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Level 58-59 Guide
To be able to do this and follow this guide, you must first have been through the guide on how to level up through level 56 to level 57 and our 57-58 guide.
To continue from there, what you should do is start in Calpheon, go to the left and pick up the quest of the Legendary Shield, which is a nine quest chain, then you go to the NPC inside of the kitchen and get a quest from him too. After you have finished his quest, an NPC across him will give you another quest.

Pick up quests from different vendors all over. Some quests are on the ends of the place. Just make sure to pick them up and always keep an eye out for quests because these quests are scattered. Do the Legendary Shield Quest because it unlocks more quests. Accomplish the quests that you take because they even open up for some more.
If you do all these quests in Calpheon, you get up to 50-60% to fill your EXP bar. After finishing these quests, you may have spent more than an hour already, and you may feel bored because you just run around Calpheon accomplishing quests. You may complete every one of them or move on to a different city to try your luck there to accomplish more quests and gain EXP.
Western Guard Camp and Velia
In the Western Guard Camp, go to Duvane and complete his quests. After you complete these quests, you will get another quest from him. Avoid the quest for the Forest of Seclusion one.

In the City of Velia, pick up the quest from Artemio Fiazza, Santo Manzi, Marsella, Bahar, Alfredo, Tachros, Adrian Loggia and the marketplace director. There are also some quests available here only at nighttime from the worker manager. You again have to explore the area and take up quests from the NPCs. You can also go to the alchemist and do his quest. After completing the quests here, you get up to 70% of EXP. You can also pick up the quests for the Oquillas Eye all the way until the quest “Letter from a dear one”, which involves running around in Velia. Next, head over to Heidel.

Leveling Up In Heidel and Tariff
In Heidel, you do two quests from the Inn Keeper in the tavern, and you also get a quest from Lara.
After that, you already have 72% of EXP. You should go next to Tariff and stop on the road to Tariff. Pick up quests there.

Follow the path to Tariff and continue doing quests there until you reach Tariff and complete all the quests in Tariff too. Some of the quests that you have to do include talking to NPCs, carrying items, and even combat quests. Side quests will also open up after you are done with some quests. After this area, you already have around 85% of EXP on your EXP bar.
After Tariff, what you can do is to continue advancing through the desert. With that, you can do quests in areas there and complete the leveling process to level 59. Or what you can also do is to go back towards Calpheon. You may opt to go back to Calpheon instead because as you attempt to level up from level 59 to 60, we recommend you being in Calpheon.
Back To Calpheon
Go to Glish and complete the 3 quests there from Barrios and Piarre. Also, Seilane gives an inventory expansion quest. After this, you should be around 88% of EXP.
Go to Keplan and do the quest there from Irellio Lucci, which will level you up to approximately 93%. It will send you to Oze’s House, complete that one and then go to the Oze Pass node.

At this point, you are at around 97%. Go to Trina Fort to complete your final quests there. Congrats, you are now level 59!
If you are still missing EXP you can go to Moretti Plantation if you haven’t completed all the quests there or back to Calpheon and complete additional quests there. You can also see our 57-58 guide for additional quests.