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Today we will talk about how to get memory fragments, especially for your guaranteed PEN enhancement process.
Source of Memory Fragments
The Central Market and Summoning Scroll
The source for your memory fragments can be bought from the central market. Many people buy it at the maximum price. So you can pre-order it from there.

You can also use an ancient relic crystal shard, forbidden book, or scroll written in ancient language and combine it to become a scroll boss.

You need 5 of each and need to arrange to become the plus arrangement to get the Pila Fe scroll. Then use a summoning scroll to summon and defeat some bosses.

Talk to the black spirit once you are done killing the boss to get the reward bundle; memory fragments is inside this reward bundle.

How To Get Summon Scroll Material
To get the ancient relic crystal shard, you can do it from AFK fishing or active fishing. You can get this hard from any region but mostly from the Calpheon region.
The forbidden book you can get from killing any monster in the Mediah grinding zone, and it is recommended to kill a mini-boss to have a higher chance of getting this forbidden book. This mini-boss can be found in Omar’s lava cave, Manes hideout, Wandering rogue den, Soldier’s cemetery, and abandoned iron mine.
You can go grinding in the Valencia region to get a scroll written in an ancient language. You should kill any gatekeeper boss in the Valencia grinding zone to have a higher chance of getting this item. This gatekeeper can be found in Cadry ruins, desert Naga, the crescent shrine area, and Titium valley. It is also available from some mini-boss in Cadry ruins, Gahaz bandits lair, and the Bashims base area.
Fogan Chief and Sauni Siege Captain Summon Scroll
You can memory fragments from the Fogan chief summon scroll, and Saunil siege captain summon scroll in either normal or awakened type. When you use this summoning scroll and awaken the boss, you can kill it and then get the reward, Don’t forget to talk to the black spirit, as you will get another 5 pieces of the reward bundle that contains memory fragments. It is recommended to do this in 5 member party, as you can get boss loot that your party members summon.
Attendance Reward
You also can get this memory fragment from the attendance rewards. Press escape and open up the rewards tab. Once inside, go to login reward.

On some days, there will be rewards for memory fragments. If you miss the attendance reward, you can still catch it two times during weekends. With 1 hour interval for each login reward
World Boss Lantern Aura and Dark Rift Boss
You can get this memory fragment through the exchange world boss lantern aura by attending any world boss, either Kzarka, Karanda, Kutum, Nouver, or Offin. To exchange this lantern aura, you must first exchange it for becoming the boss weapon and box. You must collect 100 pieces of this lantern aura to get a specific weapon box.

After you get this, you can exchange it for becoming a memory fragment, one piece for each. You can put your alternate character in any boss spawn location to stand by. Then take this item to the targeted NPC and exchange it for becoming a memory fragment. You also can get this memory fragment by defeating the dark rift boss.

Main Quest – O’dyllita 1 and 2
By doing O’Dyllita’s main quest, you also can get these memory fragments.

- Part 1 get 10 pieces by finishing Oath of the Crypt
- Part 1 gets 3 pieces by finishing the Caphras journal quest.
- Part 2 gets 5 pieces by finishing the Hidden Commandment of Truth
- Part 2 gets 5 pieces by finishing Songs of Ulutunka
- Part 2 gets 5 pieces by finishing Before the commandment of truth
So in total, you can get 28 pieces of memory fragments.
Event and an Achievement Reward
You can get Shakatu boxes and other boxes as attendance rewards; from there, you can receive many memory fragments. If you get Moonlight shard, use simply alchemy and receive 1-3 memory fragments.

Some achievement reward also gives you memory fragment, so try to finish them.

Pearl Shop
You also can get enchantment material that can be used the same way as memory fragments, artisan’s memory from the pearl shop. But this is not recommended because pearl is very valuable and you can get it from the central market.

This memory fragment is very useful and can also be sold for good money. So follow this guide and tell where to get this item. Use it and get up and running in this game.