Table of Contents
- 1 Black Desert Fishing Pearl mullet, Koi or Octobois Guide
- 2 Pearl Mullet, Koi or Octobois Fishing Location
- 3 How Do You Get Fishing To Level 5?
- 4 Silver Embroidered Fishing Clothes and Balenos Meals
- 5 Spirit Stones/Alchemy Stone
- 6 Coconut Cocktail
- 7 Fishing Rods
- 8 Increase Durability With Item Brand Spell
- 9 Maple Float Rod
- 10 Pets
- 11 Inventory Space
Black Desert Fishing Pearl mullet, Koi or Octobois Guide
This is going to be a quick guide for optimizing the koi fishing event. Now by koi, I actually mean the Pearl Mullet that we have available during this event time. The Elli’s Water Festival summer or spring water event features a plethora of daily quests as well as a couple one time quest for some decorations. There are a couple of fishing areas where you can get a vendor item that sells for 500,000 silver and stack in your inventory.
It isn’t the first time we’ve had this event, and it probably won’t be the last. If you want to know what you can do to make this a more optimal experience for you while you AFK and get all these fish, I’m here to give you a few pointers towards that.
Pearl Mullet, Koi or Octobois Fishing Location
Pearl Mullet, Koi or Octobois are located and can be caught at the Terrmian Beach(north-west of Olvia) or the Demi River by Heidel.

So to start with if you hit p and go to your character and his battle stats, you’ll find fishing. The more ticks you have in this the faster you reel fish. You want to have it at level 5 at all times, that should be your first priority.
How Do You Get Fishing To Level 5?
Most guilds in this game that is well-established or have like a large or extra-large size will have at least fishing level +3, and if you’re not in one of those, you may want to look to find one during or before this event.
Silver Embroidered Fishing Clothes and Balenos Meals

The easiest way to get the last two levels is to get a +2 Silver embroidered Fisher’s close which is likely sold out in the marketplace at this time or multiple +0 and smash them together. This in conjunction with the pay to win fishing outfit would work as well. If you’re a super high roller and somehow have + 5 fish cloth it gives +3 fishing ability bonus. If you do think it out of you while the +2 for silver if you buy this early on in the event it will certainly pay for itself if your AFK fishing.
If you don’t want to go with either of those routes can go to the Central Market Place and Pull up Balenos meal, and it will give you the extra plus two fishing bonus that you need. However, it will not work overnight if it has to be refreshed every 90-minutes or 110 minutes depending on which one you purchase alternative will you could do a Cron meal however it is the same bonus only lasts slightly longer and it costs much more.
Spirit Stones/Alchemy Stone

The Spirit Stones shown here only cost about 800K they give +2 fishing bonus and last for fifty charges. Each charge lasts for 10 minutes, that is to say, you get 500 minutes of buffs, which is 8 hours and 20 minutes per stone. The spirit stones will pay for themselves if you’re using them to AFK fish overnight during the koi-event to get your extra couple of fishing levels. Although if you do this, make sure that you go to your inventory and tick the little box to make sure that that is automatically reactivating every time it goes off. If you do opt to use Spirit Stones, don’t forget that after they are out of charge, you can’t charge them, unlike alchemy stones which can be recharged.
Coconut Cocktail

Now if you’re an overachiever like me here and you can get your + 5 bonus, there’s the coconut cocktail, this also applies if you’re using a life Spirits stone for that extra plus two with the Guilds plus +3. If you don’t have to eat the Balenos meal or anything, you want to be drinking one of these; it is going to reduce your auto fishing time by 5%. The Green version lasts for 60 Minutes whereas the Blue version last for 75 minutes it’s a very small but it’s also very cheap, and you can pop up whenever before you go AFK or anything like that.
Fishing Rods

Moving onto fishing rods next our first choice and the AFK choice is the Balenos Fishing Rod, at +10 gives you a 25% auto fishing time reduction making it the best option for AFKing.
Next up, the Triple float rod. If you’re active fishing and you have one of these saved up, or maybe one of your by orders goes through you’re going to want to purchase the triple float fishing rods. There’s a lot of purchase orders for them, and the price is already at its ceiling, so it’s doubtful that you’re going to get many of these. People are not selling them currently; however, if you already have some from events, it makes you catch three fish instead of one every time you fish.
Increase Durability With Item Brand Spell
Rod durability is being affected by your fishing life skill level. The higher you are, the less likely you are to lose durability every time you catch a fish. If you are looking at the Brand Stone, cost about four bucks give or take. It makes it so every time you would have lost their ability on the item has a 50% chance to negate that durability lost effectively doubling your durability, in case you’re interested in that. It is certainly not a necessity, but this is one of those convenience items. You’ll never need one of these when you are higher fishing level unless you’re fishing for multiple days straight.
Maple Float Rod
Next we have floats and I chose the +10 Mable float is I already had one of these is this gives a plus 5% chance to catch rare fish, unfortunately, Pearl Abyss hasn’t told us if these event items apply to this buff, we don’t actually know if this affect koi or other event fish. Grunt I have right here doesn’t be considered a rare fish as it actually in the description you can see it says there fish in the middle there, however, but it is a yellow grade fish. That being said, it’s also a particular vendor item that a trade good and it’s getting to this event, so we don’t know if this affects the catch rate of mullet or not.
This is rather expensive, the bonus is negligible I would highly recommend a cocktail though while this is awesome a relatively small bonus it is very very cheap to do.

Next, we have pets and as we know the penguin, polar bear or other special event pets do have a special of Auto fishing time reduction. I do believe that these do not stack. That is to say, if I have a dragon out and I and pulled out the marmots which also has a lot of fishing time reduction they would not stack it would only use the higher of the two bonuses. Therefore you want to have whatever most top tier pet that has Auto fishing time reduction enabled.

As a quick mention any time if you are active fishing or if you’re setting up your AFK fishing, you want to check the box “useless throwaway items caught during Auto fishing.”
Inventory Space
Inventory space is definitely important while fishing and well during this event these fish do stacking definitely you’re still going to get other fish-friendly spots and they are going to eventually clog up your inventory. Therefore I do recommend having a pretty decent amount of inventory space to continue fishing effectively for long amounts of AFK time.
But I do want to give a quick mention to the event quests. You’re probably going to be wanting to do at least some of these every day; rewards include a Valks cry, Cron stone, and a 30-minute item collection increase scroll that does get stored in your inventory.
I hope you enjoyed this guide.