Additional Resources
Other guides/videos to aid your learning.
- Gief’s Gym by Joe Munday
- Covers every aspect of playing Street Fighter V
- 2 Minute Tutorials by PugilistPenguin
- “Videos for new players or those who might feel stuck in their rank. Two Minute Tutorials covers fundamental gameplay strategies and might just help you ascend to a higher level.”
- SFV AE Season 3 Tech: Ryu’s Reset Setups by NurseLee
- SFV Tutorial: Parry OS by MDZ jimmY
- How to option select VSkill behind your block strings to automatically parry VReversals
- SFV ARCADE EDITION | RYU Essential Combo Guide by KimmTe
- Great and up-to-date BnB combo guide for AE Ryu
- Join the Ryu Mains group on facebook run by CFN:Thuyaj_PC . Plenty of Ryu players from Bronze to Grand Master who help each other out with match up knowledge, replay analysis etc. Search “SFV Mains-Ryu” on facebook. Answer all questions otherwise you won’t be submitted to the group.
Table of Contents
Notable Ryu Players
One of the best ways to help learn a character is to watch people who know how to play the character.
- MDZ jimmY
- AM Kidd
- Daigo
- JustFog
Notable Normals
- S.LK
- Very good range for a 4 frame startup light. This is a fantastic normal for punishing stuff like roundhouses which tend to be -4. Also great to use in footsies to buffer EX Tatsu or EX Hadoken.
- Combos into EX Hadoken, LK/MK/EX Tatsu, LP/MP/HP/EX Shoryuken, LK Jodan
- S.LP
- Ryu’s only 3 frame startup normal. Ryu relies on this for some block strings, and starting in AE with the decreased pushback, he can now tick throw off of it without walking forward. In previous versions, it was a very strong anti air but in AE, it is a lot less consistent and it you will eat jump ins for using it now. It can still work with certain spacing but the risk is heavily increased.
- Combos into EX Hadoken, LK/MK/EX Tatsu, LP/MP/HP/EX Shoryuken
- S.MP
- A staple for Ryu’s most damaging combos. On hit it links to most other normals, notably itself, Cr.MP, Cr.MK, and Cr.HP, and on counter hit it links to S.HP, and Sweep. Its downside is that on block it is only +1 making it not the best for frame trapping. Especially against characters with 3 frame normals.
- Combos into any Hadoken, any Tatsu, any Shoryuken, LK/MK/EX Jodan
- Cr.MP
- Notable because when canceled into Hadoken it is a true blockstring at all ranges except absolute max range. Cr.MP xx HP Hadoken is one of Ryu’s staples for controlling space. It is also commonly used for confirming after a S.MP. It links to S.LK which is also another helpful confirm.
- Combos into any Hadoken, any Tatsu, any Shoryuken, LK/MK/EX Jodan
- Cr.MK
- Another staple normal for controlling space. Hitting low, it prevents your opponent from walking back away from your strings. Cr.MK xx Hadoken is still a good tool for controlling space, and now in AE Ryu can use EX Hadoken and VTC it for a conversion on hit and pressure on block.
- Combos into any Hadoken, any Tatsu, any Shoryuken, LK Jodan
- S.MK
- A serviceable poke. It’s not ridiculous like Cammy’s or Birdie’s but it will get you some damage. Instead of ending block strings with button xx Hadoken, you can switch things up and press this afterwards. Can be buffered into VTC and you can combo S.HK or raw LK/EX Tatsu, or just go straight into CA. On counter hit, you can link S.LK if you are in range.
- S.HK
- Ryu’s crush counter combo starter. Also useful for anti airing, potentially more rewarding than Shoryuken if it crush counters them out of the air, because you get a juggle, but it’s not nearly as reliable as an anti air. It’s not very useful to use in neutral because it does not hit crouchers, but if you have a read on their advance it can be very rewarding. Even if it doesn’t crush counter, you can still get a combo by linking S.LK xx LK/MK/EX Tatsu.
- S.HP
- Not particularly notable until VT1 is activated. In VT1 it becomes special-cancelable which allows him to do more damaging combos that would normally not be possible because of the short range of his other cancelable fierce, Cr.HP. Besides VT1 activation combos, it doesn’t really see a whole lot of use. It can be useful in frame traps against players who delay tech or delay jab during blockstrings and possibly score you a crush counter.
- Cr.HP
- A very reliable anti air and also an integral part to Ryu’s most damaging combos. It forces standing which means if you can land it, you are able to end with LK/MK/HK Tatsu. It is useful for whiff punishing some of the slower moves in the game like Zangief’s S.HP. Very high recovery and is very unsafe on hit and block. You should always be canceling this move into something.
- Combos into any special
- Solar Plexus (F.HP)
- Slow startup, but fairly rewarding. It is a good punish for baited throw tech attempts but you have to commit to the bait, you cannot react to a whiffed throw and punish with this. A common tactic is to condition your opponent to expect your block strings to end with Hadoken, then suddenly replace the Hadoken with Solar Plexus. This can catch them off guard when they don’t see the Hadoken, they think now is an opportunity to push a button, then they get counterhit by this.
