Table of Contents [hide]
- 0.1 Introduction
- 0.2 Strengths/Weaknesses
- 0.3 Key Moves
- 0.4 FC Game
- 0.5 Wall Game
- 0.6 Jaycee’s Wrestling Moves (Notable Moves)
- 0.7 Punishers
- 1 WS punishment
- 2 Whiff punishment
- 3 Top Moves
- 4 CH tools
- 5 Tailspin Moves
- 6 Combos
- 7 CH Combos
- 8 BT combos
- 9 Wall Combos
- 10 Wall Bounce Combos
- 11 Wall Break/Balcony Break Moves
- 12 Floor Break Moves
- 13 Crushing moves
- 14 Wall Game
- 15 Safe Launchers
- 16 Wardrum Tech
Julia is a very well rounded character. She has great mobility with moves like FF1 which is a fast mid that moves her forward and shotgun (d,df1) which was also another fast mid so she was extremely good at interrupting the opponent’s approach and chipping them down. It’s hard to nail down a playstyle for Julia since she is quite versatile but the closest would be a mixup/okizeme based character with a strong neutral. She could bully with ff1 and establish a meta game from it on block (being only -2) with movement, CHs and so on.
Julia had really strong grabs, she has King’s shining wizard (fff1+2) and can also be done instantly (1+2 break) and her infamous Mad Axes (albeit Michelle has the old version of this, Julia/Jaycee has a different/weaker version of it but the concept is the same) This grab can be done via qcb f2, the amazing thing about this grab is that it was quick, really bufferable which was extremely dangerous considering Julia’s mobility with ff1 and shotguns and had a short window to break. She has a bunch of other command grabs also but these 2 are the main ones.
Her FC mixup was another cornerstone to her gameplay, bow and arrow (FC df43) was a low/mid natural knockdown low which gave extremely strong oki in previous tekkens. Her mid options to complement this were WS1 launcher or WS3 safe homing mid with a JF combo followup. Julia can establish this FC mixup when the opponent respects her due to her strong CHs.
Basically Julia controls neutral really well and she can blender you if she wants to while destroying you at the wall.
- Strong Neutral
- Dumb af wall game
- Some of the best grabs
- High damage output and carry
- Explosive comeback potential
- Has to take risks for comebacks
- No generic df1/d4
- No strong CH launchers outside of standing 4
Key Moves
All these moves are shared between both Julia and Michelle
FF1 – this is Julia Chang in a nutshell, this move is going to be 50% of your moveset. Treat it as a generic df1. It’s a mid that can be done in 12f, you can also delay the ff to realign with your opponent. It’s an elbow so it beats parries/reversals etc. Julia uses ff1 to halter their approach and initiate her pressure game upclose. It’s -2 on block so she has plenty of options, SS/backdash to force whiffs and whiff punish with hopkicks, moves like 111/magic 4 to CH them if they mash slower stuff. This is one of the best mids in the series imo and it’s a very oppressive move. It has a followup with ff14 to stop them mashing afterwards but it’s a high so it is risky. On CH you can do dash d,df1~4,1 combo but it is tight.
Jabs – Julia has a bunch of jab strings, it’s important to note each one
111 – Jab into mid/mid, it gave a breakable stun but she had huge frame advantage to setup her offense. It’s all natural on counterhit from the 1st jab so it was a strong move to throw out if you sensed mashing from the opponent at wrong moments.
114 – jab into mid/low, it’s basically the above string with a low ender. Can be used as a cheesy canned mixup.
121/1211 – jab into high/mid/low. The 3rd hit is very delayable so it was good to make the opponent respect Julia after her jabs. It was a natural combo on CH from the 3rd hit into the low which knocks down and gave Julia followups.
D3 – a 13f low, -12 on block and -1 on hit. It’s an extremely good low poke due to its speed, it can frame trap after ff1 on hit etc. Use it to chip the opponent down and force them to retaliate and use movement/CHs to beat it out.
Standing 4 – 11f female magic 4, she can followup with d,df1~4,1 into combos. This move is key for Julia’s moveset with ff1/d3 to interrupt the opponent’s buttons. Or just generally as a panic move during defence. It’s unsafe by itself but the 4 has a few followups to make your opponent respect the 4 on block.
FF3 – her main whiff punisher at range, in T6 it used to launch for a full combo, in TTT2 she just gets a d1+2 followup, no idea in T7 (pls launch again). Force your opponents to whiff with Julia’s movement and pressure and nail them with this FF3.
D,df1 – commonly called shotgun. It’s her main combo filler and an amazing 12f mid poke. It has an extremely delayable followup which was hitconfirmable on CH in d,df1,2 and wallsplats making her wall game obscenely strong with the opponent being afraid to challenge her at the wall. You can input d,df1~3 or d,df1~4 depending on what direction you want to go into and she goes into a spin stance which has a few moves out of it, most common move is spin 1+2 which was her bound move (screw in ttt2 terms)
UF43 – her hopkick. UF4 on it’s own was -9 so it was a really good low crush safe mid poke that Julia could use to keep the opponent in check. The most cheesy setup is UF4 into Mad Axes grab. It’s a great whiff punisher upclose but be careful with it as a panic move since UF43 on its own is launch punishable, it has a followup in UF431 which can be interrupted with 13f moves after UF43 (so a normal hopkick punish) but you lost the combo if you committed to this.
Mad Axes/Deja Vu – qcb f2 grab. Extremely bufferable and fast with a short window to break (1+2 break). You can use this to force mixups on your opponents who are sleeping on defense due to the window to break. Jaycee’s version called Deja Vu is a weaker version of the traditional Chang’s Mad Axes which is given to Michelle in TTT2. But it is still useful in her arsenal. Thanks to the bufferability of this move, you can do stuff like d,df1~4 and input qcb during the spin, then do f2 upon exiting the spin to grab them. Be creative with this move and keep them on their toes.
Shining Wizard – same as King/AKs shining wizard. It’s a fff1+2 grab that can be done point blank with execution, good to throw out during pressure to keep them on their toes.
QCF2 – a high launcher with built in high crush and safe on block. It was good to go under jabs and other highs if you sensed it coming, it has slightly more range than hopkicks so it was a good whiff punisher too.
4~2,1 – aka wardrums, one of the cornerstones of her wall game. This move is a low starter at the wall if the right conditions are met. So the string is a low/high (at the same time) into a mid. It’s only NC if just the low connects and high whiffs so it must be spaced properly. It’s easy enough in setups with “fixed spacing” such as 111 on CH into backdash, can be tricky on a moving opponent in neutral. Definitely learn how to use this move, it makes her wall game obscene.
WR1 – a fast running high +7 on block with pushback. The pushback is a lot on block for Julia to pressure but if it hits on normal hit, she gets a juicy followup with d1+2. Vs the wall, the move becomes even deadilier with the reduced pushback on block allowing her to pressure at +7. This move is really good for nailing the opponent mistiming their approach vs Julia.
B4 – a +1 on block homing high, essential to keep the opponent’s stepping in check upclose, gave a JF combo followup or an easy mode ff2 grounded hit.
DF1 – not a generic df1 at all. On crouching this move gives a ff3 d1+2 followup. An easy mode version is df1 into ff14 or even df1 to 2~b 2+3 on certain characters.
SS3 – a safe mid wallsplat, good at the wall to complement 4~2’s mixup game.
SS3+4 – a normal hit mid launcher, -21 but it had a lot of pushback so some characters really struggled vs it.
FC Game
FC DF43 – aka bow n arrow, her low in her strong FC mixup game, in TTT2 it gives obscene oki with d3 being a guaranteed hit, ff1 picking up backrolls and ff2 (or d2+3 exclusive to Julia) grounded hitting mid to catch people who fear backrolling due to ff1.
WS3 – a common mid in the FC mixup situation, it’s a safe homing mid which gave a ff2 or a JF combo followup.
WS1 – a -13 mid launcher to catch people ducking in fear of fc df43.
Wall Game
Her wall game is essentially centered around 4~2,1, mid splats and d,df1,2 CH confirms. Keep them still with her threatening CHs and find the spacing to land her wardrums and mix it up with her midsplats such as ss3/d1+2/f2+3 etc while making them respect her with d,df1,2 CH hitconfirms and jab strings/m4 while throwing in some grabs etc.
Jaycee’s Wrestling Moves (Notable Moves)
In TTT2, Julia was under the disguise of Jaycee, this luchadora persona added some wrestling moves to the traditional Chang moveset. I don’t know if Julia in T7 will have these moves but since it’s confirmed that Jaycee is canon, we may see some of Jaycee’s exclusive moveset in T7’s Julia Chang.
DB4 – a dropkick it knocked down on CH and was hefty frames on hit, it also did a lot of damage and was a useful addition to Julia’s low arsenal.
F2+3 – a shoulder barge for Julia, it was a safe mid wallsplat which helped the wall game a lot since the other safe mid splat came out of a sidestep making it a bit telegraphed. IT was also useful in okizeme as f2+3 hits grounded on bigger characters.
Db1+2 – it was her bridge stance, the only useful move out of it was BRG 1+2 which was useful as a tag assault filler. She could also use BRG f1+2 to throw herself on the ground to tag crash, niche use but it’s there.
D2+3 – a grounded hitting mid move, she does a booty drop. This is really strong after fc df43 because ff2 is unsafe if they stand up and block, but not only does d2+3 do more damage, it is also safe on block. An extremely useful addition for Julia in TTT2.
DF3+4 – her main wall ender, the grab portion of the move does unscaled damage so it’s huge chunks as an ender.
ROL stance
She had a stance by entering f3 and she would do a roll and she could do moves out of it.
ROL 1 – +1 on block high, knocks down on NH and gave a ff2/d2+3 grounded hit or the JF combo follow
ROL 2 – a mid CH launcher out of ROL
ROL 3 – a -12 mid launcher on normal hit with some pushback, some characters couldn’t punish this so it was abusable, the ROL stance itself also went under highs and certain mids so it was useful to chuck out sometimes
ROL 1+2 – a breakable grab out of ROL.
