrum) has run out, use his Evade skill again if it has gotten out of cooldown and you are certain that his Guts that you activated wouldn’t go to waste.
- If you are using Atlas Academy Mystic Code, use the Eyes of Medjed skill to reduce their skill’s cooldown by 2 turns.
- When all available lines of defense has run out, use your Mystic Code’s defense skill such as Emergency Evade (Chaldea Mystic Code) or Dust of Osiris (Atlas Academy Uniform Mystic Code).
- Repeat number 8 until all of your enemies are dead, and hope for the best that the RNG doesn’t screw you up.
This strategy works most of the time for me, even when my Support Servant is on the verge of death, the enemies are usually already dead too. HOWEVER, this is not a step-by-step universal guide that works on every part of the story mission so you might need to change the strategy sometimes.
The strategy doesn’t work on this fight or boss, what to do? Try checking this Servant Solos Youtube Playlist made by Hong, or try searching the specific fight on Youtube and see if there’s any solo runs that you can replicate with your support, example like “FGO Gawain 2nd fight solo”, “FGO Rider of Shinjuku fight solo”, “FGO Quetzalcoatl fight solo” and the such.
I wish you good luck