Table of Contents

Character Overview
*Excerpt from Fergus’s T7 Character Overview. Check it out here.
“Chloe is a very aggressive, poke-oriented character. She’s good at bullying her opponent with quick mids, lows and jab strings, to break them down bit by bit. She has a few moves which leaves her back turned. This gives her access to the one of the most damaging combo starters in the game, as well as being hit confirmable. Her Rage Art is unique in the fact that there’s a rhythm to it that allows her to get extra damage as well as different poses/animations to end with. Her range is lacking a little on her arms so it’s encouraged to get in the opponent’s face with Chloe to initiate her poke game. She has the only launchable on block hopkick in the game, so hopkicking with Chloe is a huge risk, hurting her panic moves. She doesn’t have much in the way of rewarding whiff punishers and her block punishment is quite poor in terms of damage. While her poke damage is quite low, her combo damage is high to make up for it. “
- High damage output
- Decent poking game
- Huge burst damage through BT launcher
- Poor whiff + block punishment
- Only launchable hopkick in the game
- Arm range is limited
Recommended for players who like
- Aggressive poking chars
- High damage chars
Tekken Zaibatsu Lucky Chloe Forum
Have a question or suggestion? You can find me, @JayMan in the Tekken Zaibatsu Discord.
You can also find me and plenty other Chloe players in the Lucky Chloe Discord.
Key Moves
1,2 i10 -4 on block +7 on hit
1,2, 2 i10 -4 on block +2 on hit and forces crouch
1,2, 1+2 i10 -2 on block +13 on hit
Chloe’s jab strings. Very safe and very annoying for the opponent to deal with when each are used in tandem.
1,2 is a solid, safe high,mid jab string. 1,2,2 and and 1,2,1+2 can be used to check opponents trying to attack after 1,2 on block, as well just to simply keep up the pressure.
1,2, 2 leaves Chloe crouched in season 2, allowing her quick access to while standing moves and her full crouch mixups.
df+1 i13 -1 on block +6 on hit
Amazing mid poke. The damage got nerfed down a bit in Season 2, but its still a great move.
13f startup and only -1 on block. Probably one of the best df+1s in the game because of the range. You will be using this move a lot to apply pressure.
4 i12 -9 on block +2 on hit
Decent mid poke. Not as great as df+1, but has more range and is one frame faster. Can serve as a quick keepout tool. Also track to df+1’s weak side.
b+3 i17 -11 on block, -8 if you go back turn ??? on hit
Homing mid with decent range. Safe and Wall splats at the wall. Can hold back to leave Lucky Chloe back turned. Great at catching opponents at the wall trying to sidestep away.
f+2,2 i17 -4 on block +2 on hit and forces crouched
f+2,1+2 i17 -2 on block +13 on hit
Midrange poke version of her jab strings. Great for same reason as her jab strings, these are hard for your opponent to deal with when you both followups. The followups only combo from the first hit on counter hit, but do a nice chunk of damage (especially f2,1+2).
Same as her jab strings, f+2,2 now leaves her crouched giving her access to while standing moves and her full crouch mixups.
ss4 i22 -9 on block +2 on hit
In my opinion, this is Chloe’s best low. Launches for a full combo on counter hit.
Note that ss4 leaves you back turn, so -9 is quite bad and may put you in a mixup situation.
BT d3 i10 -11 on block +3 on hit
Quick low from back turn. Chloe’s BT d3 is +3 on hit which allows you to continue offense. Great after ss4 on hit. Because BT d3 leaves you crouched and +3 on hit, you can create a full crouch mixup with FC df+1 low and FC df+4 or df+2 mids afterwards.
It also has a unique property of making Chloe use either her left or right foot to perform the attack, depending on where the opponent is located. This causes it to track very well on both sides.
BT d3+4 i23 -18 on block Knockdown on hit
Buffed in Season 2, this low is now faster, knocks down on hit and gives a guaranteed ws3 for 40 damage total. A great low, but just barely slow enough to be reactable. Be careful because its launch punishable on block.
