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Ahon Kirus’s Armor
This one is trendy in the community because it has a cape and looks very similar to those outfits you can purchase in the Pearl shop.
Items needed for Crafting Ahon Kirus’s Armor
All the resources required to craft Ahon Kirus’s Armor are accessible to you. You will need 80 Steel, 20 Black Crystal, 100 Black Stone Powder, and 30 Silk to craft it. All these items should be in stock on the marketplace, so you don’t have to wait for anything and can buy them instantly.
Then, you will also need the design so that we will steal the Design: Ahon Kirus’s Armor.
How To Get Ahon Kirus’s Armor Design
To get this, you will need to find the NPC known as Ahon Kiru. This NPC should is located in the city of Tarif and somewhere on the map to the east of Heidel.

Sneak behind her and once you see the Steal (F6) option, press the F6 key. You might need to hit F6 a few times until you get the armor’s design.

Once you have the stolen design with you for your class, go to Altinova.
Once you arrive in Altinova, you will need to hire a worker. Just grab the first one you can get, as it doesn’t matter.

So, for this to work, you will need to have all your materials in your Altinova storage, not your inventory or the marketplace warehouse. So by now, you should have your worker and your materials in storage.

Crafting Using Costume Mill
The last thing you need to do is get a Costume Mill. This would usually cost you around 9 contribution points, so get it and then sell it back to get your nine contribution points back.

To get this Costume Mill, you must purchase a building with it. Otherwise, you won’t be able to craft this outfit. Then hit level up, and this would only cost you 3500 silver.

Once your house is leveled up, click on manage crafting, find your outfit, and click the Start Work button. It should take around 1 hour and 30 minutes for the work to be done, and that’s how you craft Ahon Kirus’s Armor.

You now have the Ahon Kirus Armor; congratulations!