Table of Contents
Today’s topic is about getting that juicy energy up. There are multiple different knowledge categories in this game, and completing one of the subtopics will give you a certain amount of energy to your cap. This is account-wide and is crucial to having longer and effective gathering sessions.
There are tons of uses for energy and it’s well worth spending some time to get it up. It is a massive chunk of energy spread out all over the world. Each area of the game has multiple categories and it can be a bit of a chore to get them all learned. It can also be a disaster to keep organized as well.
Ecology Knowledge

So let’s go over my process of tackling your goals will start with planning Yes, more planning, you can easily just go out and smack mobs until you have knowledge on them, which is completely fine.
Planning a little bit ahead though, will make your life so much easier. First things first, let’s pick a category to work on. We’re going to choose the rooms today. After we’re done this topic I plan on doing plants, secret society and finishing giants as well.
By pre planning, I’m able to start smoothly transition to the next one. This reduces my travel time significantly, as caffeine is a fairly large area of the game. Now as far as actually killing these mobs, this area’s in the upper tier of this method and it falls off at around 50 and beyond, it works really well as we’ll still see, but it’s a lot faster on mobs that are below 45, ie Saran, dia and paling us.
Recommended Tools and Resources

With our destination in mind, let’s load up the tools. There’s one particular tool we’re using today other than the good old fashioned Google and the bdo knowledge locator that will make your life far less difficult. Hopefully, you have a second monitor as well, you’re going to have a much easier time and you’ll see why.
Upon first load, it will start at the beginning of every category, this can be narrowed down and use for every other category in the game. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if it’s being updated with new content as it comes. But we can still cross-reference BD database in the future to nail down those last chunks.
Let’s filter down to where we need to type ecology subtype Calpheon in knowledge rooms. There we are. This is the whole category. It shows the icon, the name a hint, obtain chance and more.

First, let’s check off the ones I’ve already done. By the way, the knowledge window is open on PC by hitting the eight key by default. So I’ve done everything except structures so far, the checkbox filter will allow you to hide the check ones. But I won’t just in case I miss click and have to change the filter.
It highlights the entire line green now and I can assume that it’s done. If I click the little map icon underneath the name, it will automatically pop a new tab open for the map on BD database.

Here you can see the map every pin is a spawn location for this mob, red is official blue is user added. Once FYI, I’m going to open up a tab for everything I need. In most of the ecology categories, you’ll see a distinct difference in the spawn count and the area of the spawn room is a pretty easy topic overall for us to discuss for purposes of this guide, and I’ve done most of the easier ones already.
Most of them have a large density. And it seems like they’re spawning over the same general area. There’s no way I’m going to keep an eye on all of these at once. So I’m going to focus down on a few, in particular, prisons seemed like the one that’s going to give me the most trouble.
So I’m going to focus on these. It also looks like the sculpture spawned in two specific spots as well. So I’m going to prioritize that. The rest I’ll leave his tabs open, but I’m going to assume that I’ll get these ones pretty quick due to the frequency of them. So the organization is very important. You can see how quickly this gets out of hand with topics like beasts and creatures having 50 plus mobs in it.
I’m going to sidebar from the original topic of rooms to quickly talk about how to deal with stuff like this. With a topic like beasts, there’s a few ways to go about it. First and foremost, I actually ignore them until the last category in the area, I actively will just kill everything and fields on my way between other topics that are actually considered grinding zones.
This helps take a small dent out of it when we get around to doing it. Later when we actually need to complete it. There are two ways to go after check off everything we already know.
Method For Gaining Ecology
The first is the way how I do it, which isn’t the most efficient, but I’ll take the efficiency hit in order to retain my sanity. I’ll open up five to 10 in a row, and then sort them based on location on the map. This way I have blocks of tabs open for certain locations, and I’ll head over to a certain chunk of the map and kill everything until I get the one I was after. Then I’ll head to the next one.
And continue until I’m done that block, rinse and repeat. I like this way because it usually gets a few bonus knowledge along the way when you’re killing a field of creatures, which helps take more out of the equation. Secondly, you can just open up every single one, organize them all by location and minimize the time traveling around the map. It’s Important to stay organized otherwise you’ll end up missing something and have to backtrack.
Take your pick and go from there. But prioritizing one mob and killing everything I can avoid having to spend brainpower actively looking for every single one. This also helps me get some without trying and it just takes the load off what could be an overwhelming endeavor by taking the time to kill my way between locations as well, it could save me the time to actually have to go and find something these things as well. You’ll probably get some s ranks by doing this too. And we’ll talk about why that’s important down the road.
Knowledge Buffs
Alright, organized all up lets talk buffs. First is pets, the birds all give an increased chance on gaining knowledge. So getting five t4 will help this although it can be rather pricey and usually not worth it. It’s definitely not needed. But it’s the largest buff to getting these topics done faster. It’ll also give you a higher chance of getting s ranks to second we have accessories. The glasses provide a plus 50% chance of getting the knowledge in the first place and the earrings provide a 5% chance to gain higher quality knowledge.