1,2 – h,h +5 17dmg
1,1 – h,m +2 19 dmg
2,b 1+2 – h,h 32 dmg +4 leaves opponent bt
F2,4 – h,m 27 dmg +5 (mainly used if you don’t want to switch sides)
D,df1 – m 14 dmg 0 on hit (longest range 12f punishand used for moves that recover in crouch eg anna qcf4)
Df3,1+2 – m,m 32 dmg knd
Ff1,4 – m,h 27 dmg (used for wallsplat)
Ff3 wr2,1 – m into combo with oki after
Df2,1 – m,m 20 dmg launcher
Df2,3~1 – m,h (32 dmg used for wallsplat)
D+1+2 – m 27 dmg, used for pushback moves such as deathfist
F3~1 – h 24 dmg depending on range can give ff3/ff2 follow up or d1+2 on bigs
WS punishment
D1 – sm 5 dmg +6
Ws4 – m 21 dmg knd with great oki
Fc df2 – m 25 dmg KND that wallsplats
Ws1 – m 15 dmg launcher
Uf4,3 – m,m 16 dmg launcher
Whiff punishment
Df2,1 (launch)
F3~1 ff3/ff2/d+1+2* (40/42 dmg or *45 dmg bigs only*)
Ff3 wr2,1 (44 dmg)
D1+2 (27 dmg)
Ff+1+2 (27 dmg wallbounce)
Top Moves
1,2 (a generic jab string)
1,1,1 (10f counter hit hitconfirmable wallsplat move)
4 (11f high magic for with an easy conversion on ch with ff1, -12 however but does have and extension)
4~2,1 (15f low and high with a mid follow up wallsplat, first hit is only -12, the extension is -16 though hitconfirmable on ch and if you space it where the high whiffs it will become nc)
F3~1 (12-19f depending on range, high that knd and has amazing range, only -3 at worse)
F3,2 (31f overall due to entering f3, but a safe range ch mid knd at -8)
F3,4 (33f overall due to entering f3, -13 low that on hit is +2 and ch launches)
F1+2 (18f mid pc that wallcounces, it is -14 however so use sparingly)
Df1 (14f mid that is -5 on block and +1 on hit, if this hits a crouched opponent it is +14 give guaranteed ff3_ff1,4 etc)
Df2,1 (15f launcher with amazing range, is -18 though so be careful)
Df2,3 (entry into swift step, not really abusable)
D3 (13f low thats -12 on block and -1 on ch, +4 forces crouch on ch, your main quick low poke)
Db4,1 (15 low that is -12 on block and -1 on hit, on ch the follow up is hitconfirmable and will knd, follow up is only -10 as well)
B4 (18f high homing move that is +1 on block and gives a launch on ch)
B1+2 (21f m launcher thats -13 on block, has amazing range and depending on who you are facing you will or won’t use this move as certain characters can punish it at ranges)
Uf1 (15f mid -8 on block and +4 on hit, evades some highs and launches on ch)
Ff1 (12f fastest, mid -2 on block +4 on hit, this is julia’s best moves as it is fast has good range and tracking and has a high extension via ff1,4 that launches on ch)
Ff3 (13f fastest, mid, is your go to range punish and it hits grounded, -14 on block however)
Ff1+2 (14f fastest, mid that is a wallbounce and is -7 on block, great range as well)
D,df+1 (12f fastest, mid thats -6 on block and 0 on hit, can enter CES via d,df1,3 or d,df1,4, has an extension that is hitconfirmable on counter hit and gives a wallsplat via d,df1,2)
Qcf2 (17f fastest high launcher -8 on block with pushback, high evades more than uf1 so sometimes you might want to use this over uf1)
Fff1 (14f fastest, high +4 on block and gives a mini combo on hit)
Ws3 (14f mid -7 on block +17 on hit and knd on ch, your main mid from crouch as its safe and homes)
Fc df4,3 (16f low mid -17 on block and knd on hit, fc df4 by its own is -14 with amazing range, at the wall fc df4,3 gives a free ff3 or d1+2 if the opponent is a big)
Ss4 (20f low -13 on block +3 on hit, on ch gives a free uf3+4)
Qcb,f+2 (10f start up throw that is very bufferable, 1+2 break)
CH tools
1,1,1 (10f h,m,m hitconfirmable wallsplat)
4 (11f high ch launcher)
4~2,1 (15f low and high, mid hitconfirmable wallsplat)
Db4,1 (15f low mid hitconfirmable wallsplat)
CES 1 (15f high ch launcher)
F3,2 (31f fastest, long range mid ch launcher)
F3,4 (33f fastest, low range low ch launcher)
Uf1 (15f mid with high evasion, ch launcher)
(ff1),4 (extension from a 12f fastest move, on ch gives !S)
D,df1,2 (12f fastest, mid,mid that’s hitconfirmable on ch )
Ws3 (14f homing mid from crouch, KND on ch and gives a free grounded move or a just frame combo)
Tailspin Moves
The above combos is the harder combo and the one below is much easier
Df2,1 f3~1 df3 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (78 dmg)
Df2,1 f3~1 df3 ff1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (74 dmg)
UF4,3 F3~1 ff1 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (72 dmg)
Uf4,3 4 d,df1,4,1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (65 dmg)
B1+2 f3,4 df3 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (76 dmg)
B1+2 f3,4 df3 ff1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (72 dmg)
B4 df3+4 ff1 d,df1,4,2 !S df4,2,bf1 (67 dmg)
Qcf2 f3~1 df3 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1.4 !S wr2,1 (73 dmg)
Qcf2 f3~1 d,df1,41, d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (70 dmg)
Ws1 df2,3~1 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (67 dmg)
Ws1 4 d,df1,4,1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (64 dmg)
Ff3 wr2,1 (44 dmg)
Wr1 wr2,1 (51 dmg)
On crouch
Df1 ff3 wr2,1 (57 dmg)
Df1 df3,1+2 (45 dmg)
CH Combos
4 ff1 d,df1,4,1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (68 dmg)
4 ff1 d,df1,4,1 d,df1,4 df,4,2,3 !S df2,1+3 (64 dmg)
CES 1 ss f3,4 df3 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr21 (69 dmg)
CES 1 ss f3,4 df3 ff1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (65 dmg)
F3,2 f3,4 df3 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (77 dmg)
F3,2 f3,4 df3 ff1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (73 dmg)
F3,4 df3+4 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (72 dmg)
F,3,4 df3+4 ff1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (68 dmg)
B3 cc df3+4 ff1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (72 dmg)
B3 cc df3+4 ff1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (68 dmg)
Uf1 ff1 d,df1,4,1 f2,1,3~1 ff1,4 !S wr2,1 (70 dmg)
Uf1 ff1 d,df1,4,1 d,df1,4 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (66 dmg)
(ff1),4 wr3 df3 ff1 d,df1,3 df4,2,bf1 (72 dmg)
Ws3 4~2 ff1 ff1 d,df1,3 df4,2,3 !S df2,3,1+2 (65 dmg notes 4~2 ff is a just frame link)
Bears only ws3 ff1 will link
BT combos
1,2,1,1 free ff2/ff2
Wall Combos
Ff1,4 !W 1 df4,2,bf1 (61 dmg)
Ff1,4 !W 1 1+2,4,4 (58 dmg)
Ff1,4 !W ff1 uf4,3,1 (58 dmg works im thise chars as well as ganryu
Ff1,4 !W ff1 1 df4,2,bf1 (64 dmg marduk size above only)
From carry
!W uf+3+4 ff3 is max dmg (uf3+4 must hit low, d1+2 hits marduk size larger instead of ff3)
Wall Bounce Combos
Ff1+2 4 !W uf+3+4 ff3 (72 dmg)
F+1+2 1 !W 1 df4,2,bf1 (59 dmg)
Ff1+2 df4,2,3 !W uf3+4 ff3 (82 dmg)
F+1+2 df4,2,3 !W uf3+4 ff3 (79 dmg)
Wall Break/Balcony Break Moves
CES 3,1+2
CES 4,1+2
Fc df2
Floor Break Moves
Crushing moves
High crush
Fc df4
*Only evades highs slightly mainly just certain jabs etc
Low crush
Wall Game
Julia possesses one of the top wall games as well as top wall carry, so getting to the wall in a combo isn’t an issue. She on on one the few chars to have a low wallsplat move via wardrum if spaced right and has safe mid wallsplats as well as hitconfirmables strings. Switching sides with you back at the wall isn’t a big issue either as julia has 1+3 which even if broken will switch sides, b+2+4 will also give a wallsplat if your back is to the wall. Useful moves at the wall are:
1,1,1 (10f ncc hitconfirmable)
4~2,1 (15f, low and high mid, if spaced where the high whiffs it becomes nc, is hitconfirmable on ch, watch out as it is -16)
F3~1/df2,3~1 (mainly as a whiff punish)
F+1+2 (18f mid PC, -14 wallbounce, good to rarely throw out due to armor)
Df1 (14f safe mid that if it hits crouchers will give you a free ff1,4 into wallsplat)
D,df1,2 (12f fastest, mid mid ncc and hitconfirmable, it is delayable but the full string is -14)
Db4,1 (15f low mid, ncc and hitconfirmable the last hit is only -10)
Ff1,4 (12f fastest, m,h mainly used as a whiff punish, fastest nc wallsplat move)
Ff1+2 (14f fastest, m wallbounce -8, one of the best wallbounces in the game)
Ws3 (14f homing m, -7, go to mid from crouch)
Fc df4,3 (16f low mid, -16, hitting this string will give Julia a free ff3 or d1+2 vs bigs)
With julias back to the wall B+2+4 gives a combo of:
B+2+4 !W df1 ff3
Safe Launchers
Qcf2 (-8 high)
B+1+2 (-13 pushback safe vs a few chars at range)
Wardrum Tech
In Certain situations julia can make Wardrum become nc very easily, A thread of these situations can be found with the below link:
Below is a list of these situations also
Fc df2 ff n 4~2,1
CH ws ff3 ssl 4~2,1
Ff3 wr2,1 ff n 4~2,1
Ws4 ff n 4~2,1
Df2,1,3~1 ff3 ff n 4~2,1
!W uf3+4 ff3 f n 4~2,1
Fc df4,3 ff3 f n 4~2,1
Credit to fergus for ff1 uf4,3,1 list –
Complete Movelist Breakdown
Format in Bold =
Input, Attack Property, Damage, Frame Startup, Frame Advantage, Tracking if Any (If it’s straight up linear, then its left out), NC (or NC on CH) if applicable.