BT f3+4, 3+4 3+4 i24, 37 -9 on block Launch on hit
Chloe’s infamous launcher from BT roll. Has insane range and deals insane damage. Since the final spring kick ends safe on block at -9, your opponent needs to be able to sidestep and quickly respond to get a good punish. This can be difficult and you can always mix things up by choosing not do the spring kick at all.
f,f,f+3 i25 +6 on block Knockdown on hit
Running 3. Chloe’s running 3 is great in that it tends to crush a lot of moves. Also leaves Chloe at +6 to start her offense. On hit, you can dash up and get a guaranteed b+1, for 48 dmg total.
fff+3 is one of her best moves (and only moves) to start her offense from range. It is important to learn when and how to use it. Loses to sidestep and sidewalks.
b+4 i16 -8 on block +8 on hit
Chloe’s go-to move for counter hits and frame traps. Fast, safe, and hits mid. A bit susceptible to sidesteps. Amazing move to keep overly aggressive opponents in check.
b+1 i17 -11 on block Knockdown on hit
No longer a counterhit launcher in Season 2 🙁 Changed from -13 to -11 🙂
Easily hits opponents laying on the ground. Wall splats. Decent mid range whiff punish.
An important move for getting extra damage after new move u3+4, CH b2 and CH d2.
Has enough range to punish Paul’s qcf+2 deathfist except at max range. If you aren’t using this move at some point, you should be.
f,f+3 i18 -6 on block Knockdown on hit
Lunging step kick. Her best and only whiff punish at long range. Safe on block. Wall splats.
Can also be used after the tailspin in combos for wall carry.
uf+3 i15 -15 on block Launch on hit
Chloe’s trademark hopkick. Has longer range than most other hopkicks, crushes lows, crushes highs, and sometimes even mids.
Can also be done with u+3 and ub+3 (ub+3 no longer launches in Season 2). These versions are harder to punish, but lacks the forward range and combo ability of uf+3.
A great hopkick, but has a huge negative of being launch punishable on block. Use with caution.
**uf+4 is a safer version of uf+3, as it’s only -13 on block and has short range. It doesn’t have the same high-crushing properties, either.
d/f+4 i25 -12 on block +7 on hit
Hop Low. Deals a solid 23 damage. Leaves opponent crouched on hit with big frame advantage. Startup is now 2f faster and gives a full combo on counter hit. Will crush lows. Has really small range, so its best used at the wall, or in specific situations. Slow startup, but opponents will often mistake this move with other hop mids such as her new u3+4 and uf3+4
b1+2 i20 -8 on block Knockdown on hit
Chloe’s armored crush move. Wall splats. All fours hits are high, but all of them jail on block, meaning they can’t duck midway through the move. A very good power crush.
db+1 is an alternative power crush option given to Chloe in Season 2. Hits mid instead of high and also knocks down and wall splats, but is -13 on block.
f1+2 i25 +7 on block Wallbounce on hit
Backwing swing elbow. Will dodge highs and moves with short range.
Mega buff in season 2, this move now wallbounces on hit AND is +7 on block with less pushback(!!!). Now leads to a CH b4 if your opponent tries to press after blocking this. Just beware of overusing it since it can be ducked on reaction.
Rage Moves
RAGE DRIVE df+3+4 or BT df+3+4 i17 +4 on block (-4 if you go BT)
Can now be done from Backturned in Season 2. Does huge damage by itself.. Mainly used as a combo tool to get insane damage.
Pressing 1+2 while Chloe dances gives you the extra hit (72 dmg total). This hit has a just frame; If you time the 1+2 correctly (press 1+2 on Chloe saying “2”), you’ll see blue sparks and get extra damage (78 dmg total).
You can also hold back after the first two hits to cancel Chloe’s dance and go back turn. From here you can combo off the ground bounce.
RAGE ART 3+4 i17 -27 on block
The only rage art in the game that hits low. Does typical rage art things.
If you press 3 on time with the kicks in her super, she will spell out letters of her name. She’ll strike a different pose and do more damage depending on how well you spell out her name.