- Axe Kick (B.HK)
- First hit is effective at anti airing jumps that are directly over your head, the second hit is good at controlling space. This move is effective when buffered into Hadoken or a riskier but more rewarding buffer is HK/EX Jodan. In AE, Axe Kick has become a rewarding option for activating VT by VTCing the second hit. When this hits, he can now connect Solar Plexus for a nice conversion.
- Combos into any special
- Collarbone Breaker (F.MP)
- Ryu’s overhead. Very average, it is reactable if the thought of overhead is in their mind but if they are not expecting it it is difficult to react. It is +1 on hit which allows you to continue pressure with a S.LP string. When hit perfectly meaty, it is +3 on hit allowing you to combo S.LP or raw LP/EX Shoryuken. If that counterhits, you can link S.MP for an even more damaging overhead combo. Setups to hit this are not used very often because you are still -4 even with the perfect meaty timing, the setups are very telegraphed, and the reward isn’t that great without CA available.
Special Moves
Jodan Sokutou Geri
- LK
- 70 damage, 150 stun
- CA cancelable
- Combos off of S.MP, Cr.MP, Cr.MK, S.HP (VT1), Cr.HP, B.HK (both hits)
- -16 on block, KD on hit
- Knockdown is +24 on quickrise, +29 on backrise
- MK
- 80 damage, 150 stun
- CA cancelable
- Combos off of S.MP, Cr.MP, S.HP (VT1), Cr.HP, B.HK (both hits)
- -16 on block, KD on hit
- Knockdown is +24 on quickrise, +29 on backrise
- HK
- 100 damage, 150 stun
- CA cancelable
- Combos off of S.HP (VT1), Cr.HP, B.HK (both hits)
- -16 on block, KD on hit
- Knockdown is +24 on quickrise, +29 on backrise
- EX
- 80 damage, 150 stun
- Combos off of S.MP, Cr.MP, S.HP (VT1), Cr.HP, B.HK (both hits)
- -16 on block, juggle state on hit
- Juggles:
- Your juggle options change depending on where you are on the screen.
- Midscreen, most buttons will air reset but some are too slow to connect. HP Shoryuken or EX Shoryuken are your best bet.
- In the corner, you will get no juggle at all. This is because the wall they bounce off is so close, there is no travel time for them to get there and this means you will not be finished recovering by the time they are able to be juggled.
- If you are in the corner, you will have more juggle options because the wall they bounce off of is farther away so there is more travel time for them to fly there. You can now juggle Axe Kick, Sweep, LK/MK tatsu (you can juggle EX tatsu but it only hits once and knocks them back in the corner. If they quickrise you are -3 and this is overall a risky waste of meter), and EX Hadoken. The Axe Kick juggle can be first-hit canceled into another EX Jodan for another wall bounce but this time your only juggle is EX Shoryuken, or if VT1 is activated, regular Shoryuken. Stylish as fuck, but questionable usefulness. The most notable out of these new options is MK tatsu which gives much better oki, while doing just a little bit less damage than HP Shoryuken.
- General Notes
- Consistent when buffered from Axe Kick. HK and EX versions are best for this since the other versions are just as unsafe but do less damage. Tends to whiff due to range when buffered from other normals.
- Finally allows Ryu to knockdown crouchers without spending meter or risking whiffing Shoryuken. Spending bar for EX Hadoken or EX Tatsu remain good options.
- 14 startup, 33 recovery
- In VT1:
- 13 startup, 29 recovery
- In VT1:
- CA cancelable
- 60 damage, 100 stun
- In VT1:
- Level 1 (no charge) – 80 Damage, 150 Stun
- Level 2 (partial charge) – 100 Damage, 200 Stun
- Level 3 (full charge) – 130 Damage, 300 Stun
- In VT1:
- -6 on block, -1 on hit (This is when point blank, advantage increases as spacing increases due to travel time of the fireball)
- In VT1:
- Level 1 (no charge) – -2 on block, KD on hit
- Level 2 (partial charge) – 0 on block, KD on hit
- Level 3 (full charge) – Guard Break on block (+32), KD on hit
- In VT1:
- Juggles:
- In VT1:
- LP/MP/HP/EX Shoryuken
- In VT1:
- Commonly canceled off of Cr.MP, Cr.MK, S.LK, S.MP
- LP travels the slowest, HP travels the fastest. MP speed is intermediate.
- 14 startup, 33 recovery
- EX
- 11 startup, 33 recovery
- VT cancelable
- 100(40/60) damage, 150(0/150) stun
- In VT1:
- Level 1 (no/partial charge) – 120(40/40/40) damage, 200 stun
- Level 2 (full charge) – 150(50/50/50) damage, 300 stun
- In VT1:
- +2 on block, KD on hit
- In VT1:
- Level 1 (no/partial charge) – +2 on block, KD on hit
- Level 2 (full charge) – Guard Break on block (+32), KD on hit
- In VT1:
- Juggles:
- EX Shoryuken
- In VT1:
- LP/MP/HP/EX Shoryuken
- Commonly canceled off of Cr.MP, Cr.MK, S.LK, S.MP
- General notes about Hadoken
- When buffering Hadoken off normals, HP is best. Due to its travel speed, it will have the best chance of comboing. If you really want it to be reliable, use EX instead.