“Tracks X way, means tracks the opponents direction”
NC = Natural Combo
NH = Normal Hit
CH = Counter Hit
KDN = Knockdown
OC = Opponent Crouching (Leaves them in crouch)
W! = Wallsplat
S! = Screw
SSL = Sidestep Left
SSR = Sidestep Right
SWL = Sidewalk Left
SWR = Sidewalk Right
DF1+2(RA), Mid, 20f, -22/KDN/KDN
Standard mid RA, nothing too noticable about Julia’s.
F2+3(RD), Mid, 15f, +8(vs wall)/KDN/KDN, tracks SSR/SWR
Not a very useful RD since it doesn’t resplat like Paul/Feng/Leo/Kazumi etc due to it being 2 hits. However it’s useful for applying pressure vs the wall, you get 5 chip damage and +8 to work with, as well as being a + on block mid option in a wardrums spacing mixup in rage.
1, High, 7, 10f, +1/+8/+8, tracks SSL slightly
Jab pressure is pretty standard in tekken, it is your fastest move as Julia. Good as an interrupt tool during opponent’s pressure. It is +1 on block so you can work the frame(s) a little by doing jabs again if they mash etc. Since it’s so + on hit, you can do uf1 as a CH launcher if they mash anything. It’s a good tool to get your opponent antsy and forced to challenge, move or duck vs the jab. Julia has a pretty good jab game due to the hitbox and the followups it has
1,1, High,/Mid, 7/12, 10f, -9/+2/+2, NC
One of her 10f punishers. Depends if you want the damage in 1,1 or the +5 from the 1,2. The whole string is NC on CH and easy to hitconfirm. Since the 2nd hit is safe, it’s worth checking the opponent with 1,1 hitconfirms especially vs wall for a wallsplat combo. Really strong string to be able to hitconfirm and apply well. Use it as wall pressure as an interrupt tool or frame traps
1,1,1, High/Mid/Mid, 7/12/20, 10f, -14/KDN/KDN, NC on CH
Julia’s 10f CH wallsplat string, extremely strong near walls as an interrupt/pressure tool. Good to keep opponent in check in general and not to overextend on their pressure or challenge your + frames as Julia. A good visual cue for the CH animation is that the 2nd hit will put them in crouch if the 1st jab connects on CH
1,1,2, High/Mid/Mid, 7/12/20, 10f, -9/KDN/Launch
A CH launching mid after her jab strings, it’s quite slow but it can catch people out with delayed timing on their buttons. Pickup would be df423 s! Into df42bf1. I don’t really have much of use for this, maybe a CH attempt if you see that 11 got blocked and still wanna fish for a CH safe mid option?
1,2 High/High, 7/8 , 10f, -1/+5/+5, NC
A good 1,2 to throw out as it has a scary followup if it lands on CH. It can also go into her CES (Clockwise Evasive Stance) stance, the spin stance allowing more pressure and mindgames. You can force your opponent to respect you by threatening with the followup which is really damaging on CH. So you can really bully people with Julia with her jab strings allowing her to extend her pressure and mindgames.
CES 1, High, 14, 15f, 0/+6/Launch
Julia’s CES (Clockwise Evasive Stance) or commonly known as spin is a stance she has out of d,df1, jabs and ws2. The CES 1 is a 15f high that can CH slow retaliations from your opponent if they mashed after jabs,d,df1 or ws2 on block.
CES 2, Mid, 20, 18f, -9/+11/+11
One of Julia’s main tailspin moves, accessible out of her CES stance. It’s can also be used as a mid option to complement CES 4,1+2 which is a low sweep kind of move. On hit, it can give spacing for a wardrums/mid mixup.
CES 3,1+2, Mid/Mid, 10/27, 18f, -13/KDN/KDN, NC
Another one of Julia’s mid options to complement CES4,1+2 although it is unsafe compared to CES2. It can also be used as a funky wall ender in some situations.I wouldn’t pay much attention to this move unless you got a good read on them ducking and you want the beefy damage.
CES 4,1+2, Low/Mid, 14/18, 20f, -16/KDN/KDN, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR, NC
Julia’s low option out of CES stance. It high crushes any high retaliations from spin transition and it also grants a full combo vs a breakable wall/balcony which makes this move even scarier. Just be careful as it is launch on block, the low staggers on block and the mid itself is also launch if the low whiffed. Condition your opponent to respect the spin mixup and throw out the low sparingly.
CES 1+2, Mid, 18. 19f. -9/+5OC/Launch
The CH mid launcher out of CES, if you feel like they will have a really delayed retaliation interrupting the spin transitions, this is the button to use. Although I feel spin 2 is better to use as a mid option in general since it’s better on normal hit.
1,2,1, High/High/Mid, 7/8/10, 10f, -13/+3/+3
The mid after her 1,2, if the 3rd hit CHs, then the ender is guaranteed. Use this sparingly to scare your opponent from challenging Julia’s jabs on block. The 3rd hit is really delayable so it’s good to score a CH into the guaranteed low ender
1,2,1,1, High/High/Mid/Low, 7/8/10/20, 10f, -14/KDN/KDN, NC on CH after 3rd hit
It’s the low ender to the string, natural if the 3rd hits on CH. If you get the low, you can do uf3+4 for free into oki. Really damaging sequence and it got buffed to -14 so it’s worth trying vs some characters. If you delay the mid into the low, there is a 12f gap and she high crushes with the low so it’ll beat a lot of buttons even with delay.
1,2,3 (or 1,2,4) High/High, 7/8 , 10f, +1/+7/+7
Her jabs into the spin stance, the above frames only apply if you do a CES move out of spin. It’s not great on block since there is a 14f gap before CES 1 can come out. So any 14f or faster moves will interrupt moves out of jabs to spin moves on block. There is a bug with this move, where the opponent cannot do df or db moves on block, I dunno why but lets take it. On hit, there is a 8f gap before CES 1 so it cannot be interrupted. If they to down jab, you can jab spin into low parry or hopkick. Overall I don’t think it’s a good meta really, just use it sparingly.
2, High, 10, 10f, -2/+7/+7
Pretty useless move, no reason to use this over 1 jab. Ignore it
2~b 1+2, High/Mid, 10/20, 12f, -8/+3/+3, NC
One of her 12f punishers,opponent is left at +3 BT. If they hold db then shotgun(d,df1) will hit them and CH any buttons from BT so shotgun is a good option afterwards to keep them in check. It’s good to do this punish to side switch if your back is to the wall or close.
3, High, 17, 14f, -14/KDN/KDN
Useless, never use
4, High, 15, 11f, -12/-3/Launch
This is your 11f interrupt/pressure tool. It gives a combo on counter hit. Although it is unsafe on block, she has followups to make the opponent hestitate to punish. You want to use magic 4 after certain situations, such as + frames, or – frames if the opponent does slower moves or delayed reactions post ff1/d3/db4 etc. Really scares the opponent from overextending on their pressure or challenging your + frames.
4,4, High/Low, 15/12, 11f, -16/-2/-2, NC on CH
This followup will interrupt people trying to punish 4 on block, and if the 2nd hit connects on CH then the 3rd hit followups will be guaranteed. Use it sparingly.
4,4,1, High/Low/Mid, 15/12/21, 11f, -14/Launch/Launch, NC after 2nd hit on CH
4 string into a mid launcher. If they try to punish 4 on its own, then they get launched due to the fact that the 2nd hit into the mid is NCc or if they tried to duck the high ender of 44. It’s also her BT punisher if she gets to the opponents back
4,4,4, High/Low/High, 15/12/23, 11f, -9/KDN/Launch, NC after 2nd hit on CH
A safe high wallsplat ender after 4 string. Like the mid ender, it will be NC after 2nd hit on CH if the opponent tries to punish the standing 4 on its own. Can be useful near walls as the ender wallsplats. If the 4 CHs, then this followup will combo as a mini combo.
4,4, 1~2, High/Low/Mid, 15/12/20, 11f, -9/KDN/Launch
Same as her 1,1,2, used as a delayed CH mid launcher that’s safe on block to throw off your opponent’s timing or catch a delayed button post 44.
4,4,D4, High/Low/Low, 15/12/10, 11f, -19/-8/-8, NC after 2nd hit
Just a cheeky low extension in the string, can be ok to use sparingly to sneak extra damage in but I wouldn’t bother with it much since it’s really bad on block and on hit.
4~2, LowHigh, 7/5, 15f, -12/-4/+1, NC on CH
A 15f low wallsplat, this is the low/high on its own of the string. It’s a decent low poke due to the range and the fact that it cannot be crushed by hopkicks and the likes due to the high hitting at the same time. It’s good to throw out to look for the CH.
4~2,1, LowHigh/Mid, 7/5/21, -16/KDN/KDN, NCc on CH and specific spacing
This is one of Julia’s cheapest moves. It’s a very unique move in the tekken series. Since the 1st hit is a low and a high at the same time, the mid ender is only guaranteed if JUST the low connects, this can be acquired through a specific spacing where the high whiffs since the low has more range, if just the low connects then the mid is NC so we have a low NC wallsplatting string. After specific setups and KDNs, we can have auto-spacing for this string such as ff14 on hit, ff3/wr1 into wr21 etc. Another thing with this string is, it’s NC on CH as well and 4~2 sparks on CH only so that is a nice visual cue to confirm the followup. So you have a 15f low poke that also splats on CH with an easy confirm. Great move!