- Does 50 damage if you get less than 4 letter of her name
- Does 60 damage if you get 4 or 5 letters of her name
- Does 65 damage if you get all 5 letters of her name plus “Lucky”
Standing:10f 1,2 19dmg +7 on hit -4 on block12f 2,2 29dmg +4 on hit -12 on block14f df+3,3 30dmg +7 on hit -14 on block15f uf+3 full combo Launch -15 on block25f db1+2 full combo Launch -16 on block Crouching:11f Ws4 24dmg +8? on hit -3 on block14f ws1,4 full combo Launch -16 on block16f ws2 full combo Launch -13? on block17f FC df+4 full combo Launch -17 on block |
Other Important moves
Homing Moves
BT 1+2
FC df+2
Power Crushes
Counter Hit Launchers
f,f+4,4 (at close range)
f,f+4,3+4 (3+4 follow-up launches on CH)
uf+3+4, 3+4 (3+4 follow-up launches on CH)
BT 1+2
BT 3+4
FC df+1
Wall splats
FC df+2
TWISTL 2,1+2
BT f3+4 3+4 3+4 (wall splats if only last hit connects)
Moves that transition into TWISTL
uf3+4, 3
Moves that transition into SCOOT
TWISTL db+4,4
Moves that transition into BT
d+3+4, d+3+4, b
TWISTL (db+3,b)
Rage Drive (df+3+4 or BT df+3+4)
Guaranteed Combos
u3+4 gives guaranteed b+1
2, (CH) 2 gives guaranteed b+1
BT d3+4 gives guaranteed ws3
CH b+2 gives guaranteed b+1
CH d+2 gives guaranteed b+1
F,f,f+3 gives guaranteed deep dash b+1 (unreliable in the open, always works near wall)
Df+1+2(throw) gives guaranteed df+3,3
Staple combos
Updated for Season 2 🙂
**If you are a visual learner, some of these combos (not all) are shown in this video**
With Walls: [LAUNCHER] df+3 df+2:4:3:1 [S!] ff f2,1+2 60dmg+ -or-No Walls: [LAUNCHER] df+3 df+2:4:3:1 [S!] ff+4,3+4,4 65dmg+ This is Lucky Chloe’s new staple juggle combo in Season 2. Most of her combos got a damage increase thanks to the buffs to df+2431. Works for almost EVERY launcher bar a few exceptions listed below.If you aren’t going for wall carry, you have the option to end your combos with f3+4,3 instead of ff+4,3+4,4. It does about 8 less damage but sets up for oki in the open. TIPSIf you have trouble getting the last hit of ff+4,3+4,4 to hit, make sure you are hitting ff as early as possible after df+2:4:3:1. You also want to hold that ff for a bit before hitting 4 so you get a decent dash in. Worth learning because it still does more damage than the f+2,1+2 ender even if you miss the last hit.If you cannot consistently do df2:4:3:1, see How to consistently do df+2,4,3,1 in the outline on the left. |
BT f+3+4,3+4,3+4 df+2:4:3:1 [S!] ff+4,3+4,4 103dmg
Big Damage Launcher after Back turn f3+4.
db1+2 b3+4 f+3+4,3+4,3+4 df3,3 [S!] ff+4,3+4,4 79dmg
db1+2 now launches sky high in Season 2.
Last combo hit is very difficult on smaller characters. Without last hit, combo does 73dmg.
f4,4,b BT u/f+3 df+1 f+2,1+2 [S!] ff+4,3+4,4 76dmg
Back turned combo from f4,4,b.
CH SS4 BT f3+4,3+4,3+4, df3,3 [S!] ff+3,3+4,4 79dmg
Back turned combo from sidestep 4.
Last hit of ff+3,3+4,4 is very difficult on smaller characters. Without last hit, combo does 73dmg.
CH df+4, d4, ws4, b+3 [S!] BT f3+4,3+4,3+4 b1 60dmg
New Counter hit combo from df+4 in Season 2. Won’t work at long range.
Wall combos
[W!] b3+4 f3+4,3+4
Highest damage wall combo if you can get a wall splat with enough time to manually backturn with b3+4. You’ll usually be able to get this if you get a splat with f2,1+2 or ff+3 from range. Here is an example.
