The season server of Black Desert Online aims to help both old and new players acquire the necessary armor and weapons to progress fast in the game.
If you want to learn more about this season’s Naru Gear, then you have come to the right place. Let’s go over how to get this new gear, upgrade it, and then trade the PEN Naru Gear for PRI Tuvala.
Table of Contents
Create a Season Character
Go to the “Season Character” option and then choose your character. You are only permitted to create one character per season. So if you already have one, skip this step.
Acquire the Beginner Blackstones
There are two easy ways to acquire beginner black stones. The easiest is by completing the main storyline quest. You also get them from the seasonal chest. Finally, there’s also the option of crafting them from the regular black stones, but that is not recommended since you will get so many just from the questline.

By completing the main storyline quests, you will acquire many beginner black stones. All of these quests are pretty easy because it’s designed specifically for newbies.
Monsters in Serendia, Calpheon, and Mediah also drops the beginner black stones.
Acquiring them is very easy, but if you still prefer to craft them, you may do so in the workshops using standard black stones. To craft one beginner Blackstone, you will need 3 normal black stones. There is no need to do this, though; if you do the main storyline quests, you will get more than enough.
Exchange Beginner Blackstone to Naru Gear
Talk to NPC Fughar(Fughar is located in every major city) of the Crow Merchants Guild and exchange the beginner black stones for Naru Gear.
He will trade you with a weapon, sub-weapon, or armor for every beginner Blackstone. However, he will ask you for five beginner black stones if you choose to trade for accessories. We don’t recommend getting the Naru accessories.
Upgrade your Naru Gear
Summon your black spirit by pressing “,” and start upgrading so that you can get your gear to PEN. This is much easier than regular gear, so you don’t need failstacks; click enhance.
The beginner black stones are specific to either armor or weapon. You only need to supply the right stone for the right gear.

What is good about the season servers is that you have a much higher chance rate of enhancement. Should you fail, you will only lose 2 points of durability compared to the regular 10. And to repair you just have to exchange your beginner black stones for the same Naru gear.

The rates here are boosted a lot, and your beginner black stones will be overflowing since season servers are extremely generous with that. You don’t need to use cron stones or failstacks when enhancing Naru gear, since the success chance is so high. So it’s free to get your PEN Naru gear which you can exchange for PRI Tuvala gear.
Exchange PEN Naru Gear for PRI Tuvala
Now that you have PEN Naru Gear, you can start trading it off in exchange for better Tuvala gear. The best advantage in playing this season’s character is that you can have a PRI Tuvala Gear with a little effort.
Before getting the coveted gear, you will be required to play all the main storyline quest, all the way to the Apocalyptic Prophecy quest.

If you missed a quest, Fughar will not trade you the PRI Tuvala. Also, make sure that you unequip your Naru gear before you start with the trade. Once you interact with Fugar go to “chat”, there will then be a window where you can trade your PEN Naru gear for PRI Tuvala.