1+2, Mid, 14, 18f, -5/+1/+6
Useless, ignore. It’s not much reward as a mid poke or anything, just do ff1/df3 instead
1+2,4, Mid/High,, 14/12, 18f, -12/-1/+4, NC
Since it’s NC, it can be ok to throw out sometimes as a somewhat safeish mid NC string poke if the opponent doesn’t know or isn’t ready for it. It also has followups to scare the opponent although both options can be dickjabbed OS’ed.
1+2,4,3+4, Mid/High/Mid, 14/12/20, 18f, -20/KDN/KDN, NC on CH after 2nd hit
Only really useful as a combo ender, really unsafe on block so no point in using it in neutral. Just keep it to a combo ender.
1+2, 4, bf1+2, Mid/High/Mid, 14/12/25, 18f, -10/KDN/KDN, NC on CH after 2nd hit
One of her wall enders, could be ok as a cheesy string sometime or a knowledge check but not really recommended. I would just keep this for combo purpose, you can step the last hit on block
1+4, Mid/Low, 18f, -26/KDN/Launch, tracks SSL/SWL, 2nd hit psuedo homing, NC
It’s a mid low string that kdns into a free ff2. It is a tight string so that means you cannot interrupt the 2nd hit on block or even crush it and it’ll CH launch you if you attempt. It also has a cancel with ~d so you can enforce FC mixups if you want. The whole meta is a bit gimmicky but it can definitely work if used well. If they try to interrupt your FC mixup or other moves, they’ll risk getting CH launched. The string is also quite easy to hitconfirm as you can do the cancel on block. Be careful with overusing the cancel however as if they read it, they can hopkick punish it.
F2, High, 10, 12f, -2/+7/+7
Not much use on it’s own, no reason to use this over jabs for the same situations
F2,1, High/High, 10/14, 12f, -1/+5/+10, NC
Her main combo filler in combos into f21~f3,1. You could maybe pressure with f21 into f3 stance (swift step) although even on hit, all the options can be down jabbed so don’t do it if your opponent knows about it. The 2nd hit of F21 is really delayable and if you do f3~1 after, it’s a NC on CH, could be useful for CH fishing near wall for a 40 dmg wallsplat. Mainly used for combos anyway. Just don’t be obvious with it as it doesn’t jail. Since it’s +10 on CH, Julia can get jabs for free.
F2,1,2, High/High/Mid, 10/14/18, 14f, -10/+2/Launch, NC on CH after 2nd hit
Mid CH launcher of the f21 string. Only -10 and all the hits in the string can be delayable. Really good to catch people out and since it’s only -10 you’re not risking much. It also cannot be interrupted if no delay. On delay, you can SSR the last hit but still cannot interrupt.
F3~1, High, 24, 19f, -3/KDN/KDN
This is also a main staple in Julia’s combos. It’s also used as a whiff punisher at range, and a block punisher for specific moves such as Bear’s ff2. Can be useful as a neutral move randomly to get in since it’s only -3 on block, Julia can still move around and fish for whiff punishment or CH slower buttons on block.
F3~2, Mid, 20, 31f, -8/KDN/Launch
A safe mid CH launcher, I like to use this on oki when they backroll since it pushes back on block as well so Julia can still force whiffs and such. It’s a good mid to complement her low from swift step. You can use this to condition the opponent at range to respect Julia’s approach and then start doing dumb shit like f3~d cancel to go into FC mixups.
F3~4, Low, 17, 33f, -13/+2/Launch
The low out of swift step. It’s a CH launcher and tracks surprisingly well. Can be used on oki or in neutral to chase down the opponent and apply + frames on hit. It’s one of Julia’s few + on hit lows, I personally like the move a lot.
F3~UF3+4, MidHigh, 8/12, 39f, -16/Launch/Launch
Not really useful since it’s pretty on block, only really used in combos as a wall carry ender.
F4, Mid, 13, 15f, -10/+3/+3
F4 is the starter to her F41 string which is a nice ranged whiff punisher or specific block punisher. 1st hit is only -10 on block so it’s worth fishing for a hitconfirm with a string. It’s also useful as a wall carry.
F41, Mid/Mid, 13/23, 15f, -14/KDN/KDN, NC
A decent ranged whiff punisher and wall carry ender. It’s also a block punisher for specific moves such as Paul’s deathfist.
F1+2, Mid, 25, 18f, -14/KDN/KDN
A really strong powerful due to the wall bounce property. -14 isn’t too bad for a mid powercrush of this level. Scare your opponents into respecting you at the wall due to the threat of armour, which allows Julia to play her wall game with less interruption. One of the better power crushes in the game for sure. Just be wary of characters with 14f launchers
F1+4, Unblockable, 30, 67f, Launch/Launch/Launch
Too slow to use in the open, might have potential vs Bears and other big characters due to it hitting grounded on them as a tech trap, will have to look into it.
DF1, Mid, 13, 14f, -5/+1(+14 on crouch)/+1, slight SSR
One of Julia’s best moves. The move that will put the fear into the opponent for random ducking vs her. If this move connects on crouching opponents, she has +14 to work with meaning she can get a guaranteed ff3 into wr21 in the open, or ff14 wallsplat or df3,1+2 for easy mode and if you have the execution, ff1+2 near walls. Extremely strong for checking crouching opponents. A must use move for Julia.
DF2, Mid, 8, 15f, -9/+2/+2, slightly tracks SSL
Not much use on it’s own, but it has a bunch of followups. It can go into swift step.
DF2,3~1 is a natural combo so it’s pretty strong vs ducking opponents, especially vs the wall where it will wallsplat for 32 dmg and lashing arrow is only -3 on block so you still can do stuff, on block you cannot interrupt but you can duck.
DF2,3~2 has a 15f gap on block, but it has some high crush so it’ll hit people doing jabs or other highs. However the opponent can step it on block. If df2 hits, then the swift step 2 cannot be interrupted or stepped.
DF2,3~4, the low from swift step. 17f gap on block. Opponent can step (SSL only) on block, however on hit it cannot be ducked.
DF2~3+4 – huge gap on block, on hit there is a 12f gap. Not really worth doing at all
DF2,4, Mid/High, 8/18, 15f, -6/+5/+5, NC
A mid high string, it’s NC on block but it doesn’t jail so opponent can duck it. Could be ok as a safe mid NC poke if your opponent isn’t ready to duck it or doesn’t know. Not much use outside of that, I would just do df2,3~1 for the same purpose but better reward
DF3, Mid, 14, 13f, -7/+4/+4, tracks SSR/SWR
A good mid poke, buffed from 14f in ttt2 to 13f. A really strong move and it also tracks to opps right completely as well as having amazing range. It’s just generally good to poke with this mid and it even has a followup to hit your opponent if they’re challenging her df3 on block.
DF3,1+2, Mid/Mid, 14/18, 13f, -13/KDN/KDN, tracks SSR/SWR, NC
The followup to her df3 string. If you want an easy mode followup after df1 on crouching opponents, this is the string. You cannot interrupt the string but you can SSL the followup. It doesn’t give a direct clean wallsplat but it will if a wall is slightly off axis or at range. Basically a good tool to give mental frames on her blocked df3 to scare the opponent from challenging it.
DF4, Mid, 14, 14f, -10/+1/+1, tracks SSR/SWR
Another move that tracks to opponent’s right clean. This is a 14f mid that has a bunch of followups. Including her staple wall ender in df42bf1, a NCc string in df42bf1. The move by itself isn’t too useful however but the strings are..
DF4,2, Mid/Mid. 14/10, 14f, -13/-2/-2, tracks SSR/SWR, NC on CH
The 2nd hit in her df4 string that can lead to a mid or a high ender. Most Julia’s will stop at this hit if they’re fishing for a df423 CH confirm. If the opponent is on point, they can punish it if they notice the Julia stopping at this hit. Mix it up well and use it sparingly. The 2nd hit is delayable which is then NC on CH to both enders so you can fish for CH with this as well.
DF4,2,1, Mid/Mid/Mid, 14/10/25, 14f, -14/KDN/KDN, tracks SSR/SWR, NC on CH after 1st hit
The mid ender to the df4 string. There is 0 reason to do this over the bf1 ender though since the frames are the same and bf1 ender does more damage. Ignore this
DF42bf1, Mid/Mid/Mid, 14/10/30, 14f, -14/KDN/KDN, tracks SSR/SWR, NC on CH after 1st hit
An extremely strong 14f mid CH confirmable string. Does 56 damage and wallsplats, so you’re looking at a 56 dmg wallsplat starter. Quite easy to hitconfirm as well so fish for it near the wall and stop at the 2nd hit on block, or maybe just finish it anyway to catch them pushing buttons/trying to punish 2nd hit lol or if they attempt to duck the high ender. It cannot be stepped on block even if delayed, and it has a 11f gap if delayed. Cheap string
DF4,2,3, Mid/Mid/High, 14/10/18, 14f, -5/KDN/KDN, tracks SSR/SWR, NC on CH after 1st hit
The high ender to the string, like the mid ender it is NC on CH from the 1st hit. It’s the safe option from the df4 string. If not delayed, you cannot interrupt it, with delay, it has a 10f gap.
DF3+4, SpecialMid/Mid, 10/20, 17f, -7/+9/+9, tracks SSL/SWL, NC
Usually used in combos, particularly off b4. Since it’s one of the few moves that completely tracks to the opponent’s left, it can be useful to throw out to stop them from going that way. It’s also used as a SS resplat after direct splats to add on more damage.
D1, SpecialMid, 5, 10f, -5/+6/+6
A generic down jab, used to interrupt the opponent out of pressure since it also high crushes and is 10f. Julia especially has a very good down jab since on hit, she can do WS3 to CH the opponent afterwards as well as stopping them from stepping. Her FC game is really strong from a down jab interrupt, since I believe most characters cannot backdash BnA point blank from a down jab. And they cannot interrupt WS1 and it tracks one way as well.
