Table of Contents
This is going to be a beginner guide to help you understand the proper way to use your camp in Black Desert Mobile.
It is important to note that the camp affects every character of your family. They can come to the camp, and do whatever they please. The camp is essential when advancing, and it is going to be a place where you spend a lot of time when playing this game.
Leveling Up Your Town Hall
For players that have played building-base strategies, the term Town hall should be well explained. For those who haven’t played these types of games yet, Town Hall is probably the most important building in your camp. It is found in the center of your territory, and development depends on this structure. The Town Hall in black desert mobile can be upgraded five times.

Each time you want an upgrade, there are going to be specific prerequisites that you will need to fulfill first. For beginners, it would probably be for the best to check out requirements for the upgrade, before starting a build or other structure upgrade. After each upgrade, you will have more silver output as well as the number of workers that you can have in your camp.
Some other buildings like lodges and gardens can also go higher due to your Town Hall getting a higher level. It is important to note that your Hero level also has an impact on the possibility of upgrading your buildings. Some structures will require a certain level of your hero to be able to upgrade.
Managing Your Workers
You can check out every worker in your town. You can check their level, where they can be found within the camp, and what they are doing at the current moment. Typically, you want your workers to be busy, and you want to give them tasks to perform for you to be successful. Workers are a primary resource that you will want to obtain to secure progress and a high level of development within your camp.

Resources are needed for building your structures, as well as the food for workers, but with a high number of workers, you will be able to meet those requirements. You will place your workers on building, crafting, and gathering tasks.

Hiring Workers
Start by visiting the pub and hiring some new workers. They have three necessary skills that you will see, and those are dexterity, strength, and vitality. These skills are essential because they will determine the production capability of workers as well as their prices. You will buy workers with contribution points, which are earned in multiple ways—completing quest storyline, farming, etc.

Farming Contribution Points
The Best way to farm contribution points is to do a blue quest in your beginning area repeatedly. With your Town Hall upgraded to level five and your lodge leveled up to 3, you will be able to hire 25 workers. As time goes, you want to hire only quality workers with high skills to maximize your working production.

Having one strength, one dexterity, and all other with vitality is another tip as well. The reason behind this is that vitality workers will have the most effect on your world gathering.
You must follow the completion of workers’ tasks and make sure to give them others right after completion. In that way, you will take care of your productivity and development of your camp in high standards.
Talking to your workers
Your workers are doing some hard labor for you. It is only common decency to visit them whenever you can. This will help with the progress of their skills as well with loyalty and fatigue increase. In this way, you are ensuring the camp development and development of people in it.
Worker’s loyalty is defined by their will to work. If their level of loyalty drops, they may start to slack, and this is something that you need to attend to. Giving them gifts and visiting them more often will lead to an increase in loyalty as well in their working efficacy.
Balance Your Resource
Having a high number of workers at your camp allows you to collect more resources and develop quicker. But, having this number of workers requires a lot of food to sustain them. This can become a problem when you get to level 5 of your Town Hall and when you maximize the number of workers.
Remember that food storage generates food, but it can’t provide the amount that is needed for your workers. You should look at your food supply levels often and determine you are gathering enough, or you are gathering too much.
If you upgrade your food storage, you don’t waste any food. Also, you should carefully choose which plants and which stock you are providing and that decision should be made on your availability to visit the camp.
Camp Buildings
Ranch and Refinery
A ranch is a place where you can breed livestock. This is your source of food for the workers. I recommend that you fill it with animals and have a vitality worker assigned to it once you level up and unlock the possibility to build a ranch.

Seeds can be bought in any town that you visit. If you buy them and plant, you should be able to get a decent amount of food for some time.
The refinery is used to craft black stones. Black stones require some resources, food, and time to craft. I recommend you put a dexterity worker in the refinery as it will decrease the time u need to craft.

Stable and Extractor
At your stable building, you can go and manage your horse. You can equip barding. Also, you can level up your horse or tear them up. This is a beginner’s guide, so I won’t be explaining the usage of more experience required buildings as you will learn how to use them when some time passes.
Extractor building is a place where you can disassemble accessories and extract black stones. Also, this is a more advanced building, so that we will be covering it in some other post.
Blacksmith and Trade Shop
Blacksmith is a building that is used to craft armor and weapons. Crafting each weapon as well as armor costs resources and production time.
A Trade shop is a place where you can go to craft trade goods. These trade goods can be exchanged for merchants or can be used for your collection.
Trading post and Alchemy Lab
The trading post is a classical market where you can exchange your resources. All resources are of the same amount, and it doesn’t matter which resource you are gathering as long as you are going to sell it. The ratio for sales is 3 to 1, and as you can see, it is pretty high.

The trading post can be useful when you have some resource in high number in your store, only then you should be going for the exchange if you need some other resources that are getting lower at your storage. We don’t recommend trading that much and only do trade when u need specific resources.
At alchemy lab, you can craft potions. Also, an alchemy lab is used for crafting low, mid, and high-level crystal chests that are going to be used during the game.

Lodge and Dye Workshop
The primary purpose of the lodge is that it is a requirement for you to hire more workers. Leveling lodge up will unlock you that possibility.
You can go to Dye Workshop and craft outfits pallets and mixed pallets, which will be explained in depth some other time.
Making Silver in Your Camp
Your Town Hall is going to be the first income as you start. Its outcome will expand as the building gets upgraded. Also, you can do some silver making at your trade shop—dye workshop, alchemy lab, and blacksmith.
The merchant shop provides you with detailed information about the cost of everything that is required on the market. It shows you how much of that item is in total for sale, price, and number of times that item has been bought.
Depending on your wishes, you can explore any of these options. Choose an item and research it in the market. If u can craft it with less trouble as possible, you should go for it. As the game progress, you will find which item and field of work suit you the most. This is one of the ways to earn some silver in your camp, and it is quite easy to start and understand.