Lineage 2 Revolution

Lineage 2 Revolution What To Buy With Gems/Diamonds



It is but a fact that for most online games, like for this case, the Lineage 2 Revolution, purchasing in-game currencies is almost a must if you want to go far in the game, especially when leveling up. A lot of perks, bonuses, and unlockable items will be available at your disposal once you’ve opened up yourself on this side of the game.

But a lot of people do make a lot of mistakes in buying quite a lot of gems and diamonds and in the end wasting it all for in-game purchases of things you actually might not need in the first place. So today, we will be running down some best practices on how to spend your precious gems wisely.

First off, before submerging yourself on using your gems in your shop, you might as well take advantage of first on how to score free merchandise and giveaways. The game is flashing some deals and shop frequently offers that might be a little bit confusing and can cause you some unintended purchases.

What To Buy With Gems/Diamonds


The key here is if you have the chance to expand your storage. That is one of the best strategies you can do. You can also take advantage of the daily rewards the game is giving if you log in daily. A bunch of fantastic and sometimes rare stuff can be acquired through their daily rewards giveaways, from weapons, equipment pieces, and suits that might be perfect for the type of build you want for your character, so make sure you check in the game daily.


People who are trying to level up their character quite faster almost certainly need quite a lot of experience points which are obtained through scrolls. Each scroll has a certain number of attempts you can do to accomplish them, and in case you run out of efforts, the game offers a pretty fantastic deal to replenish them by just a few red gems, and you do get these red gems free every day.


Another excellent way to spend your red gems is by using them in the arena. You get yourself five free arena battles every day, but you need to pay up gems on the succeeding battles. Spending for a 6th and 7th battle will be so worth it because on much you get in return. For just 10 and 20 red gems, respectively, you will gain permanent arena rank, honor points, and experience that impacts your character’s stats significantly, plus the arena rewards like equipment, suits, and weapons that come with it. There is no downside to losing arena battles compared to PVP battles.

Leveling up requires constant upgrades to your weapons and armors; that is why it is a must that you check out the daily dungeons. Where you can obtain stones and scrolls which are ultimately rare to find in the game, especially those hard and tough quests in the dungeons, which gives up to times four of the rewards compared to the easy round. You can stretch its effectivity by paying small amounts of red gems and play in the dungeons beyond your daily attempt limits.

Daily Benefits

For those people who absolutely love the game might as well check on the Daily Benefits. Although this is equivalent to real money, it is a worthy investment if you plan to play the game for an extended period.

This can also be a key to open up Strengthening Packages, which can be gained not only by logging in every day but by attaining specific level requirements and finishing quests.

Bundles are also available where you could score several items and storage spaces for a relatively affordable price. The Luxury Starter Bundle is also sweet because of the extra 150 slots. It can open up for your inventory that is necessary if you are building up your character.

Elite Dungeon

There is also the Elite Dungeon, where you could come in 30 minutes per day, which is called “hot time” where the monsters you battle against give eight times the experience and drop four times the items. As we mentioned, 30 minutes a day is all you have to take on these generous monsters. But by paying 100 red gems per 15 minutes for the first 30 minutes, 200 red gems per 15 minutes for the 45th to 60th minute and 400 red gems per 15 minutes for the succeeding 30 minutes.

It is safe to say that an additional hour in the Elite Dungeon combined with the free 30 minutes is very much worth spending because of the things you get back for 600 red gems.

Limited Shop

Few additional tips, the Limited Shop, were good deals will pop-up on this side of the store once in a while, so be sure to check them out regularly. There are several sets of diamonds you can avail in the shop if you run out of them, but the best deal is the package that includes Topazes.

They are precious currencies in the game as there are items on the shop that you can buy exclusively through Topazes. For example, stones that prevent breaking of SR-Grade weapons and gears once it reaches level 30, stones that enhance attributes of an already maxed out weapon or equipment.