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Rafaela: Wings of Holiness
When Rafaela enters the fray, teammates can rely on her tactful support as they push for victory. She is a heavenly angel with powerful healing abilities that aid her allies in taking down enemies without fear of being slain.
As a support hero, Rafaela is best at assisting, protecting, and sacrificing for her team. Her specialties are regeneration and guarding, and she can usually be found roaming the battlefield from lane to lane and joining battles to support her allies. Her attacks are ranged, so she is most useful behind other teammates where she can deliver buffs to allies, offer assistance in taking down enemies, and avoid taking damage herself.
Passive Skill: Deity Penalization
Rafaela’s passive skill, Deity Penalization, punishes whoever kills her. With a two-second recharge, this skill deals damage at a certain range at 20% of the opponent’s max health. This is a very effective aid, whether the opponent has low hp or is battling multiple allies, as it can drastically improve the chances of their defeat.
Skill 1: Light of Retribution
Light of Retribution is Rafaela’s first skill. It works by targeting the closest three enemies to deal magic damage and a speed debuff. This skill also reveals hidden enemies as it targets them first, revealing their location for a short period. If this skill is used on the same enemy multiple times in five-second increments, it deals with damage increasing by 20% each time, which can effectively wipe out certain opponents.
Skill 2: Holy Healing
The second skill is a healing buff called Holy Healing. It casts the buff to Rafaela and her most injured ally with its full effect, and her other allies at a percentage of this. It also grants all affected parties a momentary speed boost, which can aid in a quick escape for allies with low hp.
Skill 3: Holy Baptism
The ultimate skill is Holy Baptism. This is a smaller ranged attack that deals damage in a line in front of Rafaela. Enemies in the line of fire will be stunned and receive a speed debuff for a short period after the attack, making them easier targets for allies.
With her strengths in magic and healing, the best emblems for Rafaela are support or mage. These will boost her already powerful abilities.

Skill Path
S2 – S1 – S3(whenever possible)
Flameshot, for knocking back heroes and finishing off heroes who are running away.
For her item build, it is best to focus on one or more of her weaknesses by creating sets with mana regenerating, magic damage increasing, and defending items.

- Enchanting Talisman
- Courage Mask
- Immortality
- Glowing wand
- Holy Crystal
The Enchanted Talisman aids in all of these categories with mana regeneration and cooldown reduction, as well as an increase in magic power and hp. Almost every build for Rafaela includes this item.
Demon Shoes are a mana regeneration item that also offers a speed buff, making it excellent for Rafaela’s heavy skill usage and need to avoid damage from enemies.
The item Courage Mask shares qualities with both previous items. It helps with Rafael’s skills by lowering cooldown time. It also increases her health points and speed so she can avoid taking damage.
Immortality is a defense item that offers several different hp advantages and physical defense buff. When used, the player gets more health points and resurrected with 20% health and a temporary shield.
The Glowing Wand gives Rafaela more health and strengthens her combat effectiveness. She gets an increase in magical power and speed and a buff that causes her skills to deal extra damage for a few seconds.
Holy Crystal is an item that increases magic power. This boosts Rafaela’s attack effectiveness, allowing her to deal more damage to her opponents.
With these items or any that compare Rafaela’s offensive, defensive capabilities can increase, making her even more effective as a supporting hero while improving her weaknesses.
Rafaela Information
Rafaela’s skills and statistics focus mostly on her role as a supporter. As a hero, she is easy to learn and use for any player. She has a strong skill set that lends her to ranged attacking, aiding allies, and guarding.
Despite strong magic skills, however, her offense is not very powerful, and she is a squishy character with low durability that can lead to consistent reviving. This makes her weak to enemies who are skilled in high burst attacks and mobility. It also means that she is more effective with other teammates than she is on her own. Tactics like diving, farming, and pushing are not crafted for Rafaela’s abilities and do not make good use of her advantages as a supporter.
However, when teamed with one or more allies, Rafaela can dance around the outskirts of battles to offer assistance when needed while avoiding the opponent’s attacks to make the most use of her talents. Certain builds can make up for her weaknesses as well.
For the most part, Rafaela’s gameplay focuses on avoiding the front line of the battle, instead opting for a distanced approach that keeps her close to allies and just in range of enemies. The builds used may change your combat strategy, but playing towards Rafaela’s strengths will still be an active part of gameplay, no matter the items you’ve chosen.
Support players tend towards roaming instead of laning. Because their main objective is assisting teammates, they may be needed anywhere on the map. This makes paying close attention to the minimap essential for Rafaela to know where she is needed. It also means she spends a lot of time ganking from the sidelines to offer help in battles. To start, Rafaela should stick with a player and upgrade her Holy Healing spell to assist her ally while they grind and push.
Rafaela’s final role as a supporter is sacrifice. With abilities that can uncover hidden enemies and deal damage after death, being a decoy or taunting enemies to fight may be instrumental in helping allies slay their way to the base.