D2, SpecialMid, 8, 11f, -4/+7/+7
Another interrupt tool to interrupt your opponent. Not much reason to use this over down jab as you cannot interrupt WS3 afterwards anyway. It is 1 more frame though so it’d be harder to backdash BnA and they cannot interrupt BnA as well.
D23, SpecialMid/Mid, 8/13, 11f, -10/+1/+1, NC on CH
An interrupt tool that’s NC on CH. Can be useful to interrupt pressure from the opponent and get some damage. It’s also used as a short wall carry after s! If you want to get better wall enders such as uf3+4 ff3 or f3~1 to jab df42bf1. Be wary as it is -10 on block and not NC so time your interrupts well
D3, Low, 10, 13f, -12/-1/+4 OC, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR
One of Julia’s best lows due to the speed and frames. It can be frame trapped after ff1 on hit (+4) so it’s a great low poke to frustrate your opponent. The damage may be low but it is a 13f low that’s only -1 on hit, so Julia can move around and fish for baits or use jabs/m4 to CH slower moves. It tracks really well so your opponent has to just eat this move in most cases. On CH, it leaves them in crouch at +4 so it’s great to use this as a frame trap from many moves. Definitely one of Julia’s best moves.
D4, Low, 12, 20f, -16/-2/-2, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR
The same low from her (4)4 string, can be useful as a high crush low poke although the situation is not that great since Julia is -2 on crouch although she has followups and movement to stop the opponent from challenging it. Tbh just use d3 lol
D4,1, Low/Mid, 12/21, 20f, -16/Launch/Launch, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR, NC on CH
Again. Same as (4) string. It’s just a low NC on CH launcher, but the low strings overall isn’t very useful, I wouldn’t pay much attention to these strings.
D4,1~2, Low/Mid, 12/20, 20f, -9/KDN/Launch, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR
Not very useful, it has a huge gap so again might be useful to catch people out with delayed timings. Launches on CH.
D4,4, Low/High, 12/23, 20f, -6/KDN/KDN, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR, NC on CH
Same as the (4) strings, NC on CH. Could be useful if your opponent isn’t ready to duck it since it’s a 16f CH low string. It pushes back on block so Julia can still move around and fish for whiff punishes.
D4,D4, Low/Low, 12/10, 20f, -19/-8/-8, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR, NC on CH
Not that useful at all, the risk is too high to finish the string.since its launch on block and heavily – on hit. She has better options for the same situation, ignore the string unless you want cheesy hits in if your opponent doesn’t know about the string..
D1+2, Mid, 27, 16f, -14/KDN/KDN, tracks SSL/SWL
Useful as a ranged whiff punisher, also used in combos on big characters at the wall and as an oki option after bow and arrow, especially since it’s a free hit after BnA on certain characters vs wall. And it’s a block punishment on pushback moves such as Pauls’ deathfist or Asuka’s b3.
DB1, Mid, 17, 19f, -12/+5/Launch, tracks SSL/SSR slightly
A nice panic move, it has pretty fast high crush and it’s only -12 on block so it’s not too risky to throw out. It launches on CH, with a f3,4 followup into ff1 etc. If you sense your opponent likes to use lots of highs/grabs, db1 is great to CH them for a combo.
DB2, Mid, 13, 15f, -10/+1/+1
Not really a useful mid at all, you have way better options in the same situation, I would just ignore it.
DB2,1, Mid/Low, 13/7, 15f, -11/-4/0
Again, not really a useful string, maybe at the very best it can be used as a round ender to sneak a cheeky low in.
DB3, Low, 12, 16f, -17/-6/-6, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR
Pretty bad on block and hit, but it can be useful as a round ender since it does more damage than d3/db4. I wouldn’t use it much outside of that due to it being launchable on block.
DB4, Low, 11, 15f, -12/-1/+4, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR
A pretty good low poke imo, it has a mid extension as well to scare your opponents from challenging or you can use the -1 and move around/CH slower retaliation from your opponent. It also has really strong tracking, psuedo homing essentially, great low poke to use in general up close and for mental frames with extension.
DB4,1, Low/Mid, 11/21, 15f, -10/KDN/KDN, tracks SSL/SSR/SWL/SWR, NC on CH
A mid extension to db4, it’s only -10 on block so it’s very abusable vs a lot of characters. On hit you cannot step or interrupt the followup, delayed or not. On block, it cannot be interrupted if not delayed, and if delayed, there is only a 10f gap so only down jab is possible since you are in crouch. If the mid is delayed, you can SSR it, but only on P2 side.
B1, Mid, 18, 18f, -9/+5OC/Launch, tracks SSL/SSR/SWR
Safe mid CH launcher that completely tracks to opponent’s right. Worth throwing out sometimes if your opponent likes to use slower moves, just be wary due to the speed since 18f is quite slow. It also has great tracking to opponent’s right so it’s also good to keep them in check in that area too.
B2, High, 14, 13f, -10/+1/+1
Not really much use to this move, especially on it’s own.
B2,3, High/High, 14/15, 13f, -12/+4/+4, NC
Could be an alternative to a 13f punish since it leaves the opponent upclose at +4 whereas df3,1+2 can leave the opponent at an awkward angle. Other than that, I don’t really see much for it.
B2,3,1+2, High/High/Mid, 14/15/21, 13f, -13/KDN/KDN, NC on CH after 2nd hit
Not much use other than a knowledge check string. All the hits are delayable so might be useful to cheese the opponent out at the wall and fish for a wallsplat. Other than that, I wouldn’t rely on the string too much. However it’s pretty good to use as a really short carry from a launcher since it does nice damage and splats high.
B3, Low, 17, 27f, -13/+4/Launch. Tracks SSR/SWR
While it is very slow, b3 has pretty good high crush and it even evades some mids. If you connect a b3 with the opponent on P1 side upclose, you can get a FC mixup that most characters cannot backdash or step in time. It is seeable to some people so be wary of abusing it. I like it as a “ghetto” keepout move since some characters really struggle to punish it at range if they’re not ready.
B3,4, Low/Low, 17/10, 27f, -8/Launch/Launch, tracks SSR/SWR.
A safe low launcher after b34, it can catch people sleeping or if they’re moving around or pressing buttons after b3 on hit. It can be useful if used very rarely to catch them off guard. It is safe on block but they can low parry on hit. Use it wisely.
B4, High, 20, 18f, +1/Launch/Launch, homing
A really strong move, it’s a +1 on block homing high launcher. If you sense your opponent stepping, throw out b4 and get a full combo. The easy pickup is dash df3+4 d,df1~4,1 CES 2 s! Dash df42bf1. Since it’s +1 on block, if you sense your opponent is gonna press buttons, you can fish for 111 CH confirm or standing 4 CH for slower moves.
B1+2, Mid, 23, 21f, -13/Launch/Launch
The main mid option in a wardrums situation. When you setup a knockdown into wardrums range, b1+2 would the the mid that would use since it’s a NH launcher and it is awkward for a lot of characters to punish it at range due to the pushback.
UF1, Mid, 17, 15f, -8/+4/Launch, tracks SSL/SSR/SWR
It is a 15f mid CH launcher with really strong tracking one direction, she also lowers her hitbox so she can go under some jabs at – frames, character specific. If they hold down on normal hit, they will fall down so ff2 is guaranteed. Pretty strong move overall, definitely worth using in game as a core move. For example, ff1 on block into uf1 will crush some character’s jabs ie Xiaoyu, Mishimas and others
UF4, Mid, 8, 16f, -8/+4/+4
The first hit of her hopkick string, it’s quite a good mid poke as it low crushes at 9f like standard hopkick. Some people will hesitate due to the followups, a common strat people like is to do uf4 into mad axes as the opponent freezes up.
UF43, Mid/Mid, 8/8, 16f, -13/Launch/Launch, NC
Her hopkick, pretty standard hopkick except for it being 2 hit. There is actually a trick to option select the hopkick, if you press 3 in the last few frames of UF43, it’ll only come out on hit and on block she’ll just do uf4. It’s really tight but possible. The hopkick is good as a panic move as it crushes lows on frame 9f so it can be good to scare your opponents from doing lows/down jab and unlike ttt2, it’s not launch punishable anymore.
UF431, Mid/Mid/Mid, 8/8/25, 16f, -6/KDN/KDN
Not really useful in T7, in TTT2 this could interrupt people trying to launch her hopkick and make them do 13f punishes instead but in T7, the hopkick was buffed to -13 so there’s no reason to do this extension in neutral. However it’s great in combos, you can do w! Ff1 into uf431 as a wall combo on some characters, it’s a good ender if you don’t have time to dash up jab or uf3+4 after a wall carry and you just want a guaranteed wall combo.
UF3+4, Mid, 30, 35f, -13/Launch/Launch
It’s her main wall ender and a guaranteed hit after certain kdns. As a wall combo, it can be timed to hit a slumped opponent low at the wall and gives a free ff3 for huge damage and strong oki. On it’s own it’s not very useful as it’s really slow, but it is a NH launcher so be sure to convert off it with df3+4, especially if you do it after a kdn and they mash getup kick, you’ll get a launch and can get a full conversion of it.
FF1, Mid, 11, 12f(fastest), -2/+4/+7, tracks SSR/SWR and SSL/SWL if delayed
Julia’s infamous move, this is an obscenely strong mid poke as it can come out in 12f, tracks one way really well immediately and can be delayed to be psuedo homing. It also has some high crush frames in it so it can go under jabs and other highs. You use this move to dictate the pace at neutral and interrupt your opponent’s approach or initiate your own offense. Since it’s only -2 on block, you can use movement to bait your opponent’s retaliation and whiff punish with df21/df3,1+2 or you can use 4 to CH slower moves or use qcf2 to go under most jabs/highs, there’s a lot you can do with this move. It’s a great move to really bully your opponent and make them hesitate their offence. It’s also a great combo filler.
