Epic Seven

Epic Seven Melissa Hero Guide 2022


A guide to bloody perfection. 


 A Vampire betrayed by her lover, crossing the ocean to seek her revenge. Okay…


  1. Might – a basic attack that has a 75% max chance  to make the target unhealable. 
  2. Manifestation – A single attack that grants immortality on the caster. 
  3. Blood Bloom – A single attack that puts a curse debuff on the target and grants an extra turn to the caster if this skill crits. Ignores Elemental Disadvantage.


Okay so here’s what I would say for the build. Since she’s a PvP focused unit because her curse debuff doesn’t work on Elite/Bosses,  Immunity is a must. You can build her Crtdmg/immunity, Speed/Immunity, Atk/Immunity, etc. Focus on your offensive stats and if you have the gears to help her for survivability, that would be phenomenal because her base hp is low. 

Also, I wouldn’t recommend building her really fast, especially on guild wars, because the immunity set will kill her kit. 

Team Compositions

Two Types: Cleave Set up and Two Turn Set Up.

Cleave set up would require you really fast cr boosters or Tama Iseria combo. This would mean that you have to stack your Melissa’s offensive stats to potentially kill 2 targets or 1 important and dangerous target like Avild, Ruele, Charles, etc. Notable units to go with her would be:

  • Basar
  • Tywin
  • Tamarinne AND Iseria
  • Aux Lots
  • Roozid
  • Judith
  • DJ Basar

Two turn set up would require you to protect your really slow Melissa. This, however, is a dangerous setup but this will shine her kit more since you won’t have any problem about immunity sets unless they have an immunity buffer. I personally won’t do this comp if you don’t have a way to protect her heavily. Notable units would be:

I forgot to mention one line up that is fun to use. Melissa + Single Target Nuker. Basically you put a curse on a tanky unit and your nuker will target another tanky unit. I found this really good on those pesky double revivers and stall teams. This requires you to have really high effectiveness while having decent speed so they can get off of their immunity. 


  1. Kal’Adra – Really good artifact for her since she has her own debuff to work on this artifact.
  2. Portrait/Tonfa – Artifact to help you one shot. Basic nuker artifact.
  3. Bloody Rose – Helps you land your debuffs and not worry about building high effectiveness on her.
  4. Cursed Compass – Same thing with Bloody Rose but this artifact only works on your first turn. 
  5. Chatty – Niche Artifact but helps your survivability. Best if you have a somewhat speedy Melissa. 
  6. Etica’s Scepter – Recommended for speedy Melissa but really niche since you would want the match to be over as soon as possible because of her low survival capabilities. Again, best if you have a speedy Melissa.
  7. Oath key – Basically an artifact against evasion teams for nukers. 

Conclusion and Thoughts

Overall, she’s very unique with her curse debuff but the thing is, units right now have high resistances on them and that makes her kit really really hard to fit in this meta. One thing that Smile Gate should change is her soul burn effect. Changing her soul burn effect to skill 3 ignore effect resistance would make her much better.