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The first thing I suggest is five pets. In this game you’re always going to be grinding, you get one for free, and there are five slots, pick cats or dogs, or whatever pet you think is cute. At the same right you really want to go crazy min-maxing I honestly would gift the game to four people or give trial accounts to get three polar bears in one Hedgehog they will run you $10 each instead of the $9 that the cats and dogs cost, but the polar bear and Hedgehog effects are incredibly strong.
Polar bears give you all your characters additional weight capacity, and it’s an excellent way to have more weight on all your alts naturally. Hedgehogs have a double gather skill that has a chance that is multiplying the amount of loot you get from the gathering life skill. Even the tier 1 Hedgehog effect is powerful and dramatically increases your income from the gathering. That’s about 40 bucks you going to be spending on pets.
Storage Maids
Then you want to buy two storage Maids a wait is going to be a pain after you got further into the game so having these made is going to be useful. Wait 20 minutes, and you can transfer 100 weight of an item to and from the region storage, the reason I recommend buying Maids over directly getting inventory expansion on your character is only that its family bound, which means all your alts can use them.
Buying weight for a class is a mistake many people make when they start in the game being you have no idea what you want to play. Even then buying more storage Maids is a pretty decent way to go if you are kind of like a person that doesn’t want to stick to just one class or maybe you’re looking forward to a class is coming and say seven months for your region.
It is good to know that you get one free maid by following the story quests, a storage maid or a market maid. I would honestly use that made to obtain a market maid as it will allow you to bid on market items while you’re away out grinding. Since the new marketplace update, the central marketplace, it actually might be more beneficial to pick the storage maid, maids are not as important as they used to be.
So basically you’re in about 64 bucks to have what I consider the basic video experience you absolutely can spend more, but spending the 64 bucks from the start will lead you to gauge whether or not you want to keep playing after your initial experience.
Worker Lodging
Worker Lodging expansion coupons is a cash-shop item that gives you +1 lodging permanently in an area, for example, Serendia(Heidel, Glish). These are the most OP thing you can buy for real money in the game. I highly recommend you get this as you can save many contribution points by not having to spend it on worker lodging, giving you directly more profit and more nodes in the game, which is more passive income than other methods.
Value Packs

Some will argue Value packs when you start the game; I advise to save them for when you have a more traditional idea about what you want to do in the game spending money. Spending money on Value packs is not always necessary and will depend largely on how you want to make your money and the XP boost it offers is negligible.
The big thing is the market transaction income you can gain from it, but again as a new player, you’re not going to be selling things worth using a value pack. The remote node investment is excellent, but again is a new player your node Empire is something you should start thinking about after you have an idea of how you want to play the game. Some people reach level 61 and then start thinking about their node Empire.
Artisan Memory

Let’s look at how it’s paid or when Artisan memory and pets are in my opinion the most paid to win when it comes to the cash shop. Artisan memory or Artisan memes as some people call allow you to repair items with four times the efficiency when upgrading boss gear since memory fragments are the items necessary to repair boss items and are not easily obtained in large quantities, they are the main bottleneck for your gear progression. They take time to gather, and Artisan memories essentially cut down your time investment by 1/4 of the time you would have spent otherwise. Now if gathering for memory fragments took four days of play time to achieve you could spend $40 and gather 100 fragments in one day to get the same effect, so this is pay to win in the sense that it allows people with money to try for upgrades more often than those who do not pay. It is still possible to upgrade items.
Pet Tiers
It’s your pet that starts at 2 or 1 when you purchase them breeding two tiers one pet together will produce one tier two or three. You can try and breed a tier-2 and tier-3 to get it to your 4 or if you’re lucky you and got another two. You need to spend at least $40 that’s one attempt there are five pet slots so you can see how it’s going to be the pet system is if you somehow miraculously achieved here for on your first try that’s at least $200 that you’re spending on pets, more if you’re unlucky. Recently they added changes so that it’s now a lot cheaper to upgrade pets.
If you care about money even 5 Tier 1 pet which is what I consider the bare minimum if you’re starting it’s when you start getting more powerful, and your class in character and you start going to grind better spots that you want to have better pets. Because otherwise, you’re going to be leaving loot behind.
Loyalty Shop
You get these points from the game, just for logging in and you can shop it’s pretty good, the best thing about it is the weight. You can buy up to 200 weight worth of loyalty, but they will cost you about a hundred and forty days worth of playtime(only logging in and logging out), less if you’re a new player, cause you got loyalty bonuses for playing ten days straight 30 days straight 60 days straight. What I think that you should be spending loyalty, is honestly the inventory or the storage for the town storage, 500 loyalty for one slot not too bad.
If you are someone that doesn’t sell often but say you cook a lot then you accumulate a bunch of items that you want to sell, what you can do is you by the value pack(one day) through the Loyalty shop. When you’re ready to sell all your items or loot, you pop the Loyalty value pack, and you get all your money from the marketplace, it’s how many people play the game they sell when they have gathered a bunch of materials and items in advance.

Don’t Get Golden Bells
Golden Bell will give you a 100% experience boost for one hour on that channel that you’re on, but that affects everyone. You can pop it and all for your guild, so they will be able to benefit from the added experience boost, but everyone else will find out about it and probably contest your spot.
Inventory Expansion and Weight
Inventory expansion slot, at least one plus 16 coupon for inventory is decent and recommended. Even that is fine so I but if you don’t want value pack you can buy an inventory plus 16, and that should be more than enough for most people. If you’re going to get into fishing, you need much inventory, because each fish is one single inventory slot so then you may want to think about buying more inventory in the future. When you leave your computer on so having more weights will allow you to fish for a more extended time.
Storage Expansion
Now we come into the storage expansion slots; these are necessarily Is limited by how much contribution points you have now contribution points you get that from doing quests or cooking. So if you do a lot of that, you’ll have many contribution points and get more storage or manufacturing or horse ranches or similar things. But if you can only buy storage slots with real money, you can save contribution points, which are used later on if you have a node Empire, for worker lodging primarily. However, again this is more advanced stuff not necessary whatsoever unless you think that you need enough CP to make a particular node connection. Then you also need enough storage to store a bunch of items, materials, and gear, which makes it useful regardless.