Do you know how to make proper use of your AFK time to produce overnight profits? Many people have tried fishing or processing but have discovered that they are quite mediocre or are only able to AFK for short periods. Thus, it is not an efficient way to AFK in Black Desert Online. However, one of the best approaches to AFK, especially overnight, is through Imperial Horse Training.
Table of Contents
Where to Capture a Horse
Before anything, you must search for the best areas that yield the highest tier horses. Drieghan is one of the best regions to capture horses. This is because you can capture high-tier horses from the get-go. In Drieghan, you will find either a tier 4 or tier 5 horse. You are looking for tier 5 horses for this guide.
There are four spots within the region of Drieghan, where you can search for imperial horses. You can enter the following link to view a map with the four marked areas within Drieghan:
Ideally, your goal is to find tier 5 horses and train them overnight to obtain the most profit. Tier 5 horses have an RNG chance of being level one through ten. Thus, you might be lucky enough to obtain a tier 5 horse with a ten roll.
Items For Catching Horses
You need two specific items to be able to capture a horse. The two items are capturing rope and a lump of raw sugar, which are rather common objects.
To catch your horse, you must first purchase some Capturing Rope from the stable keeper NPC.

You also need lumps of sugar to catch your horse, and you can obtain this item from Cooking NPCs located in the major cities. Buy Raw sugar and Mineral Water from the cooking NPC.

To make a lump of sugar, combine 10x raw sugar with 1x mineral water in the heating processing menu(press p to bring up the processing menu).

How to Catch a Horse
Once you have all the items, you can travel to the marked spots within Drieghan and find a tier 5 horse. To capture the horse, you must use the capturing rope and aim it at the horse and left-click with appropriate timing. The capture gauge is simple, making it very easy to capture a horse, even if it is your first time.

Upon doing a successful throw, the horse will rear his forelegs off the ground and stand on its hind legs. A red energy gauge will appear, and your goal is to keep it full or at least more than half.
To this, you must continuously press the space bar (spam the space button). After a small period (3-5 seconds), the energy bar will disappear, and you will be able to approach the horse.

When you are in front of the horse and stopped bucking, you must feed it with lumps of sugar. It is advised to feed with two lumps of sugar, or the horse may breakout. Other players have used three or four lumps of sugar, but two is the recommended amount to feed a horse.
Once you have tamed the horse, you will be able to mount it and take it to town. However, it is not necessary to ride the horse to keep it. You can also use your own horse to return to town manually. Once there simply register the captured horse.

How to Organize and Train your Horses Overnight
First of all, you must travel to the marketplace and type in the word “merchant” in the search bar. Look for a merchant wagon and purchase it. The merchant wagons are rather inexpensive, costing 4 million silver.
When you buy it, take it out of the inventory and register it at the stable. Then, you are going to connect the wagon and take the horses. The best combination is to add four tier-5 horses.

Once you have connected the four horses and returned to the main screen, the wagon will have four horses connected. You mount it and set it on automatic. You select a place on the other side of town: click-set auto loop and press T.

From here, your character will go AFK overnight, and your horses will gain experience points and level up based on the distance they travel. It is a straightforward strategy, and your horses will obtain experience points overnight.
How to Increase your Horses’ Experience Gain?
If you want to increase the experience points further, you can equip them with some items. You buy these clothes from a luxury vendor or through the central marketplace. This equipment will ensure that your horses gain enough experience to level up quickly and reach the level cap overnight.

How To Profit from Horse Training
The purpose of training the horses is to trade them for imperial horse training seals. To turn in a horse for this seal, it must be a tier 5 horse and be at least on level 15 for trade. The imperial horse seals are unique items because you can spin them to purchase Viper crystals.

First, you must disconnect the horses you want to sell from the wagon and then search the hose you want to sell. Once you have selected your horse, you then choose the “Imperial Horse Delivery” option. In the end, you will earn both silver and imperial horse seals. You obtain one seal per tier of the horse.

Since you train five horses simultaneously, you can obtain 20 imperial horse seals because they are tier 5 and earn moderate amounts of silver. Next, you will activate the NPC location and turn in the horse seals in Calpheon.

Your final goal is to obtain 24 horse seals per night because you need 12 of these to get one Black Essence: Viper. If you take into account the amount of silver you obtain from selling the horses and turning the seals, you roughly earn 40 million silver every night.

If you heat this item with an ancient magic crystal – Viper(costs 300k), you will get Black Magic Crystal – Viper, which sells for 33 mil at the time of writing. It’s also rising in price.
Additionally, you can obtain one more Viper crystal since you can get 24 horse seals per night, and you need 12 of them for a crystal. You also get some silver for selling horses(around 10 million).