- EX is one of Ryu’s best moves. It creates breathing space on hit or block and is hard to react to. It is a reliable combo ender, and gives good corner carry and oki. It is also useful for pressure in the corner since it is +2 on block and can be juggled after for big damage. An example pressure string is meaty B.HK at point blank first hit cancel to EX Hadoken. This leaves you +2 at point blank on block where you can either throw or frame trap them with S.MP. If the B.HK xx EX Hadoken hits, you can juggle them for big damage.

- LK
- 10 startup, 30 recovery
- 90 damage, 150 stun
- -10 on block, KD on hit
- Juggles:
- CA
- In VT1:
- EX Shoryuken
- Common combo ender on standing opponents
- Combos off all cancelable normals
- Airborn frames 6-29
- MK
- 12 startup, 30 recovery
- 100 damage, 150 stun
- -10 on block, KD on hit
- If only last hit connects, juggles into:
- CA
- EX Shoryuken
- In VT1:
- LP/MP/HP/EX Shoryuken
- Common combo ender on standing opponents
- Will not combo from Cr.LP
- Airborn frames 7-63
- Projectile invincible frames 6-45
- HK
- 14 startup, 31 recovery
- 110 damage, 150 stun
- -10 on block, KD and side switch on hit
- If only last hit connects, juggles into:
- CA
- EX Shoryuken
- In VT1:
- LP/MP/HP/EX Shoryuken
- Common combo ender on standing opponents
- Will not combo from light normals
- Airborn frames 7-63
- Projectile invincible frames 9-61
- EX
- 10 startup, 26 recovery
- 140(28×5) damage, 150 stun
- -19 on block, KD on hit
- In the corner, juggles into:
- EX Shoryuken
- In VT1:
- LP/MP/HP/EX Shoryuken
- Common combo ender on crouching opponents
- Combos off all cancelable normals
- General notes about Tatsumaki
- MK and HK are 2 of Ryu’s best knockdowns. MK gives good corner carry and HK gives good positioning with the side switch to get you out of the corner. They both give good advantage on knockdown and leave you close enough to pressure whether they quickrise or backrise. If your opponent is not already cornered, ending combos with either of these is ideal when possible.
- EX is the only version that hits crouching, and it has good range. If you are confirming on a crouching opponent, EX is a very reliable combo ender if you cannot use Cr.HP to force standing.
- EX is also a punish for certain well-spaced sweeps like Karin’s or Birdie’s.
- Projectile invincibility on MK and HK versions make them a functional, if a little risky, option to go through fireballs. Just don’t get predictable with it.
- LP
- 3 startup, 30 recovery (crush counter state)
- CA cancelable
- 100 damage, 150 stun
- In VT1:
- 110 damage, 200 stun
- In VT1:
- -24 on block, KD on hit
- Throw invincible frames 1-3
- Not used very often outside of certain juggle combos
- MP
- 4 startup, 38 recovery (crush counter state)
- CA cancelable
- 120 damage, 150 stun
- In VT1:
- 130 damage, 200 stun
- In VT1:
- -32 on block, KD on hit
- Invincible to airborn strikes frames 1-6
- Staple anti-air move
- HP
- 5 startup, 44 recovery (crush counter state)
- CA cancelable
- 130 damage, 150 stun
- In VT1:
- 140 damage, 200 stun
- In VT1:
- -36 on block, KD on hit
- Complete invincibility frames 3-6
- Common combo ender
- EX
- 3 startup, 43 recovery (crush counter state)
- 160(80/80) damage, 200(0/200) stun
- In VT1:
- 180(100/80) damage, 200 stun
- In VT1:
- -37 on block, KD on hit
- Complete invincibility frames 1-15
- Common combo ender
- Sometimes used as a more damaging anti-air than the MP version
- General notes about Shoryuken
- MP and HP version share the same damage and stun. As combo enders, their difference is that MP gives a better knockdown for oki, while HP has more range and connects more reliably.
- HP can also be used to anti-air in cases where they jump from far away and you have doubts about the range of MP.
- EX is one of the most invincible moves in the game and will beat out just about anything.
- Parry with 3 frame startup
- Successful parry builds 1/6th of a bar of VGauge
- 32 frames of recovery when whiffed
- Crush counter state during recovery
- Successful parry can be canceled into itself allowing you to parry multiple-hit moves
- Used to get a punish on many moves that otherwise cannot be punished, or to get a better punish on moves that have a weak punish.
- Not a tool you should rely on too much because of how vulnerable you are if whiffed, but it is an excellent supplement to Ryu’s defense.
- Good against fireballs. Just beware of characters that can follow a fireball in for pressure. Parrying a fireball when they decide to do this can actually leave you vulnerable.
- Good against moves that you can react to that are disadvantageous for you to block. For example, Nash’s Moonsault, Mika’s charged S.HK, Cammy’s VSkill, and more. These moves normally give the opponent advantage if you block them, but if parried with VSkill, you can actually punish them. Some moves like this can hit multiple times, like Necalli’s leaping ground pound move in VT1. You might need to practice parrying moves like this.
