Table of Contents
- 1 Maehwa / Plum Awakening Guide Build, Combos, Tips, Tricks, & PvP Gameplay
- 2 Introduction To The Maehwa
- 3 Optimal Maehwa Combos
- 4 Pre-awakening
- 5 Awakening
- 6 Gearing up as a Maehwa
- 7 Skill Add-ons Maehwa
- 8 Where to get Asula set
- 9 What Offhand To Choose
- 10 PvE
- 11 PvP
- 12 Gear Progression
- 13 For PvE: Offhand to use
- 14 Skill Add-ons
- 15 Standard Build
- 16 Kibas Build
- 17 Desecrates Build
- 18 Maehwa Skill Builds
- 19 Maehwa Gem Setup in Gear
- 20 Maehwa Food Buffs and Elixirs
- 21 Rabams for Maehwa
- 22 Maewha PvP Guide
- 23 Maehwa PvP Combos
- 24 Against Sorceress
- 25 Against Dark Knight
- 26 Maehwa Hystria Skill Rotation
- 27 Maehwa CC options
- 28 Preawaken
- 29 Awakened
- 30 Rabam
- 31 BDO CC Mechanics Guide Maehwa By InkQ
- 32 AP Brackets, When To Use Nouver Vs Kutum
Maehwa / Plum Awakening Guide Build, Combos, Tips, Tricks, & PvP Gameplay
Introduction To The Maehwa

Maehwa is a graceful combatant with a specialized skill set. The Maehwa can lock down any foe with a wide array of control skills. Maehwa Discord: if you are interested in joining you can find it here
Optimal Maehwa Combos

S+LMB -> Shift+Q -> Shift+A/D -> W+F -> S+F -> LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F

S+LMB -> Shift+A/D / C -> S+F -> LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F

Shift+RMB -> Shift+LMB+RMB -> Shift+A/D / C -> W+F -> S+F -> LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F

Shift+Q -> Shift+A/D -> Oppression -> W+F -> S+F -> LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F

S+LMB / F / Oppression -> S+F -> LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F

S+LMB / F / Oppression -> W+LMB -> S+F -> LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F

S+LMB / F / Oppression -> W+LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F

Q+LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> LMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F

Q+LMB -> Shift+RMB -> W+F -> S+F -> Shift+F -> F

S+LMB / F / Oppression -> W+LMB -> W+F -> W+F -> W+LMB -> W+F -> W+F
Gearing up as a Maehwa
If you are already familiar with the game and want some more advanced tips, you can skip this section.
This should be your first goal as a new player in BDO. I recommend the have set up with the roaring magical armor chest piece with the Asula set. For the weapon go for Rosar mainhand, green awakening, and black horn warrior bow.
Regarding the crystals/gems, focus on getting your base stats to cap as cheap as possible, this means getting +5 crit and +5 attack speed if you can’t afford to ultimate your weapon yet, get the Assault crystal instead of the valor crystal.
The next steps you want to start working on getting boss gear, focus on getting:
- Bhegs Gloves or Kzarka
- Transition from Asula to DUO blue accessories, such as Shultz belt, Serap’s necklace or blue/red coral earrings and the mark of shadow. Serap’s necklace and the mark of shadows are cheap right now and I recommend you get them while you can.
The best way to see and review which skills to put in points into is to go to the link below:
Over there you’ll find which skills you want to prioritize
To give you a basic rundown:
Passives > awakening skills > Red Moon > Ultimate Nemesis Slash/Blooming/Stub Arrow
Kerispear training is mostly just relevant for PvP since it gives you more accuracy, so if you’re short on skill points ignore it for now.
Skill Add-ons Maehwa
These are PvE focused add-ons for level 56. Monster damage doesn’t stack, the effect is overridden so it’s constantly up, otherwise, the focus is on attack speed and crit. For PvP addons, scroll further down this guide.
Where to get Asula set
What Offhand To Choose
Black Horn Warrior Bow
Until you have Bhegs and Kzarka at least DUO
White Horn Bow
As soon as you got the requirements mentioned above and have no kutum
As soon as you got the requirements mentioned above, kutum is the best in slot for PvE
Black Horn Warrior Bow
Until you have Bhegs, Kzarka and at least a two red coral earrings on TRI dont switch out. Even after that its high and reliable damage, especially against evasion enemies its mandatory
White Horn Bow
As soon as you got the requirements mentioned above viable for 1v1 / small scale on non-evasion enenmies
As soon as you got the requirements mentionend above it is viable for large scale/surviavility offhand in general
Has uses for destroying buildings and block breaking. Useable with TET kzarka, two red corals and tree spirit belt TRI. In general unreliable damage but good for hit trading without combos. Don’t recommend it for newer players
Gear Progression
General gear progression
First goal