FF1,4, Mid/High, 11/17, 12f(fastest), -4/+15/Launch, tracks SSR/SWR and SSL/SWL if delayed, NC
The high extension off ff1. Makes the opponent scared to press buttons since it cannot be interrupted with non crushing moves. It’s also her main screw in combos for big carry. On hit, you get a free wardrums/mid attempt assuming it hit point blank cleanly. Since it’s a screw move, you can use it to wall splat from df1 on hit or just wallsplat in general.
FF2, Mid, 23, 19f(fastest), -14/KDN/KDN, tracks SSL/SSR slightly.
Her main grounded hitting move in oki situations, it also knocksdown on NH giving a free ff3. Only really useful in oki. You have better moves at neutral to use.
FF3, Mid, 21, 13f(fastest), -14/KDN/KDN
Julia’s main whiff punisher at range outside of df21 and her main option off df1 on a crouching opponent,. It gives a iWR21 followup for 47 damage which is beefy for a whiff punisher of this speed and range. The WR21 followup is trickier than WR1 WR21 as Julia is closer to the opponent off ff3 than WR21 but practice makes perfect.
FF1+2, Mid, 27, 14f(fastest), -7/KDN/KDN
An extremely strong wallbounce. It’s a safe fast mid wall bounce which really adds to Julia’s wall game, usually used as a mid option with wardrums at the wall or near it. Since it’s a ff motion, we can also it from crouch so it’s also a nice option to use with BnA as well. Extremely strong move and definitely worth using/spamming at or near walls. At range, it’s consistent to go for f41 to wallsplat and upclose, do standing 4. If you have the execution, you can do df1 on crouching opponents into ff1+2 for an optimal folllowup near the wall.
D,DF1, Mid, 14, 12f(fastest), -6/+0/+5, tracks SSL/SWL and tracks SSR slightly
An extremely strong poking tool with Julia, commonly known as shotgun. It has a fat hitbox on it so it’s very hard to step. Can also come out in 12f and cancellable to spin. It’s also hitconfirmable on CH to the followup if you’re on point. It also has utility in certain combos. Frustrate your opponent with this and scare them with the followup and use the spin mixups well.
D,df1 spin meta on block
- CES 1 trades with 13f
- CES 2 trades with 16f
- CES 3 trades with 16f
- CES 4 trades with 18f but it crushes under highs
Down jab will beat all options but Julia can do empty spin into low parry.
12f mid will always interrupt all CES options on block.
D,DF1,2, Mid/Mid, 14/25, 12f(Fastest), -14/KDN/KDN, tracks SSL/SWL and tracks SSR slightly, NC on CH
Julia’s 12f kdn/wallsplat mid mid CH hitconfirmable string. You get the idea, it’s really damn good at the wall to scare your opponent from disrespecting or pressing buttons at the wrong time vs Julia due to it being a 41 dmg wallsplat on CH. It also increases the fear of challenging Julia after a single shotgun on block which allows her to continue pressure using mental frame advantage. It can be tricky to hitconfirm on CH since there’s no sparks or anything like that on CH, just have to look out for animations being interrupted when you do d,df1 as a visual cue.
QCF2, High, 15, 17f(fastest)m -8/Launch/Launch
A safe high launcher with some high crush built in. Really strong if you sense your opponent jabbing or doing other highs so it’d net you a free launch. Useful after certain moves such as ff1 on block or d3 on hit, if you read jabs or such, let it rip.
WR1, High, 28, 14f(fastest), +4/KDN/KDN
Julia’s main approach tool and a way to make the opponent duck pre-emptively at range looking out for it. On hit, you can do an easy wr21 followup into strong oki. On block, there’s not much Julia can do with the + frames due to the pushback but a ff1/shotgun is usually a good option. At the wall with 0 pushback, it’s a different story as Julia has a lot more options with the reduced pushback being +4 point blank.
WR2, Mid, 15, 17f(fastest), -14/+1/+1, tracks SSR/SWR
A new move in T7 for Julia and is the main reason why her combos are so strong now. It’s usually used as a combo ender due to the damage, wall carry, high wallsplat potential and how far it can reach after screw. The move on it’s own can be useful at neutral since the followup is very hitconfirmable, so it’s good to keep people in check from ducking, just be careful as both hits are unsafe on block so use it wisely.
WR21, Mid, 15/21, 14f(fastest), -13/KDN/KDN, tracks SSR/SWR, NC
Her main ender in the open in combos. It’s very hitconfirmable so you can use it to keep opponent in check at range from ducking WR1. Easily one of the best combo enders in the game due to how much it does, wallcarry, damage and reachability wise. If not delayed, it jails on block (not good) but if delayed, you cannot step or interrupt the followup.
WR3, Mid, 30, 25f(fastest). 0//KDN/KDN
Not really useful in neutral since you have better options for the range but it does have specific combo usage such as after (ff1)4 CH and (ws2)1 CH
WS1, Mid, 15, 15f, -13/Launch/Launch
Her 15f WS punisher from crouch and one of the mid options you can do in the FC mixup situation with BnA. If you have the read on your opponent, you can take the risk and go for a mid launcher from crouch if they’re scared of BnA.
WS1~2, Mid, 20, 20f, -9/KDN/Launch
Same as the mid from (11)2 or (d4)1~2. Same concept in using it, to catch your opponents pressing really delayed buttons from crouch or maybe even as a FC mid option but I think ws3 is better for the same situations.
WS2, Mid, 11, 18f, -17/-9/-6, slightly tracks SSL
Not really useful on it’s own at all but it has a bunch of followups which can be useful as an alternative as a mid option to use with BnA. It can also be cancelled into spin for extended pressure which I like to do sometimes.
- CES 1 trades with 13f
- CES 2 trades with 16f
- CES 3 trades with 16f
- CES 4 trades 18f but crushes under highs
Basically the same situation as d,df1 spin on block frames wise.
12f mid will interrupt all CES options on block.
WS2,1, Mid/High, 11/10, 18f, -4/KDN/KDN, NC
A kdn mid/high string from FC. If you’ve conditioned your opponent to not duck the high or they don’t know about it, it could be useful sparingly as it gives good safe damage on block from FC as a mid option. You get a ff2 as a followup. It’s also delayable and a CH launcher. On block, you cannot interrupt ws21 with no delay without crushing under and with delay there is a 13f gap. Use very sparingly to catch your opponent off.
WS2,2, Mid/Mid, 11/16, 18f, -16/KDN/KDN, NC
The mid followup to WS2 string, I don’t really like this string as there’s too much risk associated with it. The most you could do with this move is a cheesy way to hit them if they’re looking to duck the high in ws21. I wouldn’t use this move much personally, she has much better FC mid options to use and safer.
WS2,2*, Mid/Mid, 11/23, +4/KDN/KDN, NC on CH
I like this as a mid option a lot from FC. It is the charged version of (ws2)2 and you can use it as a way to keep the pressure on your opponent as well as applying it as a mid option in the FC mixup. It’s even NC on CH so even better. It trades with 11f so be wary about your opponent interrupting with jabs, but we can do ws21 to CH launch or ws2~spin for pressure.
WS2,2,1+2, Mid/Mid/Mid, 11/23/17, 18f, -16/KDN/KDN, NC
The followup to the ws22 string, like I said in the ws22 section, there isn’t much reason to use this outside of cheesing your opponent as she has safer and more rewarding options over this string. I would avoid this string personally.
WS3, Mid, 21, 14f, -7/+15/KDN, homing
Pretty good option from from FC as a mid option, it’s the most common mid option that Julias will do. Up close you can get a wardrums/mid on hit since its a screw move so they’ll tailspin on hit. On CH you can do a ff2 or dash 4~2 ff1 combo (its tight though)
WS4, Mid, 21, 11f, -15/KDN/KDN
Her ws 11f punisher, it’s pretty beefy for a ws4. On hit upclose, you can micro backdash and force wardrums/mid mixups. Be careful about doing it raw as some characters can get a beefy punish on it due to it being -15. WS4 can give a trade combo vs certain moves, notably Kat’s fc df4 to ws4.
FC DF2, Mid, 25, 12f, -14/KDN/KDN
Her 12f WS punisher, does more damage than ws4 and it also wallsplats, it’s important to know what lows you can do this vs as the wallsplat combo could mean the round for you over just mashing ws4. So it’s important to make using this move as a punisher especially vs walls, I think it’s ok to use ws4 in open for the strong oki game after.
FC DF4, Low, 9, 16f, -14/-3/-3, tracks SSL/SSR
The first hit of the infamous Bow and Arrow. The first hit is ok on it’s own when people are looking out for the followup so they’ll hesitate to punish the low by itself. Good poke low from FC.
FC DF4,3, Low/Mid, 9/23, -17/KDN/KDN, tracks SSL/SSR, NC
Bow and Arrow. One of the moves that makes people really dislike Julia. It’s a 32 damage low from FC with extremely strong oki in the open. You do d1+2 on moving opponents and then ff2/uf3+4 on remains so it’s essentially a 50/50, however it does whiff on Marduk + Bears so be wary on those characters. At the wall, you can get a free ff3 for a total of 48 damage. You have tons of mids mentioned above to work with for the FC mixup to scare your opponent, it’s a great way for Julia to make a comeback if she needs to.
SS2, Mid, 15, 24f(fastest), -5/+3/+28
A pretty decent mid, it is slow to come out but it does have some high crush, on CH you get a lot of + frames, nothing guaranteed but they cannot interrupt or move away from your FC mixup in the open or at the wall.
SS3, Mid, 23, 26f(Fastest), -6/KDN/KDN
A mid safe wallsplatting option she has at the wall if you want to create space afterwards since it has a lot of pushback on block as opposed to ff1+2. It is a bit slow to come out though so use your timing well with it.
