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Nana: Sweet Leonin
Nana is a member of the feline elf race that shares the Enchanted Forest with the moon elves. As ancient inhabitants of this magical place, the Leonin are naturally skilled with magic. Nana is no exception, with immense magical talents that make her a pro in the field of battle. With her rodent-like companion, Modina, she is a match for any other hero in the Land of Dawn.
She is a strong ally with supportive skills that make her an asset to any team. When the match begins, players can expect to find Nana alongside her other teammates slaying enemies. She may be ganking lanes or participating in massive team fights as she makes her way toward the enemy base and a strong victory. Nana is truly a powerful bundle of magic energy in a tiny cat-like package.

Nana will find advantage with items that make her more powerful magically and defensively. Additionally, gear that helps her use her skills more often, like those that offer cool down reduction and mana regeneration, will make up for her weaker offense. Because of this, Nana is straightforward to build since many items offer these benefits.


- Enchanted Talisman
- Glowing Wand
- Lighting Truncheon
- Magic Shoes
- Blood Wings
- Fleeting Wings
The Enchanted Talisman aids with mana regeneration and cooldown reduction and an increase in magic power and hp. This will allow Nana to use her skills more frequently and avoid an easy death.
Glowing Wand improves health and movement speed while significantly boosting magic power. It also grants an extra burn power to each skill, increasing the damage over time. This can add an extra biting edge that takes down the opponent on top of already powerful attacks.
With the benefits of increasing mana and lowering cool down time Lightning Truncheon, is already a strong piece of gear for Nana. On top of this, the item also increases her magic damage, even allowing her to damage multiple enemies at once with her variety of skills.
The movement gear Magic Shoes will increase Nana’s movement speed and aid in cool down reduction to be quick to attack and escape.
The Blood Wings give health and magic power. They also offer Nana a unique ability to gain health back every time she uses her magic power.
Fleeting time boosts damage from magic attacks and lessens their cool down to make Nana’s powerhouse skills even more aggressive.
Many items can meet Nana’s needs depending on playstyle and which heroes are on the battlefield. Paying attention to Nana’s gameplay to boost her effectiveness is the priority.
Passive Skill: Modinas Gift
Modina’s Gift is the passive skill Nana possesses. Upon death Nana can transform, allowing her to escape the battle as a smaller, more animalistic version. She gains a boost in speed and is impervious to enemy attack while in this form. Before changing back, she will regain a small portion of her health. During this short duration Nana cannot use her skills, but she can avoid being slain.
Skill 1: Magic Boomerang
The Magic Boomerang is an object that Nana carries and uses for her first skill. She throws this in a straight line away from her, where it flies out and returns to her, dealing damage to anyone it hits on its way. After the first target, any enemy who touches the boomerang receives a speed debuff as well as damage that decreases for each affected target.
Skill 2: Molina’s Smooch
Nana’s second skill is a transformative spell that casts the small rodent-like animal Molina. Molina’s Smooch places the creature in a designated area from which she will chase any enemy in range and transform them into a Molina look-alike. She can remain in the spot she is cast for a short period until she sees an opponent or until the spell duration runs out. If she spots a target she will lock on and chase them until she catches them, transforming the hero and making them weaker defensively, slowing them, and damaging them on impact.
Skill 3: Molina’s Blitz
Molina’s Blitz is Nana’s powerful ultimate skill. This summons Molina yet again, having her attack with massive footsteps three times in a straight line, with each attack dealing immense damage. The attack area will slow any enemies in it and if an enemy is struck twice, they will be briefly stunned.
Nana Information
Nana is an easier hero to master with intensely powerful skills that make her ideal in a partnership or group setting. Her weaknesses come from her low defensive and offensive abilities, but these are easily buffered with her skill set.
Despite being squishy, she has a maneuver that allows her to escape death and despite weak offenses, she has incredibly strong magical attacks. She is a powerful ally in a pair and is better equipped for this scenario than taking on lanes by herself. Therefore, she can be with a partner on lanes, in the jungle, or roaming the field to help the team. In group battles she can be a huge asset with her feisty feline attacks.
As a partial support hero, Nana will start the game with a partner. Picking a laning partner to start will be her best bet as she works to get her skills leveled and usable. After a short period, she can begin jungling if necessary or continue to focus on the lanes.
When larger fights begin to break out, this is Nana’s cue to start roaming the battlefield to gank battles and support her teammates. The more items Nana can purchase, the more capable she will become in fights, allowing her to take on lanes solo to push her team closer to the finish.
While doing this, Nana should pay attention to the map to ensure that her skill set isn’t needed somewhere else. Nana makes taking down towers and wiping out the enemy team easier for her allies. With her heavy skills, if she can avoid death and stay on the battlefield as much as possible, her team can expect damaging, magical attacks to a victory.