Beginner Guides

Black Desert How To Increase Strength, Breath, and Health

So, Breath, Strength, and Health are three steps you have on your character page, and they affect your stamina, your HP and your weight limit.

Increase Breath

So, Breath is the easiest of the three to train. Just running around and walking will train Breath. You don’t need to worry about training it manually, as all you have to do is run around, which you are going to do while grinding, anyway, and you’ll gain plenty of Breath. I’ve never tried to train Breath on this character, and I’m at level 25 just from grinding.


Health is also fairly easy to level up. You simply eat food to gain Health experience, and it will give you a boost to HP. Now, the trick to Health is you want to eat yellow food. All yellow food has the exact same amount of Health experience gained.

So, what I like to eat is, depending on what activity I am doing, I always try to have either a Serendia Meal or a Balenos Meal. Serendia is great if you are doing something action related, raising AP, Accuracy, and Critical Rate, whereas the Balenos Meal is good for anything like moving, speed, fishing, and gathering.

Both of them are quite cheap, at about 30,000 silver, so you can buy yourself a small stack of them, 10 or 20, and eat them whenever the cooldown goes up, in order to train your Health experience.

Increase Strength

Now, the only one that is a little special, is training your Strength. And Strength, you can see I haven’t really done it too much in this character, because it gives you weight limit, it gives you +1 to +2 weight limit for every level. so, what you do is to go to the trade vendor and you just buy something.

So, as you can see, this puts a pack on your back. Then, simply walking with this pack, will give you Strength experience.

Now, what you want to do is to go into the map, and you set a location, and then you press autoloop, and just like that, your character will walk back and forth between the loop. And then, you can leave your computer like this for a couple of hours, You generally take about 40 to 50 hours in order to fully train it.

And you will be training Strength experience the entire time. I believe you get a better Breath doing this, as well.

Now, the one thing to know while doing this: do not do this outside of town, as when you leave a safe zone, bandits will appear and attack you, and kill you if you have a trade pack, and the only reason bandits appear is that you have trade goods on you.

So, try to always do this inside the town, so you don’t get killed.

So that’s how you train Strength, Breath, and Health Breath – walk, run, just do that while grinding or exploring – it’s easy to train. For Strength, buy a trade pack from the trade manager and just set an autoloop for a couple of hours. And for Health, just eat yellow food of cooldown.