SS3+4, Mid/Mid, 10/10, 28f(fastest), -21/Launch/Launch
A ghetto version of Asuka’s b3. This move goes under highs and surprisingly quite a few mids such as Bob’s ff2. It has a lot of pushback on block so it can be quite abusable vs some characters that struggles to reach it. Even if certain characters can punish it well, it could also be extremely difficult to do so, definitely worth using vs certain characters risk/reward wise.
One of Julia’s generic grabs, this one has a pretty strong 50/50 with
- Immediate FF3 to beat everything but sideroll
- Delayed FF3 to beat the aforementioned siderolls
It’s also useful as a sideswitch grab, it even side switches on break so useful to get out of the wall and escape wall pressure.
Julia’s other generic grab. I would avoid using this one unless you want to do a generic grab on them vs the wall. In most other cases, it’s best to use the 1+3 grab instead. There is no backroll catch off this as far as I know so it’s pretty safe for them to hold b. However you can do backdash into wardrums spacing to force them into a mixup if they hold back.
A 1 break command grab and the oki is the same as 1+3 with the ff3 50/50 oki.
Db4 is also a nice option to beat everything but stand up duck, sideroll right and backroll.
Seesaw toss, a 2 break command grab. If Julia has her back to the wall, she can force a face wallsplat and then do b1 spike to free ff3 or df1 ff3 for easy mode.
Uf1+2 grab
1+2 break command grab. Situation is the same as 1+3 and df1+3 grab with the ff3 50/50.
The infamous Mad Axes grab. This is Julia’s best grab and one of the best grabs in tekken. The reason it is so strong is because it’s 10f, has a short window break and is extremely bufferable.
You can do stuff like qcb, wait a second f2 and the grab will still come out, as long as you don’t press another face button, you can move around and “store” the mad axes buffer. So you can do stuff like ff1, shotgun spin and such and buffer the input during it and do f2 at the end of the animation to get the grab. You can buffer into SS/crouch/dash in and get mad axes out.
Due to how fast the grab is, you can even “CH” some moves and if they didn’t break the throw in time, they get chucked.
The oki isn’t too strong as there’s a lot of guesswork on Julia’s end.
If they quickstand, you can do immediate wardrums/mid mixup.
If they backroll, you have to dash and then force the wardrums/mid mixup.
I really like swift step 4 here as it beats siderolls, remains and is a mixup on backroll with swift step 2.
FC DB, D,DB 1+2
Julia’s 1+2 break FC command grab. The oki is really similar to 2+4 grab, we have no backroll catch but we can do backdash into wardrums/mid mixup again.
Top Moves
Notation | Hit Level | Start-Up | On Block | On Hit | On Counter Hit | Notes |
f,f+1 | m | i11(~12) | -2 | +4 | +7 | Amazingly fast and far reaching mid poke with lots of options on hit and block |
f,f+1,4 | m,h | i11(~12) | -4 | +15g | Launch | Party Crasher; A great follow-up for people who like to retatilate quickly after f,f+1 on block |
d,d/f+1,3_4 | m | i11(~12) | +2 | +8 | +8 | Shotgun; Incredibly fast mid poke that leads to her spin mixup game |
d+3 | l | i13 | -12 | -1 | +4s | Very quick low poke that forces crouch on CH |
FC d/f+4,3 | l,m | i16 | -17 | KND | KND | Bow and Arrow; A high damaging fairly quick low from FC. Nets a free f,f+3 at the wall |
d/b+4,1 | l,m | i15 | -10 | KND | KND | Good l,m string that’s quick and only -10 on block ncc that gives a wallsplat |
d/f+1 | m | i14 | -5 | +1 | +1 | A very interesting mid poke that you want to use when you think the opponent will crouch because when it hits a crouching opponent you get a free follow-up: d/f+3,1+2 f,f+1,4 f,f+1+2 and f,f+3 are all possible |
4~2,1 | lh,m | i15 | -16 | KND | KND | Wardrums; lh string that is only -12 on block. If only low hits the mid is guaranteed. The full string is a ncc Also wallsplats |
b+4 | h | i18 | +1 | Launch | Launch | A bit on the slower side for a homing move, especially considering it’s a high, but on block leaves you at +1 and on hit you get a free follow-up of u/f+3+4 into f,f+3 and if you’re really good you can convert into a full combo with a microdash d/f+3+4 |
1,1,1 | h,m,m | i10 | -14 | KND | KND | A ncc i10 jab string for 40 damage and a wallsplat! |
f,f,f+1/WR+1 | h | 12(~14) | +4 | KND | KND | Strong approach tool that yields good + frames on block and on hit you can get an iWR+2,1 for 54 damage! |
d/f+2,1 | m,m | i15 | -18 | Launch | Launch | Julia’s 15f launcher and very nice whiff punisher that reaches quite far and realigns after a SS/SW launch. Yields some of her best damage and carry. Just be careful as it is launch punishable on block |
u/f+1 | m | i15 | -8 | +4 | Launch | i15 CH launcher that high crushes. Great after 1,2 on hit and you think the opponent might mash |
f+2 strings | h | i12 | N/A | N/A | N/A | The f+2 strings yield a great degree of flexibility. You have f+2,4 for a h,m that’s safe. You have f+2,1 which you can SS after. f+2,1,2 as a CH launcher if you think they might mash after the first two hits. f+2,1,3~2_4 yield a great mid and low CH launch after the hop. And you can also do f+2,1,3~d to go into her FC game. Play around with this string a lot and see how your opponent handles it and adjust accordingly |
qcb, f+2 | h | i11 | Throw | Throw | Throw | The famous Mad Axes; An incredibly fast command grab that can be stored for several frames after the qcb. Most notably if you do backdash cancel with a qcb motion you’ll be constantly storing, then just input f+2 for a quick throw |
qcf+2 | h | i15 | -8 | Launch | Launch | i15 high launcher that also evades a lot of highs and is quite bufferable. Qcf+2 on block into qcf+2 will catch jab retaliation for a launch |
f,f+3 | m | i12(~13) | -14 | KND | KND | Multipurpose tool. Long range wiff punisher with follow-ups on hit, with the max being iWR+2,1 for 47 damage. Her “you better get up” kick. Hits grounded at just about every angle and provides great oki on hit. Just don’t throw this out if there’s a chance it’ll be blocked as you can potentially be launched for it |
f+3~1 | h | i12(~19) | -3 | KND | KND | Long range whiff punisher or even a wonky approach tool if you want. It’s only -3 on block so you can SS after. On hit you get a f,f+3 |
f,f+1+2 | m | i13(~14) | -7 | KND | KND | Safe. Mid. Wall bounce. Comes out pretty fast too |
Block | Hit Level | Damage | Startup | oB | oH | CH | Notes | |
1,1 | h,m | 19 | 10 | -9 | +2 | +2 | ||
1,2 | h,h | 15 | 10 | -1 | +5 | +5 | Jails | |
4 | h | 15 | 11 | -12 | +-3 | Launch | ||
2~b 1+2 | h,m | 30 | 12 | -8 | +5 | +5 | ||
FF+1 | m | 11 | 11(~12) | -2 | 4 | +7 | ||
F,F+1,4 | m,h | 28 | 12 | -4 | +15 | Launch | S! / W! / Wall Break | |
F+2 | h | 10 | 12 | -2 | +7 | +7 | ||
F+2,4 | h,m | 10,1+ | 12 | -8 | +5 | KND | ||
D/F+3,1+2 | m,m | 32 | 13 | -14 | KND | KND | Wall Break | |
F,F+3 | m | 21 | 13 | -14 | KND | KND | Guaranteed Followups | |
D/F+2,1 | m,m | 20 | 15 | -17 | Launch | Launch | ||
U/F+4,3 | m,m | 16 | 16 | -13 | Launch | Launch | W! | |
D+1+2 | m | 27 | 16 | -17 | KND | KND | W! | |
WS | Hit Level | Damage | Startup | oB | oH | CH | Notes | |
D+1 | sm | 5 | 10 | -5 | +6 | +6 | ||
WS+4 | m | 21 | 11 | -15 | KND | KND | ||
FC D/F+2 | m | 25 | 12 | -14 | KND | KND | W! / Wall Break | |
F,F+3 | m | 21 | 13 | -14 | KND | KND | W! / Wall Break / Guaranteed Followups | |
WS+3 | m | 21 | 14 | -7 | 15 | KND | ||
WS+1 | m | 15 | 15 | -13 | Launch | Launch | W! | |
U/F+4,3 | m,m | 16 | 16 | -13 | Launch | Launch | W! | |
WS+2 | m | 18 | -17 | -9 | -6 | Can transition into CES with 3 or 4 followup | ||
WS+2,1 | m,h | 31 | 18 | -4 | KND | KND | ||
WS+2,2 | m,m | 27 | 18 | -16 | KND | KND | ||
WS+2,2,1+2 | m,m,m | 18 | -16 | KND | KND | Shallow W! | ||
Whiff | Hit Level | Damage | Startup | oB | oH | CH | Notes | |
F,F+3 | m | 21 | 13 | -14 | KND | KND | Guaranteed Followups | |
D/F+2,1 | m,m | 20 | 15 | -18 | Launch | Launch | ||
F+4,1 | m,m | 36 | 15 | -14 | KND | KND | W! | |
U/F+4,3 | m,m | 16 | 16 | -13 | Launch | Launch | ||
D+1+2 | m | 16 | 16 | -14 | KND | KND | W! | |
Situational | Range |
BnB Combos
Wall Combos | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
1+2, 4, B/F+1+2 | 41 | Easy | – | Using 3 as wall splat | |
D/F+4,2,BF+1 | 42 | Easy | – | Using 3 as wall splat | |
1+2, 4, 4 | 43 | Easy | – | Using 3 as wall splat | |
1 1+2, 4, 4 | 47 | Easy | – | Using 3 as wall splat | |
D/F+4,2,(max delay)BF+1 | 49 | Medium | – | Using 3 as wall splat | |
Low Parry Combos | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
DF+3 DF+4,2,3 S! DF+4,2,BF+1 | 41 | Easy | Short | ||
DF+3+4 F,F+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR+2,1 | 47 | Medium | – | ||
