Table of Contents
What is the Season Server?
A season server is a temporary Black Desert Online environment built to help all players level quicker and acquire gear easier than the standard server. New players can benefit greatly from playing with season servers because it serves as a great introduction to the game.

Black Desert can be quite an overwhelming game for new players starting out and one of the goals of the season server is to make that process a little easier. It can serve as a training ground for those who are new to the game.
The season server is open for everyone, and even veteran players can take advantage of it. Acquiring gear can be achieved without great effort in this server. Here’s what a full PEN season server Tuvala gear looks like. This gear is 100% free to get from the season server.

You also get some form of PEN accessory for reaching level 61, which is equivalent to a TET accessory. Even for veterans, there are some great rewards to be had worth billions of silver. It is a temporary server that all types of players and adventurers can take advantage of while it lasts.
How Do I Get Started With the Season Server?
To get started, you need to create a special season character by going to the ‘Character Creation Menu.’ and checking the season box. It is necessary because regular characters are not allowed to enter the season servers. Once you have your special season character, you may access the season server by playing the special season character. You can only create one character every season, but this special character is not tied to that particular season server. While and after the season server is on, the season character can transfer from one server to another. It is allowed to enter any other servers, and once the season ends, it will be a regular character.
What To Do In Season Server?
The season server is packed with quests and storylines that will offer you many hours of enjoyable gameplay. Once you are in the season server, you will see multiple options available at your screen’s top right corner. If you click on the ‘Summer Season’ tab, you will see the different quests waiting for you.

Each quest will grant you different exciting rewards that you can later redeem to retrieve valuable items. It involves different storylines, locations, and tasks that you need to accomplish. Since this server is also built for the new players, you can expect most of the tasks to be pretty simple and straightforward.

If you want to get additional rewards such as more pets, costume boxes, inventory expansion and so on, you may do so by purchasing a premium pass. The pass cost 2200 Pearls which is equivalent to $22.00. With the premium pass, you will be able to access more items compared to regular gameplay. In rough estimates, you can acquire approximately $50-$100 worth of additional pearl items. This is an option to consider if you regularly purchase items in the game to save you money in the long run. It is also worth considering that the items you will acquire in the season servers are intended to be used up and replaced.
Storyline Quests
Playing the storyline quests is necessary because it is how you can redeem all your rewards. Besides the expensive items you can acquire, playing the storyline quests can also grant you additional EXP, especially after finishing one of the major storyline quests.
There are four major storyline quests in the season server. First is Balenos, second is Serendia, third is Calpheon, and lastly Mediah. Each territory comes with a narrative, and after completing each narrative, you will be rewarded with a skill book. The skill book contains an EXP that you can retrieve from NPC Fughar. You will need to play all the story questline until valencia 2 to obtain all the rewards from the season.

The last storyline quest you need to play is ‘End of the Desert Adventure/ Complete Edana’s Descendant.’ It is the last storyline quest of Valencia I. This is a long narrative, but it’s worth all your time and effort because there are many rewards in store for all players. It is packed with a lot of different summer season rewards as well as 1000 Contribution EXP.
Daily Quests
Fughar is the NPC that you will meet at all times while you’re playing in the season server. He is also scattered everywhere in all stablekeeper locations as well as in settlements. Fughar is an important NPC, and finding him will be very pretty easy. Make sure to talk to Fughar every time you finish a narrative to get the added experience beneficial for the next storyline quests.
Playing the daily quests is something that you should not miss because it will reward you with a PEN Capotia Ring worth billions of silvers. In playing the daily quest, you only need to approach Fughar and click on the quest button.

You will then see the daily quests list, which is 40 quests equivalent to 40 days. You need to select the corresponding day, which is not very tedious because most of those quests will be something that you’ve already accomplished as you explore the season server. If the daily quest is not yet completed, you will see instructions on what to do on that particular day. These tasks are straightforward and offer a great reward. Make sure to do them every day!
The daily tasks also help with giving you material for upgrading your Tuvala gear.
Season Server Gear
The season character can be equipped with different gears that can be acquired by playing the main storyline quests and vanquishing mobs. Tuvala Gear is the ultimate item that your season character can acquire in the season server. As you defeat mobs in Black Desert, season items such as Tuvala Ore, Refined Magical Black Stones, and Time-filled Black Stones will be dropped after each kill.
These are important items in the season server for it is used to enhance the exclusive Tuvala Gear. Enhancing these exclusive gears is almost the same as enhancing regular gears, except that you’ll be using different materials.
Time-filled Black Stones are used in enhancing armors and weapons.

The Refined Magical Black Stones will allow you to enhance your gears to PRI, DUO, or TRI without failing(use it for TRI).

However, the durability of the item will be decreased by 50. It is quite a drop, but you can have the item repaired using the Tuvala Ore. This ore can be obtained from the different blacksmiths in Black Desert. If you are challenged in finding a blacksmith, you may find the closest in your location by clicking on the ‘NPC Location’ tab.

The Advice of Valks +40 can be acquired from Fughar after you get one of your Tuvala gear to TRI. This is great since you could use it for enhancing your gear to TET.

Here’s how to use your newly acquired failstack: Click on Pearl after summoning your Black Spirit. Then right-click on the Advice of Valks so that you can get 40 fail stacks. As you progress, you will also acquire the Advice of Valks +60, which is the prerequisite in enhancing any season gear to PEN.

Some of the best items you can acquire in the season server are the PEN Tuvala Ring and PEN Tuvala Earring that you can get free. All you need to do is play and level up your season character. Once the character reaches level 60 and 61, you will be rewarded with the PEN Tuvala Ring and PEN Tuvala Earring. These items are equivalent to billions of silver. It is an opportunity that you should not let pass while the season server is on.
What Happens After the Season Ends?
After the season ends, you will be able to keep one piece of gear for each type and two pieces of accessories. The best gears or accessories will be carried on to your main servers while the lower quality pieces will disappear. It is essential to make the most out of the season server and enhance the gear as much as possible because once the season ends, these items will no longer be upgraded. The gear that you get will be family bound, and you will be able to equip it for your main server characters.
Also, you will also get a one-time coupon that you can use to exchange your Tuvala Gear for a Boss Gear that you can use on the server. The Boss Gear can be enhanced further, but it can not be sold on the market. Everything else in your season server inventory will disappear right after the season is ended. It would be best to make the most out of each item while the season server is on.