[W!] 1 df+1 3,4
Highest damage ender in Season 2 if you don’t have time to go backturn. Ending with 3,b instead of 3,4 leaves you backturn where you can force a 50/50 between BT d3+4 and BT 3,3+4. Example.
[W!] 1,2,2
Now leaves Chloe full crouched in season 2, so you can go straight into a mixup between
FC df+1(low) and FC df+2(mid+wallsplat)
[W!] d/f+3,2
Use this on stages where u can break floors. Also gives decent oki… If they back quick roll you can force a 50/50 mix up between df+4 and ff+3 or b+3.
TWISTL breakdown
db+3 i15 -32 on block ??? on hit and forces crouch
“1…2…” Chloe’s infamous low that leaves her kicking and dancing at your opponent’s toes.
Unreactable low. Leaves Chloe in “TWISTL” Stance which has many options to open people up.
Most effective against players who don’t know how to properly deal with it. -13 if you decide to block after hitting with db+3.
TL;DR on how to use TWISTL effectively TWISTL is a stance that only works if you can condition opponents to respect it. Because many options from TWISTL are slow, you should generally be doing TWISTL 1 or 1,2. This will force people to sit block, or do a high crush like downjab or full crouch 4. Once you condition them with jabs, you can start to take advantage at how they like to respond with the appropriate moves. She has tons of options but it’s up to you as a player to read your opponent and decide what to do.Knowledgeable opponents will try to counter TWISTL with various pokes and high crushes to keep themselves from dealing with TWISTL’s mixups. These are some general moves you may see, and what you can do against them.WS1, WS4These are the buttons you will generally see when people are just mashing in hopes to interrupt you during TWISTL. You beat this by doing TWISTL 1 or BT1.Panic Moves (like hopkicks)Most Hopkicks and Orbitals lose to TWISTL 1 and BT 1. Stronger panic moves like lars uf+3 you will have to respect and block, as they will beat any followups from TWISTL. 3. High crushing lows: Generic full crouch 4 and down jabs.Generic full crouch 4 is a hard counter to all of your options, except one move; BT 4. If you your opponent hits you with full crouch 4, it’s important to realize that you will still have the advantage since FC 4 is -2 on counterhit. Down jabs will whiff against a well spaced db+3, and up close are beaten by TWISTL 2. This is only a general rundown of your opponent’s options. You should only worry about more than these if your opponent has full crouch moves that are fast high crushes that are counter hit launches. There is a list characters you should be more wary of using TWISTL against below at the end of this guide. |
Options in TWISTL:
db+3,4 -13 on block 0 on hit ( forces crouch)
Quick second low after db+3. Now combos on counter hit and is now +0 on hit instead of -8 (!!!).
Can be used to check people looking to interrupt db+3’s TWISTL followups, or add on extra damage if they don’t block low.
TWISTL db+4[J] or Right Twist -21 on block +1 on hit (forces crouch)
Repeat Left Twist. But this time it’s Right Twist. To get this to come out, you must time your button presses to Lucky Chloe’s footsteps. You can also time it with her voice on 2.
Right Twist will put you in TWISTR which looks identical to TWISTL. TWISTR doesn’t have the special TWISTL follow ups, but she also recovers from the dance faster. This lets you use moves from Chloe’s entire move list after TWISTR.
TWISTL 1 i10 +1 on block +8 on hit
Jab. Range got buffed in season 2 so that it will never whiff after db+3 on hit.
Chloe’s fastest option from TWISTL. Can go into all her normal 1 jab follow ups.
You should be using this a lot to check anyone trying to press buttons after a successful db+3. Will only lose to full crouch, down jabs, and high crushes if db+3 hits.
TWISTL db+4 i23 -14 on block +5 on hit
Low Sweep that can goes into Scoot. Crushes highs. This version is unique in that the first low hit is actually +5 on hit on its own (the other versions are -3 on hit). Goes into Scoot mixups.