D/F+3 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 47 | Hard | Far | ||
D/F+3 FF+1 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 50 | Very Hard | Far | ||
D/F+3 D/F+3 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 52 | Very Hard | Far | ||
D/F+2,3~1 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 53 | Very Hard | Far | ||
F+3~1 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 57 | Very Hard | Far | ||
DF+2,1 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
F+3~1 DF+3 DF+4,2,3 S! dash DF+4,2,BF1 | 72 | Easy | Medium | ||
F+3~1 D/F+3 D/F+3 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 72 | Medium | Far | More carry than the easy combo for equal damage | |
F+3~1, D/F+3 FF+1 D/DF+1~4 D/F+4,2,3 S! iWR 2,1 | 73 | Medium/Hard | Far | ||
F+3~1 D/F+3 F,F+1 D/DF+1~3,2 DF+4,2,BF+1 | 73 | Hard | – | ||
F+3~1 DF+3 FF+1 DF+2,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 74 | Medium/Hard | Far | More damage, slightly less carry than above | |
F3~1 D/F+3 F,F+1 F+2,1,3~1 F,F+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 79 | Hard | Far | Max damage, max carry | |
U/F+4,3 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
DF+3 DF+3 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 60 | Medium | Far | ||
DF+2,3~1 DF+4,2,3 S! DF+4,2,BF1 | 62 | Easy | – | ||
DF+2,3~1 DF+3 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 62 | Medium | Far | ||
F+4,1 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 64 | – | |||
4, D/DF1,4,1 D/DF+1,4,1, deep dash FF+1,4 S! WR+2,1 | 64 | – | |||
4 D,DF+1~4,1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 64 | – | |||
4 DF+3 FF+1 DF+2~3,1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 64 | – | |||
D+F2,3~1, FF+1, D+F2,3~1, FF+1,4, WR2,1 | 64 | Medium | – | ||
D/F+3 F+2,1,3~1 D/F+4,2,3 S! WR2,1 | 64 | Medium | – | ||
F+4,1 FF+1 D/F+2,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 67 | Hard | – | ||
FF+3 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 67 | – | |||
D/F+3 D/F+3 F,F+1 F+2,1,3~1 F,F+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 68 | Medium/Hard | – | ||
D/F+2,3~1 F,F+1 F+2,1,3~1 F,F+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 69 | Hard | – | ||
FF+3, D/F+3, FF+1, F+2,1,3,1, FF+1,4, WR2,1 | 73??? | Very Hard | – | ||
4 DF+3 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 71?? | Hard | – | still testing~ very inconsistent | |
4 f3~1 F,F+1 F+2,1,3~1 F,F+1,4 S! WR2.1 | 74 | Very Hard | – | ||
QCF+2 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
F~3,1 DF+4,2,3 S! DF+4,2,BF+1 | 63 | Easy | Short | ||
F~3,1 D/F+3 D/F+3 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 67 | Medium | Far | ||
F+3~1 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 68 | – | |||
F~3,1 D/F+3 FF+1 F2,1,3~1 FF+1,3 S! WR 2,1 | 74 | Hard | Far | ||
WS+1 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
DF+3 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 61 | – | |||
DF+3 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 62 | Far | |||
D/F+2,3~1 FF+1 D/F+2,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 63 | Medium | Medium | ||
D/F+2,3~1 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 68 | Hard | Far | ||
– | |||||
SS 3+4 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
DF+3 FF+1 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR2,1 | 64 | – | |||
FF+1 D,DF+1~3,1 D,DF+1~3,2 S! DF+4,2,BF+1 | 65 | Medium | – | Ender can be inconsistent depending on SS side | |
D/F+3, FF+1, F+2,1,3~1, FF+1,4 S! WR+2,1 | 67 | Medium | Far | ||
F+4,1 D,DF+1,4,1 D,DF+1,4,2 S! WR+2,1 | 69 | Medium/Hard |
B+1+2 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
DF+3 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 69 | – | |||
F+3,4 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~3 DF+4,2,3 S! WR+2,1 | 71 | Medium | – | ||
FF+1 DF+3 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR2 | 73 | Medium/Hard | – | ||
F+3,4 D/F+3 F,F+1 F+2,1,3~1 F,F+1,4 S! WR+2,1 | – | ||||
F+3, U/F+3+4 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
– | |||||
F+3~1 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 73 | – | |||
F~3,1 D/F+3 D/F+3 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 72 | Medium | Far | ||
F~3,1 D/F+3 FF+1 F2,1,3~1 FF+1,3 S! WR 2,1 | 79 | Hard | Far | ||
– | |||||
F+1+4 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
F+3~1 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 83 | ||||
CH 4 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
F+[3~1], FF+1, | – | ||||
FF+1 FF+1 DF+4,2,3 S! DF+4,2,BF+1 | 59 | Easy | – | ||
FF+1 DF+2,3~1 DF+3 FF+1,4 WR 2,1 | 60 | – | |||
FF+1, DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 62 | – | |||
FF+1 DF+3 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 WR+2,1 | 68 | – | |||
F,F+3 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
F,F+2 | 39 | Very Easy | – | ||
F,F+1+2 | 42 | Easy | – | ||
UF+3+4 | 45 | – | Hits if no tech roll. Counterhits get up kicks | ||
WR2,1 | 47 | Medium | – | Gotta get the iWR2,1 | |
CH B+3 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
WS+3, FF1, FF1, FF1, FF1,4 | 54 | Easy | – | ||
WS+3 DF+4,2,BF1 | 54 | Easy | – | ||
WS+3, FF1, FF1, FF1, FF1 FF1,4 | 57 | Medium? | – | ||
cc DF+3+4 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR+2,1 | 62 | Medium | – | Works on all characters | |
cc FF+1 DF+3 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 62 | Medium | – | Easiest crouch cancel of my life | |
cc FF+1 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 64 | – | |||
FC DF+4,3 DF+3 F,F+1 D,DF+1~4,2 S! WR+2,1 | 65 | Medium | Works on all characters | ||
cc DF+3+4 FF+1 D,DF+1~3,2 DF+4,2,BF+1 | 67 | Hard | – | ||
cc FF+1 DF+3 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 70 | Hard | – | ||
F,F+1 D~D/F+1,4,1 F+2,1,3~1 F,F+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 71 | Hard | – | ||
CH B+1 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
FF+1 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 61 | lul | |||
DF+2,3~1 DF+3 FF+1 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! WR 2,1 | 67 | Medium | |||
DF+3 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 67 | ||||
F+3,4 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 69 | ||||
F+3,4 D/F+3 FF+1 F+2,1,3~1 FF+1,4 S! WR2,1 | 75 | Hard | Far | ||
CH ws+(2),1 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
S! F+3~1 DF+4 FF+1 DF+4,2,BF+1 | 67 | Easy | Short | ||
S! F+3~1 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 | 67 | Medium | |||
S! F+3~1 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~3 DF+4,2,BF+1 | 71 | Medium | |||
CH f+(1),4 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
S! F+3~1 DF+4 FF+1 DF+4,2,BF+1 | 63 | Easy | Short | ||
S! F+3~1 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 | 63 | Medium | |||
S! F+3~1 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~3 DF+4,2,BF+1 | 67 | Medium | |||
S! WR+3 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~3 DF+4,2,BF+1 | 72 | Hard | |||
CH DB+1 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
F+3,4 DF+3 FF+1 FF+1,4 S! DF+4,2,BF+1 | 66 | Easy | Works on Bears, Gigas and Jack | ||
F+3,4 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR2,1 | 68 | ||||
CH CES 1 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
DF+3 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 62 | Sidestep to correct axis depending on CES direction | |||
CH F+3,2 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
F+3,4 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR2,1 | 72 | ||||
CH F+3,4 | Damage | Difficulty | Carry | Notes | |
DF+3 DF+3 FF+1 D,DF+1~4 DF+4,2,3 S! WR 2,1 | 66 |
Key Moves
Pokes | Hit Level | Damage | Startup | oB | oH | CH | Notes |
D/F+3 | m | 14 | 13 | -8 | 4 | +4 | |
f,f+1 | m | 11 | 11 | -2 | +4 | +7 | |
D+3 | l | 10 | 13 | -12 | +-1 | +4 | |
D/B+4 | l | 11 | 15 | -12 | +-1 | +4 | |
F2,4 | h,m | 12 | -8 | +5 | +5 | ||
D/F4 | m | 14 | 14 | -10 | +1 | ||
D/F+4,2 | m,m | -13 | +-2 | +-2 | |||
D/F+4,2,1 | m,m,m | -14 | +7 | +KND | |||
Launchers | Hit Level | Damage | Startup | oB | oH | CH | Notes |
D/F+2,1 | m,m | 20 | 15 | -17 | Launch | Launch | |
U/F+4,3 | m,m | 16 | 16 | -13 | Launch | Launch | |
WS+1 | m | 15 | 15 | -13 | Launch | Launch | |
B1+2 | m | 23 | 21 | -13 | Launch | Launch | |
QCF+2 | h | 15 | 15 | -8 | Launch | Launch | |
Screws | Hit Level | Damage | Startup | oB | oH | CH | Notes |
D/F+4, 2, 3 | m,m,h | 14 | KND | ||||
FF+1,4 | m,h | 28 | 11 | -4 | |||
WS+3 | m | 21 | 15 | ||||
WS+2,1 | m,h | 18 | -4 | ||||
B+4 | h | 18 | 1 | ||||
CES 2 | m | ||||||
Homing | Hit Level | Damage | Startup | oB | oH | CH | Notes |
B+4 | h | 18 | 1 | KND | |||
WS+3 | m | 15 | ? | Launch | |||
Power Crush | Hit Level | Damage | Startup | oB | oH | CH | Notes |
F+1+2 | 25 |