- NOT a good wakeup option. 3 frame startup means it can still be beaten by meaties. Crush counterable recovery means if they decide to bait a reversal, you eat the same punish as if you whiffed Shoryuken.
- Can be used to blow up a good amount of common blockstrings. It is important to know your frame data so that you don’t try and use it against a blockstring with a 1 or 2 frame gap and get stuffed. It will only work against blockstrings with a 3 or more frame gap. Don’t be reliant on using parry this way either, it is best to keep this trick up your sleeve and pull it out when it counts.
VTrigger 1
- Seems to be the go-to VTrigger due to versatility in enhancing zoning and damage output while active, which is always nice regardless of matchup. VTrigger 2 is better used for certain matchups like Dhalsim or Abigail.
- The downside to this VTrigger is that it does not last very long. Just under 17 seconds (1000 frames) if you do not throw any fireballs.
- Throwing a fireball consumes a little over a seconds worth of the V Timer (100 frames).
- Shoryuken will consume a little under 2 seconds worth of the V Timer (150 frames).
- Significantly powers up fireballs while active. They become safe (-2 at worst with level 1 charge), they deal increased damage and stun, they will knock down, they have lessened recovery, and they can also be charged to make them multi-hitting, deal more damage, and at full charge they will break guard allowing you a free (heavily scaled) combo. Charging them will not increase the amount of V Timer they consume.
- Significantly enhances juggle possibilities with Shoryuken while active.
- Increases the damage and stun of Shoryuken.
- Increases the stun of all punch normals, including jump normals.
- While active, replaces the Shinku Hadoken CA with Denjin Hadoken, which deals 350 damage and also 300 stun (compare to Shinku Hadoken 320 damage and 0 stun). Denjin Hadoken will also guard break, but it is difficult to capitalize on this as you only have 9 frames to hit them, you will need to be within sweep range. Even if you cannot capitalize on the guard break, Denjin Hadoken is still +9 on block. Using Denjin Hadoken will consume all remaining V Timer and end VT1.
- Enables S.HP to be special-canceled while VT1 is active. This enables some more powerful and consistent combos because the range is much better than Cr.HP which will not connect often because of pushback.
VTrigger 2
- Enables use of a powered up parry by pressing HP+HK.
- Total of 4 uses if all are used immediately (realistically at most you’ll use 3).
- Regular VSkill does not replenish VGauge while VTrigger 2 is active.
- The parry is 2 frame startup, meaning it will lose to perfect meaties but it will blow up a lot of block strings and some non-perfect meaty setups.
- Recovery can still be crush counter punished if you get baited.
- Successfully parrying anything creates a shockwave all around Ryu, which if the opponent is close enough they will get sucked into the crumple.
- i.e. Parrying a fireball at a far distance will do nothing but waste a parry, but if parried close enough to them where the shockwave can reach them they get sucked into the crumple.
- If the opponent is invincible (say you parry an ex dp), they will not get sucked into the crumple. Infiltration showed on stream that if you parry Ken’s CA, he does not get sucked into the crumple because he is invincible when the shockwave goes out.
- Crumple deals 150 damage and 200 stun.
- Crumple can be followed up with EX Jodan, any version of shoryuken, sweep, or they can be reset with a fast enough normal.
- Do not have access to Denjin Hadoken CA with VT2. Also, using CA while activated will not consume VGauge.
- Cannot special cancel S.HP in VT2. This affects a few combos.
- Currently regarded as not worth picking over VT1. VT1 offers such a significant boost in combo damage and fireball zoning capability that it is never worth going without.
Blockstrings and Frame Traps
Some basic strings and frame traps you can use while you get familiar with Ryu and learn to start forming your own. See Notable Normals section for special move enders to the various normals. If these are blocked, it is low risk to cancel the last normal into HP/EX Hadoken.
- Cr.MP > S.MP
- Beats 3 frame lights
- Combos if Cr.MP counter hits, can then be confirmed into an ender.
- If Cr.MP is blocked but S.MP counter hits, it can be confirmed into Sweep.
- S.LP > S.MP
- Beats 3 frame lights
- If S.LP counter hits, S.MP links and the combo can be extended with Cr.MP or Cr.MK canceled into an ender.
- If S.MP counter hits, you can confirm into Sweep or extend the combo with Cr.MP or Cr.MK canceled into an ender.
- S.LP > S.MP > S.LK
- Both gaps beat 3 frame lights
- Combos if S.LP counter hits
- If S.MP hits, rest will combo even if it didn’t counter hit
- Cr.MP > S.LK
- Beats 3 frame lights
- S.MP > S.MP
- Beats 4 frame lights, but not 3 frame lights
- Combos without counter hit
- If second S.MP counter hits, confirm into Sweep
- S.LP > Cr.HP
- Beats 4 frame lights, but not 3 frame lights
- Will not combo unless S.LP counter hits
- It is useful to VTC the Cr.HP to help confirm and extend the combo
- Without VTC, it is safest to cancel Cr.HP into EX Hadoken unless you have the reflexes to confirm into a more damaging but unsafe ender
- (VT1) Cr.MP > Cr.MP
- Beats 3 frame lights
- Combos if the first Cr.MP counter hits
BnB Combos
Some of these may not be optimal, but the ones that are not optimal are at least reliable.
