Table of Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 2 PEN: Blackstar Armor Stats
- 3 Quest Items
- 4 Starting the Quest
- 5 Quest- Colossal Black Meteorite: Region Northern Calpheon.
- 6 Quest- A mysterious Death
- 7 Quest- Examining the Mysterious Blood
- 8 Quest- Caphras Journal
- 9 1: Easy- To Tarif
- 10 Quest- To Tarif
- 11 Quest- To the Altar of the Fallen Gods
- 12 2: Hard- To the Altar of the Fallen God
- 13 Quest- What the Blackstar Left Behind
- 14 Quest- Power of Ancient Ator
- 15 Quest- Blackstar Armor Piece
Blackstar armor is an alternative to boss gear and provides Monster Damage Reduction and increased DP in comparison. It is, however, it is harder to obtain. It can be crafted by following a trail of Quests within the game that uncovers the mystery of the Blackstar.
This guide will walk you through the Questlines, as well as the different options available.
Note: The quests can only be completed once per character. After completing the Questline, you have to buy the gear from the marketplace to receive another. This can also be done should you wish to avoid the Quests.
PEN: Blackstar Armor Stats
- DP: 99
- Evasion: 171
- Damage Reduction: 83
- Max HP: +310
- Max MP/WP/SP: +100
Quest Items
Before you embark on the questline to craft the Blackstar Armor, you will need the following in place:
- Have a Level 56+ character
- Previously completed Calpheon and Mediah Main Story Questlines.
- Remnants of the Rift Item – This can be obtained as a rare drop when defeating Dark Rift Bosses.
- Knowledge of “The Three Legendary Blacksmiths of Mediah.” This can be obtained by completing another short Questline, “Mediah: The Legendary Blacksmith.”
- 3 Boss Gear pieces at +0.
For the armor, you can use any boss weapon or armor piece.
Specter’s Energy– Found in the following locations:
- Titium Valley
- Desert Naga Temple
- Waragon Nest
- Cadry Ruins
- Crescent Shrine
- Taphtar Plain
- Basilisk Den
- Pila Ku Jail
- Polly’s Forest
- Roud Sulfer mine
- Loopy Tree Forest
- Marishaum Forest
- Tooth Fairy Forest
- Tshira Ruins
- Blood Wolf Settlement
- Sherekhan Necropolis
- Protty Cave
Starting the Quest
Once everything is in place, the questline will be a lot simpler this way- right-click on the Rift item’s Remnants. From here, you can then locate the NPC: Martha Kiyen.

Martha can be found, to begin with, at the Northern Wheat Plantation. While talking to her, you can choose which Blackstar quest you would like to do. Obtain the weapon or the armor. For this guide, we will follow the route to obtain the armor. Martha then asks for your help investigating the Blackstar due to the dangerous nature of the area.
Your Quest takes you to Stars End, a prohibited area, to help her.

Once there, hand over the Remnants of the Rift to Martha and interact with her.

This will lead you to your next Quest.
Quest- Colossal Black Meteorite: Region Northern Calpheon.
Thanks to the dangerous nature of the area, Martha hasn’t investigated the colossal meteorite that fell in Star’s End. She asks you to collect some samples for her, “Or even their powder. Anything!”

Go to the marked location to complete this Quest and interact with the black meteorites located around Stars End to collect their powder. They are marked on the map so they should be easy to find. Head back to Martha, and interact with her again to complete the Quest.

“Oh, how I have longed for this moment…! All the trouble I have been through was worth it!”
Quest- A mysterious Death
After handing over the powder to Martha, it turns out there is more to investigate and more samples to be collected. Including the blood of an animal corpse nearby…something is not quite right in the area, and Martha wants to understand why.

Collect blood from nearby cows and then interact with Martha once more to complete the Quest.
Quest- Examining the Mysterious Blood
Unable to make much from the blood, Martha asks you to take the blood to Gorgath, an expert in such things. To do this, head over to the Contaminated Farm and speak to Gorgath.

“A strange energy can be felt…You haven’t been to Stars End, have you?”
Interact with Gorgath and complete a few more Quests to analyze the blood together. Gorgath then describes the blood as being like a living, black energy.

This same energy is soon awakened within the blood! Releasing a monster possessed by this black energy.
Defeat the monster and then interact with Gorgath once more.
Quest- Caphras Journal
After defeating the monster, you interact with Gorgath once again. Your discussion leads you to reveal a desire to awaken the Blackstar.

