Godr-Ayed weapons, are a new class of weapons recently added to Black Desert Online. These weapons can help give you a different path to upgrade your Blackstar weapons from TET to PEN.
Because of this, people wonder how upgrading this way works and what even Blackstar weapons are. Here we will go over stuff to do with both Blackstar weapons and Godr-Ayed weapons, and explain the usefulness of the upgrades, too. With that said and out of the way, let us take a look.
Table of Contents
All about Godr-Ayed Weapons
Godr-Ayed Weapons are considered an alternative to Blackstar weapons when upgrading even down to the same stats. It offers an alternative to those who are stuck at TET Blackstar and allows smoother progression to hit your brackets.
Godr-Ayed Weapon Stats

+0 Godr-Ayed weapon is equal to the TET Blackstar.
[Main] +0 To PRI – AP +1, Accuracy +1, Extra AP Against Monsters +2
[Awakening] +0 To PRI – AP +1, Accuracy +1, Extra AP Against Monsters +1
[Main] PRI To DUO – AP +2
[Awakening] PRI To DUO – AP +2
[Main] DUO To TRI – AP +1, Accuracy +2, Extra AP Against Monsters +3
[Awakening] DUO To TRI – AP +1, Accuracy +2, Extra AP Against Monsters +1
[Main] TRI To TET – AP +2, Accuracy +3, Extra AP Against Monsters +4
[Awakening] TRI To TET – AP +2, Accuracy +3, Extra AP Against Monsters +3, Extra Damage All Species +1
[Main] TET To PEN – AP +3, Accuracy +6, Extra AP Against Monsters +7, Extra Damage All Species +1
[Awakening] TET To PEN – AP +3, Accuracy +6, Extra AP Against Monsters +5, Extra Damage All Species +1
PEN Godr-Ayed is Equal to PEN Blackstar.
How To Get Godr Weapon
If you want a Godr-Ayed weapon, you must first have a TET Blackstar weapon; then, exchange it for a Godr-Ayed one.
You’ll also need the item “Scorching Sun Crystal” and this can be obtained by processing the following elements:
Black Stone (Weapon) x100
Magical Shard x30
Scorching Sun Shards x10
Scorching sun shards are dropped in Calpheon Elvia grinding spot.
Once you have everything needed, follow this guide:
The quest is called the Godr-Ayed Weapon Merindora’s calling, in which you convert your TET(IV) Blackstar main weapon or awakening weapon into the Godr-Ayed weapon. You can accept this quest by summoning the black spirit while having the TET Blackstar weapon in your inventory.
Then, go to Merindora, the eldest spirit in GrĂ¡na. You will need to hand over the Scorching Sun crystal and the TET Blackstar to get a sealed Godr-Ayed weapon.
Make sure your Blackstar weapon is in your inventory but not equipped.
Note: Item copy and branding will be removed from the Blackstar weapon when converting it into a Godr-Ayed weapon. Blackstar weapons copied via the item copy system cannot be used in the quest to convert into Godr-Ayed weapon.
How To Enhance Godr-Ayed Weapon
Once you get your Godr Ayed Weapon, it’ll have the same stats as your Blackstar weapon, but you’ll want to enhance it too. You’ll need Scorching Sun Gemstone to enhance the Godr-ayed weapon; here is how to create Scorching Sun Gemstone:
Use heating with Flawless Magical Black Stone x1(Sharp Black Crystal Shard x1, Hard Black Crystal Shard x1, Mass of Pure Magic x1) + Scorching Sun Shards x1 = Scorching Sun Gemstone
Next, we will discuss the enhancement and failstacks for each enhancement level or rank.
Godr-Ayed Weapon Failstacks
100 Failstacks = 9.9% Success rate
The Godr-Ayed weapon does not drop an enhancement level when failing PRI to DUO ranks.
PRI (I) to DUO (II)
130 Failstacks = 7% Success rate
150 Failstacks = 6% Success rate
If you want to use crons, you will need x620 cron stones.
170 Failstacks = 4.5% Success rate
If you want to use crons, you will need x980 cron stones.