No VTrigger
- S.LP > S.LK xx HP Shoryuken
- 161 damage, 253 stun
- Uses:
- Confirm after jump LK
- Punish for -3 moves
- May also end with LK/MK/EX Tatsu
- S.LK xx MK Tatsu
- 120 damage, 205 stun
- Uses:
- Punish for -4 moves
- May spend a bar for EX Tatsu for 155 damage, 205 stun
- Cr.LK > Cr.LP xx LK Tatsu
- 119 damage, 253 stun
- Uses:
- Low confirm, typically done on their wakeup
- May also end with HP Shoryuken for 151 damage, 253 stun
- May also end with EX Tatsu for 157 damage, 253 stun
- S.MP > S.MP xx MK Jodan
- 178 damage, 310 stun
- Uses:
- Simple and reliable confirm off S.MP
- More optimal to end with MK/HK Tatsu if they are standing
- Also more optimal to replace the second S.MP with Cr.HP, but that is less reliable due to the short range of Cr.HP. Doing this also guarantees you can end with the more optimal MK/HK Tatsu because Cr.HP forces standing.
- S.MP > S.MP xx EX Jodan > HP Shoryuken
- 269 damage, 415 stun
- Uses:
- Midscreen 1 bar combo
- More optimal to replace the second S.MP with Cr.HP, but that is less reliable due to the short range of Cr.HP
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx MK/HK Tatsu
- 221/229 damage, 355 stun
- Uses:
- Optimal balance of damage/oki off of S.MP midscreen
- More optimal to end with HP Shoryuken when they are already cornered
- End with MK Tatsu if you are midscreen, and end with HK Tatsu if you are close to being cornered
- Solar Plexus > Cr.HP xx MK/HK Tatsu
- 241/249 damage, 405 stun
- Uses:
- Optimal midscreen Solar Plexus combo
- More optimal to end with HP Shoryuken when they are already cornered
- End with MK Tatsu if you are midscreen, and end with HK Tatsu if you are close to being cornered
- If you land Solar Plexus at a range where you are too far for Cr.HP to connect, substitute Cr.MK. If they are also crouching in this case, you will need to end with EX Tatsu or EX Hadoken. If you don’t have bar or don’t want to spend bar, substitute Sweep instead of Cr.MK.
Crush Counter Combos
DP Punishing
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx MK/HK Tatsu
- 304/311 damage, 495 stun
- Uses:
- Most basic Crush Counter punish with no resources
- Small walk forward required after CC S.HK
- More optimal to end with HP Shoryuken when they are already cornered
- This is the backbone crush counter punish combo that can be adapted depending on whether you’re midscreen or at the corner, what resources you wanna spend, etc.
- Add VTrigger:
- Raw Activation > CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx MK/HK Tatsu
- Add 1 EX bar:
- Midscreen, VT1 not activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Jodan > HP Shoryuken
- Corner, VT1 not activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Shoryuken
- Midscreen, VT1 not activated:
- Midscreen, VT1 activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx LK Tatsu > EX Shoryuken
- Corner, VT1 activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Tatsu > HP Shoryuken
- Add 2 EX bars:
- Midscreen, VT1 not activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Jodan > EX Shoryuken
- Corner, VT1 not activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Tatsu > EX Shoryuken
- Midscreen, VT1 activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Jodan > EX Shoryuken
- Corner, VT1 activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Tatsu > EX Shoryuken
- Midscreen, VT1 not activated:
- Add 3 EX bars:
- Midscreen, VT1 not activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Shoryuken xx CA
- Corner, VT1 not activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Shoryuken xx CA
- Midscreen, VT1 activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Shoryuken xx CA
- Corner, VT1 activated:
- CC S.HK > S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Hadoken > HP Shoryuken xx CA
- Midscreen, VT1 not activated:
Other CC S.HK Conversions
Sometimes you’ll land a CC S.HK in neutral that wasn’t a dp punish. In that case you’re probably not close enough to get the S.MP > Cr.HP combo. Or maybe you anti aired with it and it crush countered. Here are optimal follow ups for these situations.
- Spaced CC S.HK in neutral:
- Spaced CC S.HK > MK/HK Tatsu
- Simple and should work all the time
- If you are clearly in range to insert a Cr.MP or Cr.MK to cancel the tatsu off of, do that
- Spaced CC S.HK > MK/HK Tatsu
- Spaced CC S.HK > S.HK > S.LK xx MK Tatsu
- S.LK can whiff at farther ranges
- Anti air CC S.HK:
- NOTE: These follow ups are all very dependent on spacing and how high up they got crush countered
- Anti air CC S.HK > HP Shoryuken
- Can’t be too far away, height shouldn’t matter
- Anti air CC S.HK > MK/HK Tatsu
- Spacing shouldn’t matter, need to have enough height
- Anti air CC S.HK > Axe Kick first hit cancel HK Jodan
- Need to be fairly close and fairly high up
- Anti air CC S.HK > Sweep
- Pretty consistent but won’t connect if they are really low
- Anti air CC S.HK > LP Shoryuken > EX Shoryuken
- Corner only
- Can’t be too low to the ground
- If VT1 is active, you can replace EX Shoryuken with a LP/MP/HP Shoryuken. The strength you can use depends on the height. You might be able to get LP but not MP due to MP having more startup and not being able to juggle them before they hit the ground. You’ll have to make that judgement on the fly or just use LP and play it safe.