TWISTL 2, 1+2 i27 +13 on hit -2 on block
Mid option. Similar to f2, 1+2 but has the added bonus of having its followups become natural combo from TWISTL. Main use is to check people trying to block low. Splats at the wall. The 1+2 followup can be ducked since it’s high, but you can substitute with TWISTL 2,1 which is -11 on block but hits mid and wall splats, or TWISTL 2,2 which is mid and only -4 on block.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TWISTL 2,1+2The initial move has a neat property in that it has a built in step back, which enables it to dodge and punish down jabs. This is important to know against people who try to stop TWISTL mix ups by mashing downjab. |
TWISTL 4 i26 -18 on block -7 on hit
Mid option. Kind of slow, but goes into Scoot stuff. This version of scoot does not high crush, has terrible frames and doesn’t CH combo into the other Scoot followups like f,f+4 does.
Not a very useful move. Startup changed from 29 to 26f and has more tracking in Season 2. See the Scoot breakdown below for more info on followups.
TWISTL 3 i34 +4 on block launch on hit
Slow Mid option. Very slow but launches on hit and is plus on block. Great to use if you think your opponent just wants to block. Startup changed from 41f to 34f in Season 2.
Chloe can go into back turn by hold back, which has more moves and options. Below is a list of the most important back turn options from TWISTL. See the Backturn breakdown section below for more info on the rest of her moves.
TWISTL BT d3 i10 -11 on block +3 on hit
Very quick low. Plus +3 on hit and leaves Chloe crouched. Extremely fast, and high crushes. Low damage but extremely fast at i10 and high crushes. On hit, it can transition into a full crouch mixup with FC df+1 low and FC df+4 or df+2 mids. If opponents like to try to interrupt the mix up, hit them with a ws4 or uf+4 launch.
TWISTL BT 4 i23 -10 on block and forces crouch Knockdown on hit
Mid. A Great Low crush. Only punishable by i10 moves from crouch. Important in that its main use from TWISTL is to beat people trying to stop you with lows or down jabs.
SCOOT breakdown
Another tricky mix up stance. After an opponent gets hit with Scoot, there is a 50/50 between low and mid if they choose to block.
TL;DR on how to use SCOOTBasically, when you do Scoot there’s a mix up between all of your options. Each follow up has a weaknesses, but your other options cover them. 4 is your safe mid launcher on hit, but loses to jabs and sidestep.3+4 is an even safer mid and launchers on counter hit. This beats jabs and sidesteps.db+4 is your low option that loops back into the same mixup. Beats opponents blocking mid, and also high crushes jabs and beats sidestep. Death on block, regardless if you try to loop back into scoot or not. |
You can get into the Scoot mixup three ways:
1. Scoot (f,f+4)
The initial mid. This version high crushes. Decent range but slow.
2. From db+4 (db+4,4)
Sweep Low into Scoot. Also high crushes.
3. From TWISTL (db+3 ~4 OR db+3 ~db+4,4)
You have both option 1 and 2 from TWISTL. Db+3 ~4 does NOT high crush.
From SCOOT you have three options:
1. SCOOT db+4
Low follow up. Tracks decently to both sides. Death on block.
Loops back into Scoot for another mixup. This means you can loop this forever, which is a nightmare for newer players. Since db+4 is -3 on hit in season 2, the gap has been reduced to 9f, meaning db+4,4 can no longer be interrupted with a downjab on hit.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT db+4,4Now that db+4,4 has a 9f gap on hit, only certain characters with special moves and parries can stop db+4,4 if db4 hits (for example Yoshi’s flash or Jin’s parry). You can always beat this by stopping at db+4 and baiting them out. |
2. SCOOT 4 -4 on block launch on hit
Mid Overhead Kick This creates a nasty mid/low mixup with db+4. Combos from f,f+4 and db+4,4 (the second hit) for a full launch if they counter hit.
SCOOT 4,4 is an option to consider, mainly because its plus on block (+4 ~ +5) and launches on hit. But if the opponent blocks the first 4, the opponent has little reason not to check you with something quick which will hit you mid air into a full combo. This makes 4,4 useless vs. players who know the string.
3. SCOOT 3+4 -1 ~ -3 on block +4 ~ +6 on hit
Launches on Counterhit.
