In this brief guide, we’ll go over how you can unlock/dye your specific Endwalker job gear in FFXIV. Here, we’ll show you where and how to get started per class. So, with that out of the way, let’s get started.
Unlocking Your Gear

The first thing you’ll want to do is to unlock your gear. Doing this is by meeting up with a vendor in Old Sharlayan, Varsarudh. You’ll only have access to this vendor once you’ve completed the main quest and have a level that is at least at 89. The vendor is found right at the center of the city. When you reach them, you’ll be getting any artifact piece based on your particular job.

Dyeing Your Gear
Now that you know where to get your gear, we’ll go over how you can dye it in different colors. The dyeing process is slightly different based on the job role, so you’ll need to pay attention to each area specifically.
Magical Ranged Role
To dye the Magical Ranged gear set, head over to Radz-at-Han and talk with the delegate there. Here, you’ll accept the request, “Our Aching Souls”. Completing the quest will give you the ability to dye your artifact gear.

Physical Ranged Role
For Physical Ranged gear, you’ll similarly head to Radz-at-Han before taking the quest, “Seeds of Disquiet.” Simply move through the quest up the chain until “Laid to Rest.” At that point, you’ll be able to dye your artifact gear for physical ranged.

Healer Role Quests
Healers will meet with the delegate at Radz-at-Han before taking on the quest, “Far From Free”. Completing the quest will give you the ability to dye your artifact.

Tank Role Quests
For Tanks, you’ll speak with the Gridanian Delegate in Radz-at-Han. He will give you the quest “Shrouded in Peril”. Completing that quest will give you the ability to dye your armor.

Melee DPS Role Quests
For Melee roles, you’ll speak with the Lominsan Delegate. He will offer you the “Storm Clouds Brewing” quest, which you’ll have to complete if you want to dye your armor setup.