Using VTC Mid-Combo
One of the general changes to the game system with Arcade Edition is an increase in combo scaling caused by VTrigger cancel. Instead of adding 10%, it now adds 20%. This is a pretty big deal and hurts some characters more than others. In general now, using VTC to extend big combos is a LOT less damaging.
As far as Ryu is concerned, it is still useful to use VTC to convert off of pokes for example S.MK VTC, and combo Sweep, LK/EX Tatsu, or S.HK on hit.
HOWEVER, using VTC to extend a big jump in or a big crush counter punish combo is no longer very rewarding at all and in some cases even does less damage than if you didn’t do it. For this reason I recommend against using VTrigger activation this way, and instead save it for conversions in the neutral like Axe Kick VTC or Cr.MK xx EX Hadoken VTC where it will give you more bang for your buck.
That being said, there are still cases where using VTC to extend combos gives you more damage but to cover every case would take up many pages so just know this: The more hits in the combo that come after the VTC, the more you’re gonna get screwed by scaling. Here’s some examples:
Jump in HP > S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Shoryuken – 300 damage, 465 stun
Jump in HP > S.MP > Cr.HP VT1C > S.HP xx HP Shoryuken – 313 damage, 530 stun
You can see adding VTC here gives you some more stun, but only 13 more damage. Let’s look at a longer combo:
Jump in HP > S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Jodan > HP Shoryuken – 344 damage, 555 stun
Jump in HP > S.MP > Cr.HP VT1C > S.HP xx EX Jodan > HP Shoryuken – 332 damage, 570 stun
In this case, you’re losing 12 damage for 15 stun. Here’s a short and simple example:
S.MP > Cr.MK xx EX Hadoken – 185 damage, 310 stun
S.MP > Cr.MK xx EX Hadoken VT1C > Dash forward > HP Shoryuken – 250 damage, 410 stun
You can see here the reward for extending this one with VTrigger activation is much greater than that of the first example.
Hopefully this demonstrated that using VTrigger activation to extend a combo does not always make it better. Scaling makes optimizing combos on the fly very difficult. In general, for shorter and simpler combos, extending with VTrigger activation will probably be worth it and will get you extra damage. For bigger combos like jump ins or crush counters, there’s cases where it will get you extra damage and there’s cases where it won’t.
New Optimal AE Combos
- New midscreen combos
- 1 EX bar, VT1 activated
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx LK Tatsu > EX Shoryuken
- 339 damage, 552 stun
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx LK Tatsu > EX Shoryuken
- 2 EX bars, VT independent
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Jodan > EX Shoryuken
- 317 damage, 495 stun
- 331 damage, 552 stun with VT1 activated
- NOTE: Delay the EX Shoryuken so that it gets the full 2 hits
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Jodan > EX Shoryuken
- 1 EX bar, VT1 activated
- New combos in the corner
- Meterless, VT1 activated
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Hadoken > HP Shoryuken
- 296 damage, 552 stun
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Hadoken > HP Shoryuken
- 1 EX bar, VT1 activated
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Tatsu > HP Shoryuken
- 342 damage, 552 stun
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx EX Tatsu > HP Shoryuken
- 3 EX bars, VT1 activated
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Hadoken > HP Shoryuken xx CA
- 506 damage, 732 stun
- S.MP > Cr.HP xx HP Hadoken > HP Shoryuken xx CA
- Meterless, VT1 activated
Okizeme, or Oki, is the idea of pressuring your opponent when they are knocked down. Some knockdowns are said to “give good oki,” which means they leave you close enough and advantageous enough to pressure them as they wake up. This section covers typical meaty setups and other setups used after Ryu’s various common knockdowns.
Usually, meaty setups involve dashing forward after the knockdown. To determine your advantage after a dash forward, just subtract 16 from the knockdown advantage because Ryu’s forward dash lasts 16 frames.
All setups beat 3 frame lights unless otherwise stated
- Sweep
- +20 on quickrise, +25 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- Hadoken (Only from spaced Sweep)
- Dash forward > Cr.LP
- Dash forward > Cr.LK
- Dash forward > Cr.MP
- Dash forward > S.MP
- Dash forward > Throw
- Backrise:
- Hadoken (Only from spaced Sweep)
- Any of the quickrise dash forward meaties but with a slight walk forward after the dash
- Dash forward > S.HP
- Dash forward > S.MK
- Crush Counter:
- Dash forward > Cr.LK > Neutral jump HK
- Safe jump against 4 or more frame startup invincible reversals. Cr.LK is whiffed to purposefully kill frames and setup the timing of the jump HK.