200+ Failstacks = 3.15% Success rate
If you want to use crons, you will need 1820 cron stones.
Now let’s compare the stats of the Godr-Ayed weapon to the stats of other weapons.
All about Blackstar Weapons
Black Desert Online introduced these weapons in a patch on June 15th, 2019. This patch allowed you to do quests for these main-hand weapons that are very powerful. The patch was known as Star’s End.
Blackstar Weapon Stats:
Crystal Slots: 2
Critical Hit Damage: +2%
Attack Speed: +3
Extra Damage to All Species: +10
Accuracy: 20
AP: 22 – 28
Highlights of a Blackstar Weapon
You can’t upgrade Blackstar Weapons using Caphras Stones.
Blackstar’s enhancement success rate is lower than that of Offin Tett or Kzarka, especially for the higher enhancements for these items.
Blackstar Enhancement PRI to PEN: This makes use of a Blackstar item that is unique to it: Flawless Magical Black Stone. This item is obtained by Life Skills, Field Bosses, Star’s End mobs, daily Calpheon quests, and Star’s End node investment. But this also requires a Mass of Pure Magic.
Blackstar Enhancement +1 to +15: This uses the weapon Concentrated Magical Black Stone.
Also, this requires you to melt three boss gear when you do the Blackstar Weapon Questline.
Requires Knowledge of the “The Three Legendary Blacksmiths of Mediah.”
This also requires the Mediah and Calpheon main story quest lines.
The steps to get this seem similar to getting the Blackstar Armor.
Blackstar weapon examples and comparisons:
You may wonder if the Blackstar weapon is even all that great and if there are other better weapons. Let us look at how the Blackstar weapon stacks up to other weapons.
PEN Blackstar
Caphras Level is not possible.
Blackstar Staff
AP: 131~137 (134)
Accuracy: 212
Critical Hit Damage: +2%
Extra Damage to All Species: 18
Extra AP Against Monsters: 48
Attack/Casting Speed: +3
Critical: +0
PEN Offin Tett’s
Caphras Lv 20
AP: 136~138 (137)
Accuracy: 194
Critical Hit Damage: +2%
Extra Damage to All Species: 20
Extra AP Against Monsters: 15
Attack/Casting Speed: +2
Critical: +2
PEN Kzarka
Caphras Level 20
AP: 132~136 (134)
Accuracy: 212
Critical Hit Damage: +2%
Extra Damage to All Species: 20
Extra AP Against Monsters: 15
Attack/Casting Speed: +3
Critical: +0
Advantages and disadvantages of Blackstar Weapons
Blackstar weapons have about 18 more Accuracy than the Offin Tett weapons.
Blackstar weapons have 1 more speed than Offin Tett weapons.
Blackstar weapons have 33 more monster ap than both Offin Tett and Kzarka.
Blackstar weapons have 1 more ap on the high range than Kzarka.
Blackstar weapons have 2 fewer critical hit than Offin Tett weapons.
Blackstar weapons have 2 less damage to All species than Offin Tett and Kzarka.
Blackstar weapons have 1 less ap on the high end than Offin Tett weapons.
Blackstar weapons have 5 less ap on the low end than Offin Tett weapons.
And Blackstar weapons have 1 less ap on the low end than Kzarka weapons.
Blackstar’s strength shines through with a big bonus with AP against monsters. This makes Blackstar a good choice and a must-have for using it with PvE.
Blackstar weapon’s in PvP won’t be as good though, as the additional AP against monsters won’t help then.
Requirements for Creating Blackstar Weapons
You must be at least level 56 or higher.
You’ll need 3x boss gear.
We need a remnant of the rift, which is a rare drop.
Blackstar weapons don’t require Specter’s Energy‘s rare drop.
And you’ll need knowledge of “The Three Legendary Blacksmiths of Mediah”.
We talked about Blackstar weapons and how Godr Aye weapons are useful as an alternative way to upgrade your Blackstar weapons. We talked about stats with Blackstar weapons and how Godr Aye weapons are the same stat-wise.
We mentioned how to get Godr Ayed Weapons and enhance them, too!
We hope this helped you with getting your Godr Ayed weapon!