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Horse Training Guide
One of the things you can do in Black Desert Online is to own a horse and train it.
Suppose you want to have a horse in Black Desert Online, but you don’t know how to train it. Here are the basics and the things that you have to know before you go training horses.
When you take care of horses in the game, you first have to catch the horse, then train them, and breed them. It would help if you had horses to travel far distances to be able to get to your destination in a much shorter time, well, unless of course that it’s okay for you to walk all the time in the game.
Stable Keeper
A stable is where you maintain and take care of your horses, and it has an NPC called the Stable Keeper. You can find the stable keeper nearest to you when you click the eyeglass on the upper right corner and then click stable.

Your very first horse will be in the Shop section. It will be a beginner’s horse with the color brown or gray. However, these horses move slower than when you walk, but you should still get them nonetheless to level up to be able to catch additional horses.

You can personalize your horse by giving it a name. To take it out, you have to left-click the horse and select Take Out.

To mount the horse, you press R, and it will automatically make your character ride the horse. And with that, you can move with the horse.
How To Get a Horse
To be able to get a second horse, you must level up to Beginner 5 Horse training. You can do this by walking around with your horse around the world of Black Desert. You may obtain your horse by purchasing it from another player in the horse market, but this can be expensive for a new player.
On the other hand, if you don’t have that much money to spend on a horse and want to enjoy the game, what you can do is catch your horse.
Material For Catching Horses
To catch your second horse, you must first purchase some Capturing Rope from the stable keeper NPC.

You also need lumps of sugar to catch your horse, and you can obtain this item from Cooking NPCs located in the major cities. Buy Raw sugar and Mineral Water from the cooking NPC.

To make a lump of sugar, combine 10x raw sugar with 1x mineral water in the heating processing menu(press p to bring up the processing menu).

Now you are ready to catch wild horses!
Where To Find The Best Wild Horses
Before anything, you must search for the best areas for horses. Drieghan is one of the best regions to capture horses. This is because you can capture high-tier horses from the get-go. In Drieghan, you will find either a tier 4 or tier 5 horse.
There are four spots within the region of Drieghan, where you can search for horses. Here is a map with the four marked areas within Drieghan:
You don’t have to go to Dreighan, though, as wild horses can be found outside most major cities in the game so just go looking around if you think Dreighan is too far away.
How To Catch a Horse
First, go and find a wild horse.
To capture the horse, you must use the capturing rope and aim it at the horse and left-click with appropriate timing. The capture gauge is simple, making it easy to capture a horse, even if it is your first time. Put both the lump of sugar and the capturing rope to the Hotbar to save time.
Upon doing a successful throw, the horse will rear his forelegs off the ground and stand on its hind legs. A red energy gauge will appear, and your goal is to keep it full or at least more than half. To this, you must continuously press the space bar (spam the space button). After a small period (3-5 seconds), the energy bar will disappear, and you will be able to approach the horse with the W button.
Get up close to the horse, and when you get close to it, you feed it multiple lumps of sugar and then try to mount it(it can fail, and then you have to play the mini-game again).
That’s how you catch it. Then go to a stable and register it, and it’s all yours. You may also obtain your horse by playing through quests. This way, you don’t have to capture horses anymore or even purchase them.

Horse Gear
The essential items that you should pick up for your horse are the following: a saddle, stirrups, and some horseshoe. The horseshoe enables the horse to move faster. The saddle gives you additional stamina. And the stirrups enable you to fight while riding your horse. You may craft these items or get them through a mini-game or even purchase them from the market for low prices.
Horse Skills
The most important skills for your horse in Black Desert are the following: Drift, Sprint, Instant Acceleration, and S: Instant Acceleration. However, S: Instant Acceleration is only available for Tier 8 and Tier 9 horses. These skills make your horse run faster.