- Dash forward > Cr.LK > Neutral jump HK
- Jump forward LK > Collarbone Breaker (F.MP)
- Perfectly meaty overhead. Allows combo into S.LP or LP/EX Shoryuken on hit. On counter hit allows combo into S.MP. You must jump forward because forward jumping has 3 pre-jump frames as opposed to 4 for neutral and back jumps, and you must whiff an air normal in order to have landing recovery frames. Neutral jump will not work, and empty jumping will not work.
- Will switch sides due to jump forward
- VT1 LP Hadoken (Full charge)
- Guard break setup
- Sweep must be spaced
- Consider their character’s options before going for this. Guile for example has HK Flashkick which is projectile invincible from the first frame which he WILL use to blow you up for attempting this setup on him.
- (VT1 Canceled CC Sweep) > S.MP > VT1 LP Hadoken (Full charge)
- Same as previous except S.MP is whiffed if you VTrigger Canceled the crush counter Sweep.
- Dash forward x 4 > Cr.LP
- Dash forward x 4 > Slight delay Throw
- Forward Throw
- +4 on quickrise
- Midscreen:
- These normals will both counterhit 3 frame lights but you are too far to confirm anything off of them besides EX Hadoken VTC with Cr.MK
- Cr.MK xx HP/EX Hadoken
- S.HP
- Target Combo (S.MP > S.HP > S.HK)
- Note: The knockdown advantage is the same whether you start with S.MP or with S.HP
- Also note: If you begin with S.HP and it crush counters, the knockdown advantage will be different. Check out the Additional Resources section for a video on oki setups for this situation.
- +27 on quickrise, +32 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- LP Hadoken
- Whiffs if TC was done point blank
- If in VT1, must be charged a little bit
- Dash forward > Slight walk forward Cr.LK
- Dash forward > Slight walk forward Cr.LP
- Dash forward > Slight walk forward S.LP
- Dash forward > Slight walk forward Cr.MP
- Dash forward > Slight walk forward S.MP
- Dash forward > Slight walk forward Throw
- LP Hadoken
- Backrise:
- LP Hadoken
- Dash forward > Solar Plexus
- Dash forward > Slight walk forward Cr.MP
- Dash forward > Slight walk forward S.MP
- LK Tatsu
- +36 on quickrise, +41 on backrise
- A common setup after LK Tatsu is jump forward LK/MK. Can be ambiguous depending on the spacing when you hit the LK Tatsu. If they backrise, you will have to delay the jump forward a tiny bit. In the corner, you can simply hold up to neutral jump after LK Tatsu and come down with jump HK. This beats normal anti airs on quick rise and is a safe jump on backrise.
- MK Tatsu
- +18 on quickrise, +23 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- Dash forward > S.LP
- Dash forward > Cr.LK
- Dash forward > S.MP
- Dash forward > Throw
- Backrise:
- Dash forward > Cr.MP
- Dash forward > Slight delay throw
- Dash forward > Axe Kick
- HK Tatsu
- +5 on quickrise, +10 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- S.MP
- Cr.MP
- Cr.LP
- Slight delay throw
- Backrise:
- Axe Kick
- EX Tatsu
- +32 on quickrise, +37 on backrise
- Doesn’t leave you at very good positioning for pressuring. This knockdown is better for creating space so you can start zoning again.
- A good setup is to throw a LP Hadoken. They can’t jump over it or else you will recover in time to MP Shoryuken. Beware of moves like Cammy’s EX Spiral Arrow, which will hit you if she wakes up with this.
- MP Shoryuken
- +22 on quickrise, +27 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- MP Hadoken
- Dash forward > S.MP
- Dash forward > S.MK
- Dash forward > Cr.MP
- Dash forward > Cr.MK
- Dash forward > S.HP
- Dash forward > Slight delay throw
- Backrise:
- MP Hadoken
- Any of the quickrise dash forward setups except with a slight walk forward before the button.
- After forward dash here on backrise Ryu is +11, but he doesn’t have any normals that will beat 3 frame lights in this situation, and the only button he has that would beat 4 frame lights (Axe Kick) is out of range. Therefore, his only options here are manually timed buttons or MP Hadoken.
- Advantage will be greater when done as an anti air. How much greater it is will vary depending on how high up they were. It is best to manually adjust setups with the appropriate amount of delay. Requires practice.
- HP Shoryuken
- +20 on quickrise, +25 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- HP Hadoken
- Dash forward > Cr.LP
- Dash forward > Cr.LK
- Dash forward > Cr.MP
- Dash forward > S.MP
- Dash forward > Throw
- Backrise:
- HP Hadoken
- Any of the quickrise dash forward meaties but with a slight walk forward after the dash will connect. Throw will not work due to range. The only one you could hope to convert off of is S.MP however, since it can link to Sweep on counter hit.
- Dash forward > S.HP
- Dash forward > S.MK
- Advantage will be greater when done as an anti air. How much greater it is will vary depending on how high up they were. It is best to manually adjust setups with the appropriate amount of delay. Requires practice.
