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Witch’s Delicacy
Firstly let’s talk about the AFK cooking bit, you get these Witch’s Delicacy items as you cook. It’s a random chance; the drop rate for Witch’s Delicacy is 2.35%.

As you may already know, on the exchange list of this item, for exchanging 10 of them, you can get a contribution EXP of 900 and cooking EXP of 30k.
BDO Contribution Points With Witch Delicacy
CP | XP/CP | Byproducts/CP | Byproducts Total |
0 -29 | 100 | 1 | 32 |
30 – 44 | 150 | 2 | 57 |
45 – 59 | 200 | 2 | 91 |
60 – 74 | 250 | 3 | 132 |
75 – 89 | 300 | 3 | 182 |
90 – 99 | 450 | 5 | 232 |
100 – 119 | 600 | 7 | 366 |
120 – 149 | 800 | 9 | 632 |
150 – 249 | 1,000 | 11 | 1,743 |
250 – 274 | 1,500 | 17 | 2,160 |
275 – 299 | 4,500 | 50 | 3,410 |
300 – 324 | 8,100 | 90 | 5,660 |
325 – 349 | 16,140 | 179 | 10,143 |
350 – 374 | 48,560 | 540 | 23,632 |
375 – 399 | 58,330 | 648 | 39,835 |
400 – 424 | 174,960 | 1,944 | 88,435 |
425 – 449 | 262,440 | 2,916 | 161,335 |
450 – 499 | 472,420 | 5,249 | 423,791 |
500+ | 606,060 | 6,734 | 423,791 |
You can see the different amounts of XP that you need for each contribution level as you work further and further up, like the one in the 300 stage, where you will need 8100 total points per contribution, which, as shown on the list, you need 90 of these byproducts and so forth.
This all means that if we can find a recipe, we can craft it repeatedly over and over again. That doesn’t take up too much carry weight that we can do for an extended period. We would be able to make it down these Witch’s Delicacies and turn them in for contribution EXP.
So, ideally, we’re trying to find a recipe that doesn’t lose you any money when you make it, and that’s easy and repeatable to craft. Once again, this is a drop in it, and the most obvious choice for this is Essence of liquor or Vinegar.

If we press the F2 key on the keyboard to open up the crafting menu and type in Vinegar, you will see the recipe for Vinegar is one Wheat, one Apple, one Leavening Agent, and one Sugar.
Getting the Materials
Now, we can obtain from a variety of nodes in your node network and empire, and if you don’t have one of those set-ups, you might want to check out our node guide.
Wheat or any grain is also pretty readily available from the Central Market. As far as the fruit acquisition goes, you can use the search NPC function and type fruit. You should be able to find the Calpheon City vendor, Milano Belucci, who is the fruit vendor.

Milano Belucci is South of Calpheon. She sells fruits there that you can buy, or you can also buy them in the Central Market. I usually buy strawberries since they are the cheapest option.

Finally, you will need the Leavening Agent and Sugar, which can be bought from various food vendors like cooks, chefs, and other NPCs. You can go to the food vendor and click the cooking icon in the drop-down menu, and it will also take you to the closest one.

So ideally, when you do this, you will want to maximize your inventory with as much weight as possible. Then, the only thing left is you need to craft or buy advanced cooking utensils. If you are on EU like me, you’ll need to craft them yourself since they are always sold out. I have my crafting setup in Glish, and my tool workshop looks like this.

In NA though, I’ve heard that they are usually available on the marketplace, so make sure you check before creating them yourself, as it’s a lot more work. I usually buy the material on the marketplace using preorders and then send it over to create them in Glish before turning them into repair tools. How many utensils you can get is the main bottleneck for this method, as all other ingredients are fairly easy to get. I’ve got 410 CP using this method, so it definitely works.

Supreme Cooking Utensil
Now, if you already do Imperial cooking and look at your Imperial Seals, you will also notice that they offer the Supreme Cooking Utensil for only 500 seals.
This is a Supreme Cooking Utensil with 5000 durability, which means you can use it for multiple nights or extremely long sessions.
Anyway, once you have your tool and ingredients ready to go, it’s pretty simple to walk up to your tool and put the ingredients in the exact amount, which in this case is one Fruit, one Sugar, one Leavening Agent, and one Wheat(or other grain). Click the batch production button and press OK to confirm.

Your character will now proceed to cook. This isn’t a fast cooking time, especially if you have no gear or anything. You can pick up some items that will make your life much easier.
The first one will be Silver Embroidered Cook’s Clothes, and depending on the level you choose, it helps to reduce cooking time quite substantially. I use +4, which reduce cooking time by -5 seconds. Also make sure to get Canape clothes, which also reduces cooking by -2 seconds. I also use sharp alchemy stone of life, which gives further -1.4 sec cooking time, but there are cheaper options as well.

You can pick up a Life Spirit Stone on the central market or from farming in Polly’s Forest. These will also help you reduce your cooking time by 1.1 seconds.
Now, if you want to take this beyond AFK activity and make it an active activity to farm contribution points, there are a few other items that you can buy. The first one would be the Seafood Cron Meal, which helps reduce the cooking time by -0.6 seconds.
You may also use the Verdure Draught, which reduces your cooking time by -1 second. Once again, as I already mentioned in the guide, using a Supreme Cooking Utensil or an Advanced Cooking Utensil will reduce this time by one second.