Table of Contents
Starting in BDO can be a bit overwhelming because there’s just a lot of content, you’re in luck because I just recently started a brand new character from scratch to re-experience that progression. And to put together this very simple straight to the point guide.
Main Story Quest
When you begin your journey, you’ll have the main story quest from a black spirit. From this point forward. All of your main story quests are through this little guy, and you can interact with him at any time by hitting the slash or comma button. Don’t waste your time on any other quests, and always check your mini-map. Not to be confused with the normal map that pops up when you hit M and interact with any NPC that has a grey question mark.

Doing this will give you what’s called knowledge in the game which directly increases your energy if you have no idea what I’m talking about in regards to knowledge and energy, don’t worry about it for now.

For now, interact with the NPCs like you see me doing here and ignore them if they have any other separate quests, follow the main story quests to Velia, the first major city.

If you hit M and open your map, all the major cities are represented by a castle icon with a cyan-colored background. Once you get to Velia out, you should have enough money to buy yourself an ultimate blue styd weapon, go to the marketplace MPC and buy one equip that shit to eat immediately if you don’t have enough silver check to see how many gold bars you have.

Go to the warehouse manager and exchange the gold bars for silver for now; keep all the money you have in your inventory since silver doesn’t weigh anything. If you have a good chunk of silver, then leave like 50 to 100k. In the Velia storage and keep the rest on your character. For now, this weapon is going to improve your grind speed until your next upgrade drastically.

Refrain from buying any armor or accessories to continue the main story quest by foot, which will increase your breath stat, which increases your stamina, which is a step that is consumed by specific abilities, namely ones that involve movement.

Calpheon Kaia Weapon
You’ll go through the next major city Heidel then eventually get to the third major city, Calpheon, and look for Kanobas and exchange 50 contribution points for a Kaia weapon. You can return this weapon and get back your contribution points later.

At any time, you should have enough contribution points if you’ve been following the main story questline. This weapon is a massive upgrade and will last you to the next major city, Altinova, which is in the Mediah region. We’ll talk about this region after Calpheon. Again, follow the main story questline.

As you go through that questline, you’ll go through three areas that drop in armor set, an accessory set, that will all be upgrades for you. The armor set is called laurs, an accessory set is called Trent spirit originally you wanted to farm both of these sets before moving on, but now you don’t need to.

If you get the drops from the mobs as you progress significantly, if not, no big deal, you’ll get armor pieces as you progress through the main story, which is good enough to keep you going to continue the main story quests again.
Witch Earring from Hexe Sanctuary

You’ll reach an area called hexe sanctuary you’ll notice there’s a zone quest that has you kill a bunch of mobs for some which areas you could do this three times for three witch earrings. I’d suggest doing this now or later because those earrings have good silver value personally. I sold as-is for that extra silver so I can invest my money elsewhere.

Free horse in Trent
Also, when you’re almost done with the Calpheon region, you’ll get a free tier five mount in Trent. The horse comes with sprint, and instant acceleration skills maxed out in this game you can get mounts and mounts have unique skills.
The two you get here are two of the three best skills you can get on a horse, which are generally challenging to get as horses. Have an RNG chance to learn a new skill with each level, and the three best skills have a low probability of rolling from here on out. You could either ride your mouse to places or continue to run to increase your stamina further.

Whatever you do, if you decide to run from here, do not leave your horse in the stable of Trent. Because as long as it’s not in the stable, you can go to any other stable and teleport it to yourself for a small amount of silver immediately. Just make sure it doesn’t have loot in it.
Before Level 56 – Black Abyssal Weapon and Asula Set
After finishing the calpheon area, the questline will send you back to Heidel and then to the Mediah region. When you reach Altinova, another major city, you’ll get your next weapon upgrade the black abyssal weapon. This, along with the gear you’ve obtained from the main story quests, will allow you to farm most mobs in the Madeira region. There are two things you want to do in this region. One, progress to the main story and two on your map.

Go to the areas that have accessory icons. This is the asula accessory set, kill the mobs, and these zones just like you did in the hex sanctuary area while you’re doing your main story questline.

You’ll have a nice accessory set that will hold you until you start purchasing or upgrading your own. After getting accessories, you have two options. Continue the main story questline, or grind mobs to try and speed level 256 denta 60.
As far as grinding and getting the levels abandoned iron mine or Helms posts are good options until you hit level 56.
AFK Combat Experience
You can also spend some money on AFK level at a scarecrow for 1 million silver per hour if you choose. Look out for other experienced buffs you can get also.

After Level 56 Grinding Spots
After hitting 56 starts grinding at either Sausans or Polly forest is preferred. Still, you may need to grind a bit at Sausans first before the ideal way to level up is to join a friendly guild that would be willing to let you leech experience in a Mirmouk party. You can hit 60 in just a few hours if you have experienced buffs going the reason someone may want to speed up because the remaining upgrades for weapon and armor are all through levels.

Succession and Awakening
First, when you hit level 56, you can unlock your awakening and succession tree, which will increase your damage by a ton. Also, depending on the version you’re planning starting from level 56, you’ll get a free tri boss piece per level. This is huge because getting a full set of boss gear at tri-level would take a very long period to get.
Free Boss Gear or Cliff Weapon
Otherwise, you’ll get a complete set of tri boss gear, armor, and weapons. You’ll get the weapons first, then the armor to claim the weapons. All you have to do is hit y and claim the chest reward. The armor is requested the same way, but you don’t get the chest right away. You get a scroll-like thing that gives you a relatively easy mission to complete, which then gives you the chest.
If your version does not have this feature yet, then you should make your way over to the Western guard camp after hitting level 56 and get your Cliff weapons. These weapons start at plus 15, and it’d be a good idea to spend your silver you’ve been saving to upgrade it to the tri-level. Click Weapons are significantly cheaper to upgrade and have a higher chance of enhancement. As for the
Armor, one while you’re just going to have to pick an armor set and enhance it yourself or buy it yourself, this was the old progression system, and there’s a lot of different paths that you could take to gear up that will be up to you. Normally people go with a full set of non-boss gear, enhance it, then the boss gear then enhance that now you should be level 60 progress through or progressing through the main story quest line with a full set of boss gear a try with some decent accessories that you’ve gotten or will get through the questline.
BDO Endgame
You’re pretty much ready to start your endgame experience now, which is one thing, and one thing only makes silver how you decide to make that silver is up to you.
You can decide to switch gears and focus on increasing your max contribution and energy. You can begin to level up your life skilling. You can ignore that and continue grinding and make silver and spend that silver on your upgrade.
Really anything at one point, you will have to do it although you’ll have to get that contribution, you’ll have to understand that max energy. You’ll have to level life skills. You’ll have to gain knowledge level your mount set up your worker Empire; the list goes on, the ordering method is up to you.