Mobile Legends

Jawhead Build Guide Mobile Legends

Jawhead: Steel Sweetheart

Jawhead is the loving creation of Professor Henry and his wife, father, and mother to the young, blue-haired Ellie. Before the scientist’s disappearance, they gave Jawhead the task of protecting their daughter. 

When in battle, the two can be found together at all times, with Jawhead carrying out his duty in keeping the little girl from harm with his powerful abilities. His programmed instincts make him a real threat to his competitors. 

Jawhead is a powerful fighter who is capable on his own and as a teammate. He specializes in charge and burst, allowing him to power through enemies and serve as a front line fighter to protect his ranged allies. 

He can be found pushing lanes and ganking battles during the game and is likely to tear down turrets and enemies alike throughout gameplay. With strong protectiveness etched into his system, he is bound to be a magnificent ally.


Passive: Mecha Suppression

Mecha Suppression is Jawhead’s passive skill. Whenever he lands an attack on his target, every successful hit will add compression, with each strike dealing more damage over time.

Skill 1: Smart Missile

His first skill, smart missile, puts him into the launch state. During this time, he will blast a total of 12 missiles at his target, dealing damage whenever they hit the enemy. If all of the missiles hit the same enemy, the damage dealt can be catastrophic.

Skill 2: Ejector

When Jawhead needs a boost in mobility, he can use his second skill, Ejector. This skill gives him a shield and a speed boost upon its first use, allowing him to move quickly through the battlefield. If used a second time, Jawhead will throw the nearest hero, ally or enemy, to a specific spot. If he throws an enemy, they will receive damage on impact and will be stunned. With this second use, the speed boost and shield will be lost.

Skill 3: Unstoppable Force

The ultimate skill, Unstoppable Force, allows Jawhead to plow into battle. When activated, he will run at a specified enemy, damaging them when he comes in contact. The enemy he hits will be stunned as well. If there are other enemies nearby, they will be knocked back and receive damage as well.



Assassin Emblem


Tank Emblem


For Jawhead’s build, it’s important to get items that support his abilities. With his stats as high as they are, items that buff his stats and skills will be prioritized. This will focus on health and mana regeneration, attack and speed boosts, and items that allow him to make his skills more efficient.

Regular build

Full Tank Build


  • Magic Shoes
  • Blade of Despair
  • Endless Battle
  • Queen’s Wings
  • Blade of Heptaseas
  • Immortality

The first item is a movement item, Magic Shoes. They help with cooldown reduction and boost movement speed so that jawhead can use his skills and move around more quickly.

Blade of Despair majorly increases physical attack for Jawhead’s killer moveset. It also gives a speed boost to improving his mobility.

Endless battle makes Jawhead’s basic skill more powerful and increases his physical attack. It also boosts his health and mana regeneration with an additional lifesteal perk. Jawhead will experience a speed increase and lower his skill cooldown to protect Ellie and his teammates.

The Queen’s wings give a massive boost in hp and physical attack. Jawhead will also benefit from cooldown reduction with this gear. When his health gets low, he also gets a passive bonus that grants him temporary lifesteal with lessened physical attack strength,

Blade of Heptaseas is a gear piece that gives Jawhead more hp and a large boost in a physical attack. He will also get the ability of physical penetration, making his attacks more damaging. His basic attack will become incredibly strong if he doesn’t take or deal damage between uses.

Immortality is a defense item that offers several different hp advantages and physical defense buff. Jawhead will find, when he purchases it, that he will get more health points and the ability to resurrect with 20% health and a temporary shield.

This item will boost Jawhead’s strengths and make his skills more efficient for his whole team. With this build or one like it, Jawhead will be able to take down his enemies.

Jawhead Information

Jawhead has amazingly balanced stats. His offenses, defenses, and skill power are all above average, with his defenses being the highest ranking. His difficulty lies in managing his skills practically so he can best help his team. 

He is a fighter character, great at charging into battle and blowing enemies away. When he pairs with his teammates, he can help them avoid death and wipe out the enemy team with ease. He is incredibly capable on his own, but team playing is still important, and for Jawhead, he needs to be thoughtful in his skill use to support his team’s needs. His build should help him to make him the biggest help on the way to the enemy base.


For Jawhead, he is perfectly capable of starting around on his own with his first skill. He can also partner with an ally and use either his first or second skill to help them. Jawhead should allow his teammates to gain buffs from jungling, focusing on enemy heroes, turrets, and creeps. For this, he’ll start down the side lanes to close the distance between his team and the enemy base as much as he can at the beginning of the game. 

As the game goes on, Jawhead can make efforts to keep his team in the lead on turrets, but he should also watch the map to gank into battles and help his allies. Protecting his allies will benefit his team as much as pushing for the end goal. 

As the game goes on, Jawhead will likely find himself with allies more and more, teaming up on the turrets and bigger monsters and wiping out as many enemies as they can in big team fights. If used correctly with his team, Jawhead and his allies’ end game can be very easy. Finishing up, he and his team will take down the turrets, heading for the enemy base, and may find themselves delivering finishing damage before they know it. Jawhead is programmed to be the perfect protector, and playing him as such will show just how insanely powerful he can be.