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This article will present to you and clarify everything there is to know to abut Lineage 2 Revolution’s Adena. You will find important aspects and comprehensive tips on how to farm Adena. This is a highly important element for the entire Lineage 2 multiplayer world. Adena is the primary and essential currency within Lineage 2 Revolution, and everything in this universe requires Adena.

Adena’s Importance
Within the universe of Lineage 2 Resolution, Adena represents the gold, coins or credits, meaning the exchange power, or as some may say, the essence of achieving all there is. You can buy everything with it at the stores, you can give it during trade exchanges, use it for crafting. Even if you have enhancement scrolls, you still can’t apply those to your character if you don’t own the right amount of Adena. Adena is simply top priority on your list of resources.
The greatest news is that there are literally hundreds of ways of purchasing this currency and only your imagination, know-how and perseverance are the limits. So we will stick to the basics, to the most important knowledge about Adena farming ways. Nevertheless, knowing the basics will open an entire rich Lineage 2 Revolution world for you.
Farming Adena Daily
You need to gain Adena on a daily basis, and a surprise or not, you will also spend Adena daily, as long as you are in the game. Every day there is a game reset, and each time you receive 5 free quest scroll completions. They all have grades, like A, B, C. You need to focus and complete the A grade or higher grade quest scrolls, and monster farming, which will offer you a quick adena gain.

This is a very easy and fast method, especially if you can’t or don’t want to level up or to get involved too much with other players.
To increase the number of high-grade quest scrolls per day, here is a tip for you. You can exchange 50 red gems against an additional number of 5 quest scrolls.

These will further increase the number of adena that you could earn after completion. At each reset, and depending on your level, you will see the number of recharge that you are allowed to do per day, at the price of 50 red gems, each time.
Clan Dungeons
The clan organization is the major gathering system within this game, which can provide you with lots of benefits, one of them being the access to even more adena. Players can join clans, or even create a new clan, depending on the player’s level. A clan can reunite a maximum of 50 members, which will all get access to clan activities, basic shared information about resources, achievements, progress, ranking and, of course, to clan dungeons.

Under the clan tab, you will immediately see what access you currently have to dungeons, as well as the difficulty (level status) for participating in each of them. You will gather the individual rewards provided for each dungeon that you have access to, by simply being in the room, without the requirement of taking some other type of action.

As you can imagine, the higher the rank required for entering a clan dungeon, the bigger the reward. And if you are lucky enough to inflict the top damage on the dungeon’s boss while being there, you will receive a 200% increase of the respective reward, as well.
The clan dungeons are being completely reset each week. There is also the possibility for each dungeon to be reset once per day, upon the decision of the clan leader. Each clan can decide the days and rhythm of doing clan dungeons activities. Whereas, gains can go up to several tens and hundreds thousand adena, on an interval of only 30 minutes. So, this method is one of the fastest ways to gain precious adena.
AFK Farming
One of the best ways to gather serious adena is AFK farming in the elite dungeons. This is the less direct way, of them all. You have to go on the Clan Tab and choose Dungeon option and then the Elite Dungeons option, from all the others. Here, also, you will have to navigate among all the possible elite dungeons and enter the ones that you are allowed access to, according to your level.

There are monster’s caves and catacombs. You can check for your monster access on the map, as well.
As a tip, we recommend you to enter elite dungeons within a 3 level range. The most efficient amounts of adena and experience will be gained if you enter caves and catacombs with monsters that are 3 levels below your level, or 3 levels above your own level. As you might already guess, the amount of adena that you are rewarded after defeating the monster increases with each level.

Another essential tip here, for getting good adena rolling, is to invest in a good elite weapon and upgrade its attributes. Which, of course, will take some adena out of your pockets. However, this is a smart investment on your behalf. The elite weapon will pay out fast, and, even more, it will prove extremely useful, also, in the end, game and farming.
If you’re going solo in these quests, you will make more money, however, the difficulty will be all on your shoulders. If you’re going accompanied, you’ll get precious help, however, you will split the adena reward.
Another bonus for entering elite dungeons is that you gather high amounts of precious stones and various items that you can then sell, for quite a pretty amount of extra adena.
Gaining adena in Lineage 2 Revolution can be done in so many ways, every day. Some of them are very fast ways. The player level is important, as well. Access to big amounts of adena is only granted if you have a high level. If you are active, if you get together with clan members and get involved in risky activities, your abundance will highly increase.