Table of Contents
Upgrading your gears based on certain types of builds are almost as important as gaining experience to level up.
But as a newbie, how will you be able to get your equipment geared up for big battles. This guide will be able to walk you through on how to work around your suits, weapons, and equipment statistics to make sure you are braced up for every battle you’ll go up against.
The first thing you’ll need to know is the Grade Indicator for all the equipment and gears in the game.
Gear Types/Ratings
There are six types of gears in Lineage 2 revolution. The worst is C, and then you’ll upgrade to B, A, S, R, and finally SR, which is the most premiere grade of gear you can have. And then there is what they call the “Purple Armor,” which is ultimately rare and can bolster up your stats, especially on player versus player battles.

How To Get Gear
Make Sure To Log In Each Day
Lineage 2 Revolution is such a free game because of how they reward players by just logging in every day. And each consecutive days you log in, your rewards get better and better, and there are cases that even rare stuff is being given out if you manage to log in every day for several days. This is an underrated but an effective way to score highly valuable items without paying up anything, so loyalty and longevity is the key here.
At the start of the game, you basically can wear any piece of armor you can find to aid your character, as you go along the game, you will be able to find pieces of clothing and weapons that are relatively on par with the progress you’ve been making with your character.
Leveling Up Armor
You can also use other pieces of armor as forging material to upgrade your armor. But be mindful that each type of gear grades has its levels, and it needs to be at Level 30 before it can upgrade to the next grade.

So basically, your C grade armor can be upgraded to B grade armor if it reaches Level 30. Now, if it reaches Level 30, there are two things you can do with it, either you upgrade it to the next grade using a stone. The higher the grade your equipment is, the more stones it requires. And the more adena you’ll need to pay.

The other way is to combine two different types of equipment with the same class and grade and both Level 30. For you to have an S grade helmet, you will need to combine a couple of A graded helmets and pay the required adena for forging, and you will come up with the same helmet at S grade.
This is the traditional way of doing it. Still, if you are shooting for a Purple Gear, which is considered a notch better than SR (especially for PVP battles), you can mix up two different types of equipment, even from different jobs and different parts.
Upgrading Armor
Let’s say, for example; you want to gamble on getting a Purple Armor; you will need to go to the forge window and the upgrade.

Put your desired armor to the left-hand side, be sure it is already maxed at Level 30. Then you can combine it with any piece of clothing that is Level 30 as well (Armor, Headgear, Gloves, or Boots). It also does not matter if the equipment on the right of the upgrade window is equipment from a different job or class.
With this method, you are assured of a grade higher helmet, armor, gloves, or boots, and you will have a chance, although slim but a chance nonetheless to have a Purple Gear. Just make sure the output gear you want for combining two items of clothing are on the left side. Putting a helmet on the left side assures you of having an upgraded helmet no matter what kind of piece is on the right.

Being able to thoroughly equip a complete set of helmet, armor, gloves, and boots that belongs in the same class do merit additional stat bonuses. And making sure each piece is upgraded on the best possible grade gives you the best set of statistical bonuses for your given build types. It also gives you style points as set pieces often do look better together, perfect for those snapshots and social media postings.
Although quite a few people have testified that combining two same items, even at Level 30 for both, does NOT guarantee a rank up OF THE SAME ITEM. Combining two grade A Blue Wolf Gloves would not ensure an S grade Blue Wolf, it will give you an S grade Gloves item but not an automatic S class Blue Wolf Gloves.
Coming up with your combination of pieces based on the stat you want to be good at is the secret for having an exceptional gear pack. These tips are just the basic things you need to remember in cooking up your desired armor.
But a whole lot of working to level up these pieces to max level, a whole lot of trying to upgrade them a pinch of luck is the recipe for the best set of clothing you will need to win as many battles as you could.