There are a lot of different things to keep track of in BDO. Between all of the various resources, stats, currencies, classes, characters, and every other aspect of the game, if you aren’t already used to juggling all of these things, it can get quite exhausting.
However, you need to keep a few key features in mind while playing the game. While things like health and stamina are vital to playing the game, there is one deceptively essential resource that, if not properly managed, can result in a very frustrating experience overall.

That resource is Energy.
This guide will go over Energy, how you can maximize your usage, and how to get more of it so you’re never in a bad situation.
So, without further ado, let’s get started!
Table of Contents
What is Energy
In BDO, Energy is separate from stamina or health. It is an expendable resource that is consumed with each interaction you have with the BDO world. While speaking to random NPCs in other games is a freely performed action, in BDO, it costs Energy and cannot be achieved if you do not have any.
Because it is used for just about every kind of interaction in the game, Energy slowly recovers by 1 point every 3 minutes while the player is logged into the game. When you are logged out of the game, this slows down to 1 point every hour.
You can increase this by using Blessing of Kamasylve or the Turning Gates tent buff. When your current energy reaches the maximum amount, you cant store any more energy.

What is Energy Used For
As mentioned above, Energy is used for pretty much every interaction in the game. While this includes your personal actions with other characters, it also has several other major uses with larger impacts on the world. These include Workers, Amity, Life Skills, Energy Potions, and Nodes.
Workers help perform various actions for your family in BDO and can help with node production, crafting, gardening, earning money investing, and with PvP.

A worker costs 5 Energy to roll per worker. Professional Workers average over 300 Energy while Artisan Workers cost just shy of 2,000 Energy on average. However it is speculated that the chances vary from city to city, but this is not confirmed, except for Old Wisdom Tree. I’ve certainly experienced this in BDO as well.
Amity is the process for improving a player’s relation with an NPC. This is done either by performing a wave or by completing a mini-game. Energy is consumed for either scenario, though waving is considerably less expensive compared to the mini-game.

Some content is gated by Amity such as quests, vendor items, and knowledge.
Life Skills
Life skills in BDO are personal skills your character can perform that are non-combat oriented. There are 10 skills in total, and they include Alchemy, Cooking, Farming, Fishing, Gathering, Hunting, Processing, Sailing, Trading, and Training.
While all of them require Energy, Gathering, Hunting, and Farming all offer the biggest return. I would recommend using it for gathering for the most profit.
Energy Potions
Energy Potions are potions made from Energy. You can exchange energy for energy potions from Alustin the Alchemist.
- To find him, click the magnifying glass in the right and type “Alustin” into the text box.
- Click on it, and follow the navigation.
- Once you have arrived at Alustin, talk to him.
- Choose the 200 energy option.
These potions can be consumed at a later time to restore 50 Energy to a character with a 10-minute cooldown, for when you want to gather for example. They can also be sold on the marketplace for around 5 million silver, but it’s better to keep them. It’s a great way to transfer energy from your alts to your gathering character.

Nodes are specific areas that players can work to improve transport and trade. Energy can be used and can also be used to invest in Node Levels, improving the area’s loot percentages when grinding. Investing energy in nodes increases the drop rate by 5% per level. It applies to 10% of your monster kills. It caps at level 10.

How to Raise Your Max Energy
There are a few ways you can temporarily increase your Energy in BDO. However, the best way is to acquire max out your different Knowledge categories and subcategories.
First, go into the Knowledge Window. To do this, press “H” in-game. When you get to the menu, you will see several circles of varying completeness. The more knowledge you have in any of these areas, the more you will fill its corresponding circle.
You can read more about knowledge and the best ways to increase energy here.

Looking over these categories, you can see how much Energy they will give you once you fully master them as well as how much you currently have.
Focus on acquiring as much knowledge in each of the categories to increase the amount of Max Energy you have. Keep in mind that some categories will give you all of their Energy even if you haven’t completed the topic. If that is the case, don’t worry about continuing on with that area unless you particularly wish to max out that area.
Below, I am going to break down the order you should focus on gaining knowledge so you can maximize the amount of Energy you ultimate have as fast as possible.
#1. Character & Typography
The first two areas of focus should be Character and Topography. Essentially, all you’ll be doing is traveling around the map and talking to people. To quickly find NPCs that you haven’t yet talked to, check your mini-map. Every question mark is a person you haven’t spoken to yet.
Ideally, it would be best if you worked on both of these categories at the same time. Considering starting in Balenos and work your way down to Mediah and Calpheon, respectively. Basically, your best bet is to move through the map in the same way that the game’s main story pushes you.
#2. Ecology
Next is Ecology. While much faster than the other knowledge options, Ecology requires you to kill monsters, which can take some time depending on your gear and level. Consider working on specific subcategories rather than the entire Ecology category, for example, working on topics that call for all of a particular monster that is in a single place to keep you from running around too much.
#3. Sea
Finally, after completing as much of the Character, Topography, and Ecology categories, your next bet is the Sea category. This category is relatively simple once you get a boat. You’re simply going to visit the different islands throughout the map. It’s pretty much the same as Topography, except you are visiting islands.
And with that, you should have a ton of Energy. If you still need some Energy, spend some time on Adventure, Journal, and Academics categories.
There are a lot of different ways you can get Energy in BDO. By following the above tips, you can cover virtually every situation with ease. Depending on when you start the game and your ultimate use for Energy, this process can be incredibly easy or slightly more complex. However, by doing this and gaining as much Energy as possible, you can make your time playing that much better and more enjoyable.