Use this to blow up opponents attempts to interrupt the other two SCOOT follow ups.
Safest option from Scoot overall, but has the least reward unless you catch opponents trying to jab SCOOT 4. It will also jump over lows.
SCOOT 3+4, 4 is mainly used as a combo ender.
BACKTURN breakdown
TL;DR on how to use Back Turn Stance Back turn is probably Lucky Chloe’s most well rounded and scariest stance, mainly because of BT f+3+4, her roll that goes under high and sometimes mids that leads into one of the highest damage launchers in the game. In addition to that, she has BT 1 to maintain pressure, a solid i15 mid in BT 3, 3+4, BT 4 to crush lows, and solid lows of her own in BT d3, BT d3+4 and BT db4,4. Again, understanding what your opponent likes to do is what will give you the most successful with her stances. The moves you have from back turned all have their uses, so you will see the most success when you use the right moves to respond to what your opponent is likely to do, or condition them into doing something dangerous. You can pester opponents with quick offensive tools like BT 1 jab, BT d3 quick low, and your fastest mid in BT 3, 3+4. You can fish for counter hits with BT 3+4 and BT d3+4. Or you can be evasive and try to whiff punish with BT f+3+4, 3+4, or use the back turn step back to create space by holding down back. |
BT f3+4
Chloe’s back turn roll. Will crush highs and some mids. This move is what makes Chloe back turned scary, because it leads into BT f3+4 3+4 3+4 launcher. It’s use is very similar to Ling Xiaoyu’s BT cali roll in that you can use it to duck under and whiff punish jabs and even some mids. It will also help you close gaps or stick to people who attempt to run away from you while back turned.
BT 1 or BT 2 i8 shares same frame data as her normal jab strings
8f Jab from back turn. Goes into her normal jab strings.
BT 1+2 i16 -2 on block
New backturn option in S2. A strong CH option a well as a catch for people who want to step.
BT d3 i10 -11 on block +3 on hit
Quick low from back turn. Chloe’s BT d3 is +3 on hit which allows you to continue offense. Great after ss4 on hit because it jails (cannot be low crushed). Also because BT d3 leaves you crouched at +3 on hit, you can create a full crouch mixup with FC df+1 low and FC df+4 or df+2 mids.
It also has a unique property of making Chloe use either her left or right foot to perform the attack, depending on where the opponent is located. This causes it to track very well on both sides.
BT 1+3 or BT 2+4 i12 throw
Generic Throw. Good if your opponent isn’t great at breaking throws.
BT 3, 3+4 i15 -6 on block Knockdown on hit.
15f mid. This is our fastest mid option from BT. Always do the whole string, because BT 3, 3+4 is natural combo, and BT 3 by itself is -23 on hit, -44 on block. Second hit can be sidewalked.
BT 4 i23 -10 on block and forces crouch Knockdown on hit
Mid, a bit on the slower side, but safe and is a great low crush.
BT db+4,4 i19 -1 on block +3 on hit
Same Sweep Low into Scoot. Only has a 10f gap instead of 11f. Jabs will trade, in your favor.
BT d3+4 i23 -12 on block +2 on hit and forces crouch.
23f low. Has decent range, and high crushes after a bit of a bit of startup. One of Chloe’s few lows that leave her with advantage on hit. On counter hit, you can get a decent combo.
BT 3+4 i28 -3 on block +4 on hit and forces crouch
Same as 3+4 followup from Scoot. Still very safe on Block. Launches on counter hit.
Slowest but longest ranged option from back turn. Sort of useful to close the gap after a b+3, but can be interrupted with jabs. The move can also jump over lows. Has the same 4 follow up mainly used for combos.
2+4 throw with Chloe’s back at the wall:
This throw will toss the opponent behind you and will put the opponent face up and feet away, right between you and the wall.
- Guaranteed Rage Art afterward?? Needs testing
- Guaranteed b+1 if they do anything but stand straight up. The b+1 will wall splat if they try to backtech.
—-Other stuff you should know—-
How to consistently do df+2:4:3:1
This move can be a pain to get out consistently. It requires you to time each hit on rhythm. At times it can feel off, or you think you time it right but you drop it anyway.
