Table of Contents
Pharsa is a strong mage. After she got revamped, she’s now in meta. In this post, we’ll talk about how to play with her in the best way.
Pharsa Skills
Passive: Spiritual Unity – Her passive states that every 10 seconds, Verri (Bird) enters hunting mode during which her next attack deals extra magic damage. It also slows down the enemy by 60% for 1 second.

Skill 1: Curse of Crow – in her skill 1, Pharsa casts a spell to a target area and deals damage to enemies within that area of effect and marks them. When Pharsa hits a marked target with her other skills, the mark will stun the target for 1 second. Use this skill to initiate ganks and for poking as it has a good range.

Skill 2: Energy Impact – in her skill 2, Pharsa releases Magic Energy in a designated direction, dealing 600 Magic Damage to enemy hit. Use this skill in team fights and for clearing minion waves as it deals good damage.

Skill 3: Feathered Air Strike – in her skill 3, Pharsa flies into mid-air and launches air raids on the target area for 8 seconds for four rounds. Each round deals with 650 physical damage to the enemy hit. Use this skill in team fights and laning as it has a high range and deals with unbelievable damage.
Skill 4: Wings by Wings – in her skill 4, Pharsa transforms into a mist around Verri flying over terrain and increases her movement speed by 80% for 5 seconds. It also allows her to fly over walls and all other obstacles. She will instantly exit her form if she is controlled or uses a skill/basic attack. Use this skill for quick roam and ganks and also for running away from enemies.
Best Spells For Pharsa
Flicker – to escape from enemies when hp is low Retribution – use it to farm faster and get items faster than your enemies Purify – use it to escape any enemy’s cc skills and increase movement speed.
Emblem Configuration

Agility 3/3 Observation 3/3Magic Worship 1/1
This emblem configuration gives movement speed, magic pen, and Magic Worship burns the enemy after using skills.
Builds & Emblems
Main recommended build:

Lightning Truncheon Demon Shoes Ice Queen Wand Holy Crystal Divine Glaive Blood Wings
This build provides magic damage, mana regen, and magic pen and works very well with Pharsa. You could also buy Winter Truncheon as the last item instead of Blood Wings.
Set this build to deal more damage with Pharsa:
Magic Shoes – this item gives CD reduction and movement speed Glowing Wand – this item deals burn damage to targets for 3 seconds when skill hits Lightning Truncheon – this item gives Mana and CD reduction Devine Glaive – it gives magic power and penetration Holy Crystal – use this item to deal more damage and increase magic attack Ice Queen Wand – this last item gives spell vamp and slow down effect

Magic Shoes Lightning Truncheon Divine Glaive Holy Crystal Immortality Winter Truncheon
This build provides magic pen, magic lifesteal, and magic defense as well, it is recommended whenever your opponent has a strong assassin.
Pro Build

Glowing Wand Demon Shoes Lightning Truncheon Ice Queen Wand Holy Crystal Blood Wings
Magic Shoes Lightning Truncheon Glowing Wand Holy Crystal Divine Glaive Winter Truncheon
Pros & Cons
Pros of using Pharsa:
high area of damage high burst damage high skill range
Cons of using Pharsa:
less durability low mobility
How to fix the cons:
less durability > buy one or more defense items or use balanced build low mobility > use Flicker or Sprint and play with map awareness
Pharsa is Weak against

Helcurt Aldous Gusion
She is generally weak against heroes with excellent burst damage and high mobility.
Best Allies

- Gatotkaca
- Franco
- Minotaur
She best teams up with those heroes who give her opportunities to attack the enemy with her skills.
Skill Upgrading Path

Skill 2 > Skill 1 > Skill 3
Let’s see the best combos to use with Pharsa.
First Combo:
Skill 1 > Skill 2 > Ultimate
This combo is excellent in mid to close range. Skill 2 is used to stun and ult to finish the job. Use this combo in ganks and team fights whenever you have a backup. After level 4, you might start roaming and ganking from lane to lane. You may also use your skill 4 (wings by wings) for faster travel and escape. Always stay behind your tanks and others in team fights and be alert for ambushes behind you. Lastly, try to use your skill 1 to initiate attacks as it will quickly trigger passive.
Second Combo:
Skill 3 > Skill 1 > Skill 2 + Ulti
This combo is great to chase down enemies.
Third Combo:
Skill 1 + Ulti
This one is a long-range combo.
Recommended Lane
Gameplay Tips & Tricks
Always maintain your distance from enemies and deal damage or poke them from afar. Use the combo skill 1 + skill 2 to root enemies and deal maximum damage. Try to use your ultimate when the enemy is rooted to land your airstrike perfectly. Please don’t waste your bird form but save it instead to escape ganks or to chase down enemies.
You can easily take out the enemy’s marksman if you land your airstrikes well due to your ultimate range. But because of your low CD, make sure to rotate lanes continuously and spam your root + ultimate combo.
Pharsa is indeed a powerful mage. There are many reasons why she’s so good in this current meta. First and foremost, it’s a mm meta, and Pharsa excels in taking down marksmen from afar. Another reason is her ability to escape ganks with her bird form. Also, she doesn’t rely on having a buff. This helps immensely because enemies usually come and invade buff, but with Pharsa in the team, this is not a big deal. In higher tier, Pharsa is either first picked or banned because of how strong she is.
Another huge advantage of her bird form is that she can fly out of the map and escape ganks. Initially, Pharsa could not avoid and land her ultimate, but after the revamp, she now has both the bird form to escape from ganks and the root to land her ultimate perfectly – which makes her more reliable than ever.