Black Desert Online is a unique game in that you don’t have to be sitting at your computer to grind for certain items. Some things you can do while you are away. Because of this, people often wonder what the things you can do while afk in Black Desert Online are. Here we will go over unique things to do in the world of Black Desert online you can do while you are away from your computer. Let’s get into the list of things to do while afk in BDO.
Table of Contents
The world within Black Desert Online is pretty big. But it isn’t instantaneous with traveling, and there isn’t much fast traveling in the game. For instance, if you are at one end of the map and need to get to the other, you cannot fast-travel.

But the good news is that you can auto-path your way to the location you need. This means you select where you want to go, right-click, and press “T” on the keyboard, and your character will automatically run towards where you selected to go. This is pretty good if you need to do something quickly, like getting a snack or something, and you don’t have to sit there and watch your character move.
This is considered one of the best things you could do while afk. This is because fishing can make you very good money if you do it overnight. If you want to get into afk fishing, it is recommended that you get a balenos fishing rod, Then get logia’s fishing clothes.

Now you will need to go to a body of water, select what type of fish you can catch, and then throw it away. As you’re leveling up, you’ll only be able to get and keep certain qualities of fish, but as you gain more experience with fishing, you’ll be able to throw away worse quality fish(which you’ll want to do for AFK purposes).

So, you’ll want to be able to discard the fish that are lower quality, so your inventory doesn’t fill up. Once you have your fishing rod, press space, which will automatically fish for you.
This is one of the afk things you can do a ton. It enables storage item processing so that you don’t have to hold the items you are trying to process. If you want to AFK longer, get the Venecil processing outfit so you can process directly from the storage. This is so you don’t have to hold the items you are trying to process. You can process it right from your bank and directly to your inventory.
To start, talk to a storage keeper, click process, and then you can choose what you want to do. Then your character will start the process and keep going as long as your character can and as long as the character has weight. Use a processing stone and mass processing to process faster.

If you want to learn more about processing, we have a processing power leveling guide
Cooking is something you can do while AFK or semi-afk. It ultimately depends on what you’re trying to do. It depends on many different things such as outfits and other things.
You’ll want to go to your chef’s table and select what to cook, and then you can be afk as your character goes through the cooking process. But you can get manos if you want to cook for longer periods or the calpheon traditional utensil. And you can do alchemy in the same way. Imperial cooking makes cooking very profitable, so getting to guru 1 cooking should be a top priority; you can learn more about it here. I get 228m/day passively by turning in guru crates with 410 contribution points and 1307 mastery.

You don’t need to be cooking anymore when you reach master or guru cooking; you can simply buy the meals from the marketplace, crate them up and turn them in for profit every day, which takes 1 minute per day to do once you have packed the crates. Use the heavy-duty packing cord to pack the crates faster.
Gathering Water
Gathering water is a good thing to do while afk and is only limited by how much energy your character has. So if your character has a ton of energy, you will be able to do this for a very long time. You’ll want to buy empty bottles from any general merchant and then go to a body of water. Then you open your inventory, right-click the empty bottles in your inventory and then select repeat, and then you’re set. Your character will automatically do it for however long it takes to fill up all empty bottles or until your energy runs out. This will probably take a while for your character to run out of money, and it is a good way for your character to make money while you are afk.
Level Strength or Breath
These are fitness skills that your character will have. Your breath will help increase your stamina; all you need to do is walk or run to get breath exp.

Then strength will increase how much lt you have so that it will help with your weight limit and how much you can hold. To walk or run automatically, you can set a looped path. You’ll want to do the same while carrying a backpack to increase your strength. You can get a backpack from the trade manager.

Get old moon fences to set up farms in Black Desert Online. This is a good way to grow your crops. But the problem is that crops only grow when you are logged in. But the good thing here is that they will automatically grow if you do anything else in the game. This includes if you’re doing something else we mentioned on the list, too! If you want to get these fences, you can talk to Flaviano, which will cost 10 contribution points for 10 farming slots, and you can place these all around the world.
Training Your Mount
You can train your mount afk with auto pathing; you can read more about it here

AFK Combat/Skill Training Scarecrows
You can get combat exp and skill exp afk by training on scarecrows.

We talked about some of the best things you can do while afk in Black Desert Online! This can include cooking, processing, fishing, and many other things in the game! We hope this list helped you find ideas on what to do while afk in the game!