I have no surefire way to get it 100% of the time, but here’s two solutions to help with consistency:
- Mashing 3:4:1 out
You do not actually have to time each button press, you can simply mash the command out. The first two hits are pretty easy to get, so I just hit df2, then 4. After that, I double tap 3, then quickly double tap 1. You can also mash them out if that helps.
- Setting a button to 1+2+3+4
This is an adaptation of #1. If you don’t mind setting different controls, you can choose to map a button to be 1+2+3+4. Simply press df+2, then mash the living hell out of the button you mapped to 1+2+3+4. You’ll get df+2:4:3:1 every time, as long as you mash hard enough. This is the way I prefer to do it, as it’s the most consistent for me.
About df1+2 (Command Throw)
See to xMTSento for making the video! |
df+1+2 is a command throw that leaves you at the back of your opponent with a huge frame advantage. You basically put your opponent in a 50/50 mix up between 1,2,1+2, b+1 and 3,4.
The 1,2,1+2 , b1 is unavoidable unless they duck then block, or mash out an attack before you hit them. Doing any of those things opens them up to being hit by 3,4, df2,4,3,1 or even RAGE DRIVE or RAGE ART. See the video above.
In Season 2, df+3,3 is now the most guaranteed damage you can get from df1+2 (30 dmg)
Dealing with Cali Roll
Watch this to xMTSento for making the video! |
Whenever some blocks BT f+3+4, f+3+4 Chloe has a few options to avoid getting punished for it.
- Finishing the whole string
If Chloe does the whole string, she ends in a spring kick that is safe on block (-9).
In order to punish this, your opponent can do the following:
- Sidestep
- Interrupt with a move i13 or faster to float chloe out of the spring kick.
- Ending it early
If you expect your opponent to try to counter the spring kick, you can choose to simply do nothing. Chloe will remain in chair stance for a bit, then do a quick hop backwards onto her feet.
Opponents can beat this by dashing up to hit her out of chair.
I believe it’s possible for opponents to counter both options by sidestepping + dashing up and doing a move, but It might depend on the character and the punish might not be as strong. Punishes all options though.
Characters with additional counters to TWISTL followups (ON HIT).
***Disclaimer: I didn’t spend the time to test EVERY followup from TWISTL. I only tested moves I felt either were important (TWISTL jabs, BT d4, BT 4) or had a chance to stop a certain move. If you find something incorrect in the chart, please let me know.****
Black = Don’t even do db+3 against them unless it’s going to kill. You’ll be hurting yourself.
Red = Follow ups are hard countered or not worth the risk attempting. Just block.
Yellow = Riskier to do certain TWISTL follow ups against them. You may need to use TWISTL differently or block to avoid being countered.
Green = No specific counters to be worried about.
Thank you lingxiaowho and Wave0 for the help with this list!
Akuma | You will take big damage from d+3; full combos If Akuma has meter. You will be forced into doing BT 4 to deal with this, which opens you up to counter hits. If you do db+3 vs Akuma, you will put yourself in a mixup thats not in your favor. |
Alisa | Nothing to fear |
Asuka | FC df+3 high crushing mid CH launcher. Loses to BT d3. FC df+2 high crushing low. Loses to BT 4. |
Bob | Nada |
Bryan | FC df+4 high crushing mid CH launcher. Beats all options except block. It’s -10 with pushback. |
Claudio | uf+4 will beat everything but will get stuffed by jabs. If you block uf+4, it is -13. |
Devil Jin | Nope |
Dragunov | Nothing special |
Eddy Gordo | Nothing |
Eliza | You will eat big damage from d+3; full combos if Eliza has meter. You will be forced into doing BT 4 to deal with this, which opens you up to counter hits. If you do db+3 vs Eliza, you will put yourself in a mixup that’s not in your favor. |