After that: Focus on Kzarka + Bhegs. After that Dim/Dande > Urugons > Kutum/Nouver/Helmet.
Accessories: Ring of Power (Quest: into tri cresc + Capotia Lv61 Ring, DUO/TRI Seraps into tri ogre, tri belt of shultz into tri basi, 2x blue coral earrings/witch earrings into tri tungrad/tet witch + Lv62 Capotia
End goal

For PvE: Offhand to use
PvE: Black Warrior Horn Bow until ~230 accuracy without it. After that Kutum is Best in Slot but White Horn Bow/Nouver is fine as well.
PvP: Black Warrior Horn Bow until ~300-330 accuracy without it. After that Nouver if you can hit 220-230 AP with it, otherwise White horn bow.
Skill Add-ons
Standard Build
Kibas Build
Desecrates Build
Maehwa Skill Builds
Maehwa Skill Build Lvl 56 – 372 SP:
Maehwa Skill Build Lvl 57 – 488 SP:
Maehwa Skill Build Lvl 58 – 654 SP:
Maehwa Skill Build Lvl 59 – 900 SP:
Maehwa Skill Build Lvl 60 – 1200 SP:
Maehwa Skill Build Lvl 60 – 1500 SP:
Maehwa Skill Build Lvl 60 – 1900 SP:
Maehwa Gem Setup in Gear
Maehwa Food Buffs and Elixirs
Hamburg, knight, margoria/kama for non-kama crystals
serendia/valencia, hamburg, knight, kama (special versions of all) for kama gem setup
Rabams for Maehwa
Take maehwas will/blind thrust and blooming step.
Lv56 – Take Blind Thrust/Will, nice selfbuff before you engage, 450 heal after disengage, crit buff + pull is pretty good in PvE aswell. Crimson Gust is lacklaster and only really good for style points in PvP, other than 1v1 it has no use at all.
Lv57 – Take Blooming Step, both rabams are garbage but this one is slightly better, has a small DP self buff and opponent debuff, FG on full animation, no real use in combos other than filler or disengage. PvE somewhat usable against lower health mobs. Also useable to avoid falling animation.
Maewha PvP Guide
Maehwa PvP Combos
Against Sorceress
Against Dark Knight
Maehwa Hystria Skill Rotation
Pre-rotation (while mobs are grouping up):
– Either just sit there and wait for mobs to group together or do the following:

Main skill rotation:

Complete Combo:
Maehwa CC options
- stub arrow: stiff (unprotected)
- triple shot: stiff (unprotected)
- charged: evasive shot: KB (unprotected)
- dbite: stiff (fg)
- blooming: stun (unprotected)
- red moon: float (fg)
- blind thrust: stiff (unprotected)
- divider, carver, decap, kicks are not reliable and are all unprotected
- moonrise: float (unprotected)
- cloud stab: float (unprotected)
- petal bloom: KD (FG charge, unprotected on stab)
- oppression: stiff (unprotected)
- Tenacious Edge: stiff (unprotected)
- Stigma: Stiff (unprotected)
- moonlight dash, and Nye are not reliable and are unprotected
Crimson Gust: Float (unprotected)
Awaken c swap doesn’t float anymore so there goes that. No stuns in awakening anymore and only 1 reliable KD option. We have to rely on blooming or decap to stun our opponent to swap to awakening to use moonrise cloud stab.
BDO CC Mechanics Guide Maehwa By InkQ
AP Brackets, When To Use Nouver Vs Kutum
- 253 nouver: kutum
- 257 nouver: kutum
- 261 nouver: nouver/kutum
- 265 nouver: nouver/kutum
- 269 nouver: nouver/kutum
- 273 nouver: kutum
- 277 nouver: kutum
- 281 nouver: kutum