Gorgath points you in the direction of Caphras‘ Journal, which is said to contain details of how to awaken the Blackstar.
The journal can be found in Caphras Cave, located West of Florin.
Go inside the cave and find the secret section within. The journal lays on a bookshelf located above the ladder on the right-hand side of the cave.

The journal, however, proves hard to read as it is written in an unknown language.

Take the journal back to Gorgath on the Contaminated Farm, where he can translate the journal for you.
Gorgath will provide you with the item “Eye of Anguish” after reading the journal and telling you more about the star.

Note: The Eye of Anguish will be needed later on- so keep hold of it.
At this point, the questline splits into two parts and provides you with a choice of paths to take:

1: Easy- To Tarif
This questline sends you to Tarif, giving you a quest to kill 1000 monsters at Helms Post. While this gives you an easier Boss at the end of the Quest, choosing the hard option saves time and sends you straight to Stars End.
Quest- To Tarif
Here, you need to find someone who knows how to control energy to see the Blackstar possess the Eye of Desolation.
Head to Allan Serbin in Tarif after talking to Gorgath.
Allan advises using a magical slate to weaken the Eye of Desolation, sending you on a quest for the Bautt Slates.
Quest- To the Altar of the Fallen Gods
Head to Northern Calpheon and Star’s End Brazier. Here, sacrifice the Weakened Eye of Desolation and do as the Black Spirit says.
This will lead you to battle a weakened version of the Boss and obtain the Blackstar Claw.
From here, follow the guide from “What the Blackstar Left Behind.”
2: Hard- To the Altar of the Fallen God

This sends you straight to the Star’s End Brazier, but the Boss you fight at the end will be a lot harder to defeat.
At the Brazier is where those three pieces of boss gear come into play to create something called The Eye of Desolation. To do so, go to:

Processing; Heating; Choose 3 Boss Gear Items.
Heat the items to get 3x concentrated boss aura. Use the manufacture option to combine these with the Eye of Anguish you got from Gorgath. This creates the Eye of Desolation.

Use this item to summon the more challenging version of the Boss, which you need to defeat. At the Brazier, sacrifice the Eye of Desolation.

Note: It does take a while for the Boss to appear, so be patient. After defeating the boss offer the eye of desolation to start “What the Blackstar Left Behind”.

Quest- What the Blackstar Left Behind
After your battle, you gain The Claw of the Blackstar.
Your Quests will take you to find a blacksmith capable of processing the claw and forging it into armor.
Head back to Calpheon and interact with Dobart.

Note: This is where your knowledge of the Legendary Blacksmiths comes in handy.
Unfortunately, Dobart cannot handle the material and sends you to Barattan Lancer– the Legendary Blacksmith of Mediah.

Barattan can be found at helms. However, he also does not know enough about the claw to forge anything.
By now, you probably feel as if you are on a wild goose chase. But, the third time is the charm. Barattan sends you to find someone called Dorin Morgrim– who was once known as the Genius Blacksmith. Dorim, however, went into hiding, and you need to find him.

“Go find Dorin Morgrim, the legendary blacksmith. His talent is unmatched!”
Quest- Power of Ancient Ator
Dorim Morgrim can be found at Helms Post in the mines. Head over to Helms Post, find Dorim, and then interact with him to hand the Blackstar Claw over to him.

“This…! Even I, the god of anvil and hammer, have not seen it before…! It’s utterly beautiful…Magnificent…hahaha!
*Drools*…Did I drool? Ahem…Sorry about that.”

Dorim recognizes the claw and begins to prepare after you hand the claw over.

From here, interact with the Crystal Ball located in the center of the room, then speak to Dorim once more, who imbues the claw with the Ancient Ator’s Power.

Quest- Blackstar Armor Piece
Having been imbued with Ancient Ator’s Power, the Blackstar Claw has now been forged into an Armor Piece, which you can collect.

Handing over the Specter’s Energy will set the final process in motion to create the armor. Dorin will ask for the Specter’s Energy, as you’ve (hopefully) already obtained it before we embarked on this mission; you can click on Dorin again to hand it over to him.

Interact with the crystal ball again to start crafting the Blackstar Gear. Dorin will get to work! Once the process has finished, interact with Dorin again to receive the armor!

Congrats! You have now forged the Blackstar Armor!