Feng Wei | FC df+1 High crush low. Knocks down on CH. Slow. Loses to TWISTL 2 and BT d3. |
Gigas | FC generic d+2 has huge reach. It punishes db+3 ON HIT. |
Heihachi | FC df+4 High crush low. Knocks down. Trades with TWISTL 2. Loses to BT d3 and BT 4. Chloe can block this for a launch punish. |
Hwoarang | Nothing to fear |
Jack7 | FC generic d+2 has huge reach. It punishes db+3 ON HIT. |
Jin | Jin’s Parry is the only thing to worry about. |
Josie | FC df+4 high crush low. Beats TWISTL 1.Slow and loses to 1,2 and BT d3. |
Katarina | Nope |
Kazumi | Nope |
Kazuya | FC df+3+4 high crush mid. Whiff punishes TWISTL 1 but is slow and loses to TWISTL 1,2 and BT d3. |
King | FC df+1 Leg crusher is a high crush low, but much too slow to be useful.FC df+4 high crush low. Trades with BT d3. Very unsafe if you manage to block it. |
Kuma/Panda | FC generic d+2 has huge reach. It punishes db+3 ON HIT. |
Lars | Uf+3 mid launcher. Will beat ALL TWISTL options. Chloe can block this and launch punish him. Turns TWISTL into a weird 50/50 that’s not really in Chloe’s favor. |
Lee Chaolan | FC df+4. Counter hits TWISTL 1,2. Trades with BT d3. Chloe has time to block if she does nothing. (-13 on block). Loses to BT 4. |
Leo | FC df+3. Beats TWISTL 1, but loses to TWISTL 1,2 and BT d3. |
Lili | Nothing |
Ling Xiaoyu | AOP beats TWISTL 1. Loses to TWISTL 1,2 and other quicker options. |
Lucky Chloe | WS3 Beats every option. You are forced to block, which put you in a mixup between FC df+1 and WS3. FC df+1 is a counter hit launcher that beats all TWISTL followups except BT 4. |
Marshall Law | He can counter hit launch all follow ups except TWISTL 1 and BT 4 with FC d+2,3 or FC d+4,3. Both of them are launch punishable if you block the second hits. TWISTL 1 is a good option vs him because you will not be counter hit by either of those options, and you get a launch punish. |
Master Raven | FC df+3+4 beats TWISTL 1,2 but loses to BT d3 and BT 4. Chloe can block and launch punish this.FC df+3 beats TWISTL 1,2 and trades with BT d3 |
Miguel | WS 3 high crush mid. Beats TWISTL 1, but loses to BT d3. FC df+4 high crush low. Slow. Loses to TWISTL 1,2 and BT 3. Chloe has time to block this and launch punish. |
Nina | TL;DR, don’t do TWISTL 1,2 because you risk getting counter hit launched . Only do TWISTL 1. BT 4 blows up all of her crazy full crouch strings. If you can, always duck if she does generic d+4, but watch if she does generic d+3 (generic d+3 has a high and a mid followup). It you can’t deal with her full crouch strings, not do db+3 at all because you will put yourself in a bad situation. d+3,2 high crush low, counter hit launcher. Launches TWISTL 1,2, but not TWISTL 1. d+3,2 is not natural combo, block the second hit and punish (-13 on block). Trades with BT d3 and loses to BT 4.d+3,4,3 high crush low, into high, into, counter hit launcher mid. A safer option for Nina. Chloe must duck the second hit to get a punish. Trades with BT d3 and loses to BT 4.d+4,1 high crush. Both hits only combo on counter hit. Must duck the second for a punish. (+0 on block) Beats all options except BT 4. |
Paul | FC df+2 high crush mid. At best, trades with TWISTL 1,2. Usually loses unless timed well.Also beats BT d3. |
Shaheen | Nothing |
Steve Fox | FC df+1 high crushing low. Beats TWISTL 1 and BT d3. Loses to BT 4. Low damage, but puts Steve in Peekaboo at +2 on hit. Chloe has time to block this if she chooses (-12 on block).**Steve has no generic full crouch down 3 or 4** |
Yoshimitsu | FC df+4 high crush low. Counter hit launcher. Launches TWISTL 1,2. Loses to BT d3 and BT 4.Launch punishable if you block it. |
Thanks for reading!
And special thanks to all those who helped edit and discuss Chloe strats in the discords.