Final Fantasy XIV offers players the ability to customize their character’s clothing through the glamour system. This fun mechanic allows players to show their creativity and accomplishments through fashion. There are many different glamours available in-game or through purchase with real money.
With such a wide variety of glamour pieces, it can be hard to choose which ones to use. However, some pieces shine above the rest for their style, ease with other glamour sets, and fun flavors. Here’s a list of 10 of the best glamour items in Final Fantasy XIV!
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Namazu Earring

This cute little earring takes the number 10 spot. The Namasu Earring is a limited-edition item originally obtainable from the 2019 Moogle Treasure Trove event for 100 tomes. Unfortunately, it is no longer available in-game, although there is a chance it may become purchasable for real money in the future.
This earring is a small detail that can add to any glamour set. There’s a lot of detail for such a small model, and the lucky players that own this item should be able to find a variety of different glamour sets that integrate this item well!
Type 2B Leggings

These stylish leggings are number 9 on this list. An homage to Nier: Automata, the Type 2B leggings are modeled after the outfit worn by 2B from that game. These leggings pair well with a variety of different glamour options and are a very cool collectible for fans of Nier Automata and Final Fantasy XIV. Players can collect this glamour by beating the Copied Factory raid’s final boss and rolling on the extra treasure chest that spawns.
Thavnairian Bustier

This classic-looking chest piece comes in at number 8 on this list. Its flowy, elegant look is great for a Dancer’s job character, and it pairs well with a variety of other leg glamours.
It features many gold accents and jewelry that help it pop and has some unique armbands for female characters. Unfortunately, male characters don’t get this detail, but this chest piece glamour still works well on them! It is dyeable and is a master weaver level 3 level 60 chest piece.
Raincoat Chest Piece

This versatile chest piece glamour has a unique look that helps characters stand out from the rest! The Raincoat chest piece comes in at number 7. Added in the Stormblood expansion, this Master Weaver level 6 level 70 recipe is fully dyeable.
It also has a golden button and details that add a refined look to the Raincoat. This glamour is designed to be paired with a hood, but it can look great on its own or with an alternate piece as well.
Claws of the Beast and False Nails

These hand slot glamours both are worthy of 6th place. The Claws of the Beast are purchased from the Gold Saucer for 30,000 MGP, and the False Nails from bought from the Ananta Beast Tribe of Stormblood.
The Claws of the Beast are fierce-looking, talon-like nails that can be dyed, and the False Nails allow players to add color to their character’s fingernails. These make a great choice to add some flair to a glamour set!
Head Bandage

The Head Bandage glamour takes 5th place. This dyeable glamour rewards completing the quest “Ant Juice” in Rhalga’s Reach. However, before players can accept this quest, they need to be at least level 69 and have completed the main scenario quest, “The Lady in Red”.
Once these requirements are fulfilled, players just need to speak with Ranulf and complete their quest to get this blindfold. This glamour is a great look for roleplaying different characters and is popular for replicating a Nier: Automata look.
Shisui of the Violet Tides Chestpiece

The chest piece from the Shisui of the Violet Tides dungeon set is taking fourth place on this list. This elegant crop top has a very light summer feel, and it matches well with a wide variety of glamours. It is fully dyeable and can be farmed from the dungeon it originates from quite easily.
For players who aren’t interested in farming the dungeon for this glamour, the Fairjoy set has a very similar chest piece. It has a fair amount of detail, with some subtle floral patterns that look quite nice. This set can be bought for real money from the mogstation.
Endless Summer Glasses

The number 3 glamour has a unique interaction that no other item in the game has. The Endless Summer Glasses are a glamour reward from the 2018 Moonfire Fair event and can still be obtained for real money in-game.
These dyeable glasses are unique in that they have a visor interaction. They can be raised or lowered with the “/visor” command. They are currently the only item in-game that has this interaction. This unique flexibility makes them a fun, glamour addition to play with.
Namazu Bell Necklace

This bell collar glamour takes second place. It’s a fun, unique glamour that pairs well with various glamour sets and is obtained through a fun, engaging quest storyline.
This glamour is obtained by completing the Namazu Beast Tribe storyline in Stormblood. It doesn’t take long to finish this questline, and it’s a fun experience that nets players a unique glamour by completing it, so it’s definitely worth the time!
Quaintrelle’s Ruffled Skirt

The top glamour in Final Fantasy XIV is Quaintrelle’s Ruffled Skirt! The full skirt model is beautifully detailed and matches with a variety of different styles, making it fun and easy to experiment with!
However, it does have one quirk that can make it tricky to work with.
Due to the desire to avoid clipping, this skirt disappears when worn with a glamour that extends too far down towards the waistline. This imposes some limitations on what can be worn in a set with it, but that doesn’t take away from its stylish looks and fun design!