- EX Shoryuken
- +13 on quickrise, +18 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- Slight walk forward > S.HP
- This will whiff if they don’t wake up with a button, leaving you open to be whiff punished
- Slight walk forward > S.MK
- HP Hadoken
- They cannot jump over this as it will hit them right as they leave the ground. Pretty safe unless they have a move that goes through fireballs.
- Slight walk forward > S.HP
- Quickrise, corner only:
- Axe Kick
- Solar Plexus (Will not beat 3 framers)
- This will also connect midscreen but due to the way it hits you get no conversion at all
- Manually timed S.MP
- Cr.LP > Cr.LP
- Cr.LP > Throw (Will not beat 3 framers)
- Backrise:
- Forget it
- You can dash forward and be +2, but you have no buttons that will reach them that they will have to block. You can counterhit them with S.MP if they press a button, but otherwise you will whiff and be open to get whiff punished.
- HP Hadoken
- They cannot jump over this because you will recover in time to anti air with MP Shoryuken
- Backrise, corner only:
- Dash forward > Throw
- Dash forward > S.MP
- Dash forward > Cr.LK
- Dash forward > Cr.LP
- Dash forward > S.LP
- EX Hadoken
- +39 on quickrise, +44 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- Hadoken
- Dash forward x 2 > Cr.MP
- Dash forward x 2 > S.HP
- Dash forward x 2 > Cr.MK
- Dash forward x 2 > S.MK
- Dash forward x 2 > Axe Kick
- Dash forward x 2 > Slight delay throw
- Backrise:
- Hadoken
- Any of the quickrise dash forward meaties but with a slight walk forward after the dash will connect.
- VT1 LP/MP/HP Hadoken (No charge)
- +36 on quickrise, +41 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- Dash forward x 2 > Cr.LP
- Dash forward x 2 > Cr.LK
- Dash forward x 2 > Cr.MP
- Dash forward x 2 > S.MP
- Dash forward x 2 > Throw
- Backrise:
- Any of the quickrise dash forward meaties but with a slight walk forward after the dash will connect.
- Dash forward > S.HP
- Dash forward > S.MK
- Advantage after this knockdown will be greater the farther away you were when you threw the Hadoken. Manually delay setups if the Hadoken was spaced.
- VT1 EX Hadoken
- +46 on quickrise, +51 on backrise
- Quickrise:
- Dash forward x 2 > Solar Plexus
- Dash forward x 2 > Axe Kick
- Empty jump forward > S.MP
- Empty jump forward > Cr.LP
- Empty jump forward > Cr.LK
- Empty jump forward > Cr.MK
- Backrise:
- S.LP > Jump forward HK
- Safe jump against 4 frame startup invincible reversals
- Dash forward x 2 > Solar Plexus
- Dash forward x 2 > Overhead
- S.LP > Jump forward HK
New AE Options
- EX Hadoken VTC
- Potentially Ryu’s new go-to way to activate
- Allows dash up pressure on block. Frame advantage depends on spacing. You will be +2 at worst with a point-blank EX Hadoken.
- Allows dash up EX Shoryuken on hit or, if using VT1, LP/MP/HP Shoryuken. Works midscreen.
- Axe Kick second-hit VTC
- Another better option than Sweep VTC.
- Allows combo to Solar Plexus on hit.
- This is considerably better with VT1, because VT1 gives you the special-cancelable S.HP, which is usually going to give you a better combo off the Solar Plexus as it will often be spaced too far to get Cr.HP afterwards.
- More Shoryuken juggles with VT1 active
- EX Shoryuken now possible after LK Tatsu. Works midscreen with proper spacing. This is more optimal 1 bar damage than using EX Jodan.
- LP/MP/HP Shoryuken now possible after EX Tatsu in the corner.
- LP/MP/HP Shoryuken now possible after all versions of Hadoken in the corner.
- LP/MP/HP Shoryuken now possible after Axe Kick airborn hit (canceled from first or second hit).
- LP/MP/HP Shoryuken now possible after jumping MP
- EX Shoryuken now possible after Air Tatsu
- S.LP decreased pushback
- Despite what the patchnotes say, pushback was actually decreased, allowing Ryu to tick throw with S.LP without having to walk forward.
- The decreased pushback also allows him to meaty with S.LP then catch people walking back with Cr.LK Cr.LP confirm.
- Allows more consistent blockstrings that won’t whiff due to range as often.
- Closer distance after Forward Throw
- Allows more meaty options, see Okizeme section
Old Options
(No Longer Work/Effective)
- Solar Plexus into Axe Kick link
- Axe Kick startup nerf has made this combo impossible.
- HK Tatsu no longer sails over crouching opponents
- Using VTC to extend big combos
- Increased scaling caused by VTC (10% → 20%) has made using this significantly less rewarding and in some cases it is actually now detrimental to your max damage.
- If you were playing Ryu before AE and have the habit of doing Cr.HP VTC > S.HP in your big combos, you should work on kicking that.
- Use VTrigger activation to instead convert stray hits in neutral. Ryu was given two new ways to activate in this manner in AE. See New AE Options