Table of Contents
This is going to be my guide on how to get energy in BDO. I’m going to actively show you how to get energy. And you just take this knowledge to every region in the game.
To start out, if you press H, this is where all of your knowledge and energy come from. So you want to make sure everything is blue and says obtained in the main categories.
You can see below where everything is blue, and it says obtained which means I have completed that topic and gained energy from it.
If a topic is white, it means that I haven’t completed that topic yet(People on the Sea for example). You can expand the section to find out what you are missing on a topic.
Let’s start off with character. Okay. So the character for me is white. That means I haven’t obtained everybody yet. Once it’s blue it means I’ve obtained everybody.
How to obtain knowledge from these people?
You either have to talk to them or do a quest. If you’re doing a quest, the quest you’re looking for will show a little book like an open book. And that’ll indicate that that is a book that gains you knowledge that’ll go into somewhere out of all of this section. If you ever see one, just go ahead and do that questline, you don’t have to worry about it. You don’t have to find it later. Because finding the quests can be difficult.
Next is Topography. It’s probably the easiest one to get out of everything in the game. All you have to do is explore the world map and find every single node.
If you’re not sure where all the nodes are, there’s this website called And it’s a whole map of the game showing you where all of these nodes are.
I think it’s the simplest out of all these topics, it could take a few days exploring the whole map so make sure you take the time to do that.
Sea is the same thing as topography.
Except it is all of the nodes out in the water. Like Islands and such, all the nodes out in the sea. One thing different from Sea than Topography is that on some of these, you have to actually talk to an NPC and do some Amity with them to unlock parts of the sea. But Topography and the Sea are by far the easiest because all you have to do is explore the game.
Ecology is probably what people struggle the most with, but people also do the most. Because of the higher Ecology you have, the higher your item drop rate is. So Ecology a lot of people have all S on things because they’re trying to get their knowledge affect up for a better drop rate. But for the ecology, all ecology is killing mobs.
We also made an Ecology guide if you are interested in grinding Ecology.
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You have to get knowledge on every single mob in the game, which can be very difficult. Like this one right here but cultist assassin, I don’t even know where they spawn. I’m sure if I looked it up, I could find out where they spawn, but I do think there are only like four or five spawns, they spawn every few minutes. I recommend you Google the NPC if you are having trouble finding it, there’s usually some good sites that have a map of where the NPC spawns.
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Other really difficult parts of ecology are beasts because there are so many beasts in here like you don’t have to get all of them. But you have to get almost all of them and it can be extremely difficult getting like the stone bat crabs and other things like that in the plants can also be kind of difficult.
So if you’re a low level, you’re gonna have a hard time getting higher-level things like Aakman or Hystria.
If you are a newer player I suggest you starting out with Balenos, Serendia and Mediah Region for the Ecology section.
Adventure Journal and Academics
The adventure journal and academics in my opinion by far the hardest because you have to do quests, and you have to do Amity minigames for almost every single entry in the adventure journal and academics.
The higher energy you have, the easier you’ll be able to do the academics because you’ll have more energy for the Amity minigames when you have to wave NPCs but if you’re really pushing for like max energy or 500 plus energy, start with academics as soon as you possibly can.
Because you’ll burn through all of your character energy, doing Amity minigames, and then you’ll be out of energy and then you can go do quests while that builds back up. While that while you max energy again then you can go back to doing academics.
The reason why I don’t have this maxed out every two weeks, I go and do as much damage as I possibly can till the amount of energy and I wait for it to build back up and then I have to do this again. Life skilling learning ropes of Black Desert and trade do not give any energy.
How To Get Energy
Now that I’ve gone over the whole menu, I’m going to actually show you how to get energy.
Every single NPC you see that has that exclamation mark you need to talk to, that’ll be a knowledge entry in one of those menus.
I’m running through this area my first time and I just unlocked the node. Calpheon Northwestern Outpost. That is one of four nodes in the Stars End region.
Make sure you have all of your quests turned on. So press O and down at the bottom where it says preferred type. Make sure you click all so everything is goldish yellow. super important to do. Some quests give you knowledge.
You’ll have it’s a little book. It’s an open book. You have to click it. If you do that quest and it doesn’t give you a knowledge entry. Continue doing the questline because you might not unlock the knowledge entry until you complete the whole entire questline.
Let’s say you can’t find where an NPC is, what should you do?
So search that NPC in BDdatabase or BDOcodex, we want to click NPC, not the knowledge. And it tells me that he is way up here.
Somewhere around here, so I need to go where this tiny little flag is in order to find the NPC named Flanche.