There’s also consumables, we need elixirs give you seven or 10% chance of gaining knowledge whether it’s green or blue loony gives you a three and 5% chance of gaining higher great knowledge and energizing Khan gives you another 10% as well. None of these are an absolute necessity. 50% chance to gain knowledge on something seems like an amazing amount.
But for something that’s only 2.5% in the first place, it only brings it up to 3.75 min max according to your playstyle. I would however absolutely recommend keeping the consumables up as they’re fairly cheap and costs silver instead of pearls.

Which Class To Use When Farming Ecology

Shai is the worst class, we want something with horse combat abilities. Ranger used to be the absolute best class for this, but pa figured it out pretty quickly and nursed it through the ground.
She can still be used in really low areas like balenos, but beyond that it falls off really quickly. Tamer is also handy with hailing roar, but I found that the delay between castes caused me to start missing mobs which Chain Lightning works as well, but I personally found it kind of clunky in comparison to what we’re going to use.
This leads me to my current favorite:
The sorceress on a horse you can use mark of the shadow infinitely by starting it with s plus RMB. And then just holding down the RMB she will kill literally everything in your way with speed and efficiency.
She doesn’t even need much AP for what we’re doing. So, in the end, it cost me about 300 mil total for this adventure. Keep in mind this burns math really fast, so a healthy supply of manna pots are necessary to this as well. If you have a fairy with miraculous cheer, this is now a brain dead activity for you.

Set the monopod up according to your mana pool startup mark and just start running through the map. If you don’t have a sorceress yet, take a bit of time to level it up to 15 and you’re good to go.
Also, keep in mind your horse needs stirrups in order to attack sideways always helps for mobility and tighter areas.

Fighting The Mobs
Let’s go details out of the way we got our class buffs, gear location and our tabs open we’re ready to learn. This part is the easiest but potentially
The most time consuming, I’m going to start by making a broad circle around the entire area, I may do two or three loops depending on my initial RNG. Once I gain most of the large density knowledges, it’s time to focus down a little bit, chances are it’s going to be the prisons or the cannons this time.

So we’ll start with the prisons. First. It’s easiest you can identify when a game so slow down and see if you can find the model. Once you have a really solid idea of what the model looks like, it’s a lot easier to spot the response. This is incredibly important for structure knowledge as they’re usually the sore thumb.
I know there’s only eight spots for these as well find them and kill them all. Hopefully it doesn’t take long but if it does, you’ll learn where all eight spawn locations are in the loop until you get them. Having a second monitor makes this a lot easier as you can triangulate where you are and nail down the locations.
I’m also going to sweep around looking for other villages I have while I’m waiting for the response. Once you get down to just a few left. There’s a lot of ping pong around the map. A lot of knowledge grinding is spent dealing with Few mob spawns. Usually ones that don’t have high density, it can be frustrating, but it’s just part of the game. It takes time. And this is an investment into the rest of your days playing.
Once the topic is complete, you’ll get a notification saying you’ve gotten the plus energy. Congratulations, it’s time to go to the next one. Well, that’s the gist of the knowledge for me. So here’s a few more best practices that didn’t quite fit in elsewhere.

Tips and Best Practices
Utilize server switching. This is huge. If you’re dealing with a stubborn spawn, clear it spawns an in server switch, it can be the only thing you need. There are also some that don’t respond to five to 10 minutes or more, which can severely hamper your flow.
Don’t be afraid to flop servers every 15 minutes to reset the field. Next, if you’re fighting with the response, and the server chain is down, and you’re generally just frustrated, go run around some other topic close by for 10 minutes. Don’t sit around and wait for the response to come back out or the server switch to enable. It can also be nice just to reset yourself mentally and come back at it later.
Also, do it in chunks unless doing it all at one time as your playstyle I knowledge grinded chunks every now and then it can drive someone insane doing this for 12 hours a day for three weeks. The game is a marathon, not a sprint.
Having a good horse also makes your life a lot easier speed between zones sideways and tight spots decent DP to avoid dying. All of these are beneficial, I use my ta coarser would work much better than some random five I used to do it with.

Don’t forget carrots for your horse.
If you can gather the corpse of the mobs you’ve killed then do it. This is an extra chance to gain knowledge and can save you a lot of time waiting on a response. And finally, you will encounter ones that are just absolute jerks.
These mobs usually have comments on the bd database. So take a closer look at these spots. If neither spot yield specific information give it a quick Google chance are somebody else has asked on Reddit or the official forums already.
This method works up until the day where you’re unfortunately going to have to get off your horse and do it the regular way. The organization and tool part stays the same, however, and you’re going to have a really good foundation of what you’re doing when you get this far. Start with banjos and work your way all the way up until you’re complete everything.
Most of all, stay patient can take hours sometimes for a mob to pop that knowledge. But in this case, you only need to get this knowledge once. Remember that I keep plowing through topics until you appreciate your energy goal. These methods can also be used for ranking lower mobs, which is utilized to get an increased drop rate pants on the content.